Children are ordinarily prepared to receive their First Eucharist (First Communion) during the 2nd grade. Children who are older than 2nd grade may also participate in the preparation for the sacrament. The Archdiocese of Indianapolis requires that the child have at least one year of religious education (either in CCD or School) prior to receiving the sacrament. Also, the child must have received the Sacrament of Baptism. At St. Christopher our preparation program requires that the children and parents attend a workshop which is usually held in January. At this workshop the children and adults will learn more about the sacrament as well as pray together. They will also decorate the child’s “Blessing Cup”…this has become a tradition here at St. Chris that is enjoyed by all. The celebration of the First Communion liturgy is ordinarily held on the last Saturday in April. Please contact Sister Mary Ann for further information at

For the Mass Schedule to receive the Eucharist click here.

For Spiritual Communion click here.