
Set up organizing containers to structure materials

Get to know Units, Lessons, and Folders


In this video, we'll demonstrate how to set up Units which act as containers for course materials. When we're designing content in Brightspace we like to keep it simple and create a single Unit for each class session to minimize the amount of clicking and searching.

How to create a unit

  • Click "+ New Unit" to create a Unit for the Week/Lesson/ Session

  • In the text editor add the title of the Unit (this is what will appear in the navigation box)

  • In the description field you can add any text you'd like. We suggest:

  1. Including the learning outcomes and a description of what you will cover in this session

  2. Creating a session outline or list of to-do items for student

  • Optional: Use the Visible/Hidden toggle at the bottom of the page to make the Unit visible

  • Click Save

Other Options to Structure Content: Lessons and Folders

The content tool allows for using three tiers of organizing containers for your course content: Units, Lessons, and Folders. These are simply different names for nested containers to hold your course materials. There are no real differences between the way they work. All of your content will live inside Units, so you have to start with a Unit first before you can add anything else.


If you'd like to add sub-containers (Lessons and Folders) to structure your course materials watch this video which demonstrates how to create these items.