Please visit to sign-up for online donations today!

·Set up your donations/pledges to St. Christopher Church for Sunday Collections, Second Collections, Holy Days, the Capital Campaign, St. Vincent de Paul and Endowments today by enrolling with our online provider, WeShare.

·Go to and click on the online giving tab or go to to enroll.

·You can set up your donations/pledges to automatically charge your checking account, savings account, credit card or debit card.

·You can determine how frequently (one time, weekly, monthly, annually, etc) you want to donate.

·If you are uncomfortable not putting an envelope in the collection basket each week, you can print donation slips on the WeShare website.

·Once you have set up your ongoing donations, please drop a note in the collection basket or call the office to notify Beth to stop sending your envelopes. This saves St. Christopher the cost of the envelopes as well as postage and is environmentally friendly.

·Additionally, if all your donations for the year are processed through WeShare, you can print off your donation statement for your taxes whenever you are ready to do your taxes. You no longer have to wait for your statement from St. Christopher.

·If you need assistance you can contact WeShare Donor Customer Service at: 800-950-9952 (press #3 and then press #2) or WeShare Customer Service Email:

·WeShare Donor FAQ: WeShare Donor Support

·If you have any questions or need assistance setting up your donation, contact Mary Blake at 317-241-6314, ext 117 or