About Us

Our community was started in 1937 by Father Leo Lindeman at the intersection of 16th and Lynhurst with 201 parishioners. At that time Speedway, Indiana was a quiet town close to the Indianapolis 500 facility. Today, that intersection is extremely busy on the Westside of Indianapolis. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, the parish offers a place of peace and refreshment reminding us that in the city there is a place and time to stop and pray.

Since 1937 the parish has grown to be a community of over 1,900 households, some 6,500 individuals. As you read in our vision and mission statements, we are a community that centers itself on the celebration of the Eucharist. Each Sunday we gather to remember and to retell a story, the story of God’s faithful love for all people, of Jesus’ redeeming love for all people, and of our mission to witness, to proclaim, and to help bring about God’s incredible plan of saving love for all people.

For our parishioners, the website guides us to the many ministries and activities that help us live our vocations to be a life-giving sign and sacrament of Jesus’ saving presence in the world. As you click on the five areas of ministry you see the many ways in which we serve or can be invited to serve. As you click on the calendar, you will see the many activities that take place here each day.

We hope you find our website informative. You are invited to join our community of prayer for Eucharist on Sundays, great feasts, and weekdays as well. 

In Christ’s peace,

Fr. Paul Shikany, Pastor