LEI: Innovation & Engagement Services

Lean Everyday Ideas Logo

Everyone at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is encouraged to identify opportunities to make improvements to their workplaces and work processes, every day. These Lean Everyday Ideas (LEI) are innovations and improvements where one person (or a small group of people) will: identify a problem or opportunity; develop an innovative way of doing something better to solve that problem or seize upon that opportunity; implement the improvement, and let others know about it so that they can "borrow" the innovation, too! These innovations and ideas are the embodiment of "everyone, every day, improving every process and every product, to benefit every customer." 

In 2018, the LEI Program was named a Top 25 Program for the Innovation in American Government Award by the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University! 

Top 25 Program Award

Thank you, innovators! 

The Lean Everyday Ideas Program was named a Top 25 Program for the 2018 Innovation in American Government Award by the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University! 


(For CDOT Employees Only)

Image linked to the I Fixed It form
Image linked to Submit Your Concept or Suggestion form

Thank you for being an innovator! Your contribution and improvement will not only improve your work, it will help others with similar processes, services and products!

Thank you for your desire to improve CDOT!  If you submit a Concept, the Concept to Project (C2P) Team will be in touch soon.  If you submit a Suggestion, the C2P Team will let the owner of that process, product or service know about your suggestion and you can work together to improve it!

LEI Program Honorees

In 2018, the LEI Program was named a Top 25 program for the Innovation in American Government Award by the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University! Also, in 2020, the LEI Program was named the winner of the Inspiring Workplaces Awards by the Inspiring Workplaces Group

In January of 2021 Kelly Hanson, Mark Eike and Gary Vansuch had the opportunity to present on Lean Everyday Ideas (LEI) at the Global Workspace Inspirathon and their presentation is shown here

Check out more of our LEI innovators on our Spotlight on Innovation!