
The calendar displays events and dates from multiple courses in a single view. Any materials with a due date will appear on your Calendar. You can also add events, select specific calendars to view, add and share a personal calendar.

What are my view options on the Calendar? 

You can choose to view your calendar by Day or Month to immediate and advance work due, as well as Due Dates to focus only on your upcoming deadlines. There are four basic view options:

Then you can select by day or month to short term or long term progression. 

How do I make a new event on my personal calendar?

To create a new event on your calendar

If you try to close the panel without Saving or Canceling, you will receive a message, “You tried to close this panel without saving your work. Do you want to continue?”

What are Calendar Settings available? 

The Calendar Settings panel displays the calendar for each class or student group (if your student group uses Blackboard). If you don’t wish to see a calendar, uncheck the box to the left of its title, and close.