Create New

Looking to put together new content?

Use the "Create New" button to create links to other websites and author new documents or within the Brightspace Content tool

Create a link to another website in Brightspace

Use this method for an article, website, youTube video, or anything else already on the web:

  1. Select the Unit, Lesson, or Folder on the left of the screen where you would like to place your item

  2. Click "Create New" from the upper right of the screen

  3. Choose "Web Link" from the menu

  4. Paste the URL of the website you would like to link to in the Link field and also be sure to include a descriptive Display Name.

  5. Choose Open in a new tab as the most stable default option for your link. Embed on the page will not work for all websites. If you see an error message after saving, try changing to Open in a new tab.

  6. Toggle to make the content visible (if desired)

  7. Click Save

Create new content on a "blank page"

Let's look at how to create a brand new content page within Brightspace (similar to the Lessons tool in NYU Classes). In this video we'll demonstrate how to author new documents within the Content tool.

Note: You'll need to create Units to hold your materials before you can add them. If you don't know how to create a Unit please review the Structure section first and then watch this video.

How to create a new document in Brightspace

  1. Select the Unit, Lesson, or Folder on the left of the screen where you would like to place your item

  2. Click "Create New" from the upper right of the screen

  3. Choose "HTML Document" from the menu

  4. Add a title to the document (this will appear in the navigation on the left of the screen)

  5. Use the text editor to add your content. We recommend adding a title at the top of the page itself as well as in the title field so that it displays on the document as well as in the left navigation.

  6. Toggle to make the content visible (if desired)

  7. Click Save

A quick guide to the text editor

Looking for more?

Check out NYU's detailed documentation on the Content tool

Take it to the next level

Experiment with Brightspace's pre-designed document templates. Apply a template, write over the text, and replace the images with your own. Make sure that you have your content backed up somewhere else while you're experimenting. If you change the template the text will also reset. Learn about HTML templates.

Curious about what else you can "Create New" from the content tool?

Reference Brightspace's documentation on creating new items