Part IV

Please Note: We are currently working on posting all of the tools that are found on this page. Thank you for being patient with us as we continuously improve!

Tool Overviews

It’s NOT about the Tools (and it’s ALL about the tools)

We have adapted standard Lean methods to meet our needs and adopted best practices from many departments to create the SOLVE toolkit.

The tools help add rigor to our problem solving, offering us ways to engage people in clarifying issues, understanding options, and measuring impact. For these reasons, tools are important.

MORE IMPORTANT than the tools, however, is that we gain support for what we’re trying to do and that we move quickly to TRY things. We want Efficient, Effective, and Elegant problem solving, so select the tools that help you get to a simple (elegant) solution that improves performance (effective) with the least effort (efficient). Feel free to innovate and have a bias for action. We learn by doing, so get out there and do it!

Tools by SOLVE Step

Scope the Opportunity

Define the problem to be solved

Potential Tools:

Organize the Resources

Make a plan and engage the right people

Potential Tools:

Lean it!

Apply Lean tools to define improvements

Potential Tools:

Validate Impact

Test to make sure the fixes work

Potential Tools:

Ensure Sustainment

Make it stick

Potential Tools:

The Tool Overviews

There is a vast toolkit to help you execute SOLVE steps. For each tool, a 2-page overview and an example are available in this guide.

Image of Communication Plan template