Activity Stream

Activity stream shows everything going on in your courses, like when things are due, your grades, and what you need to submit. The stream is set up with 4 categories to quickly view what’s happening in your courses: Important, Upcoming, Today, and Recent.

What do the four categories mean? 

Where do I see class announcements from my professor?

The activity stream on the main Base Navigation is the central location for institutional and course updates. However, if faculty use the Announcements tool within your individual Blackboard courses, you will still see course specific announcements in the Announcement link in your course. 

How can I change what appears in my Activity Stream?

Can I filter what I see on the Activity Stream?

Yes. There are three filtering options in the Activity Stream. Select one of these options to display the most recent.

Can I see notifications just for Assignments and Tests?

Yes. There are three filtering options in the Activity Stream. Select one of these options to display just assignments and tests.

If you navigate away from the Activity Stream regardless of your last filter, you see Show All when you return. You can also select “Show All” from the “Filter” menu. 

How do I see my grade for an assignment, discussion or test? 

How do I view Assignment and Test feedback?

What is the gear button on the Activity Stream do?  

The Notification Gear takes you to your Notification settings, the same page, from your Notification Settings on your Profile Page.  There are two locations on Ultra Base Navigation where you can adjust your notification settings: