CDOT Innovations Challenge

The Innovations Challenge is designed to identify and share the best innovations from all over the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) while also inspiring friendly competition. Innovations are crucial for improving the way we work, so we want to reward innovators and spread their innovations across the agency for others to borrow!

Welcome to CDOT's Innovations Challenge! This event, run by CDOT's Office of Process Improvement, is set out to highlight and reward YOUR innovations to better improve the work we do here at CDOT. No innovation is too big or small. 

Submit your innovation today using our "I Fixed It!" form on our Lean Everyday Ideas (LEI) home page. 

For more details on innovation requirements, the submission process, prizes and additional information, read below. 

2023 Innovations Challenge Showcase!

This event was hosted on November 29th, 2023 where we celebrated and announced the winners of our 2023 Innovations Challenge. Watch a recording of the 2023 Innovations Challenge Showcase and view a list of the 2023 Innovations Challenge Winners.


Judges’ Panel: The Judges’ Panel award was decided on predetermined criteria. The criteria are as follows:

Winner: Wildlife Underpass Sizing

Innovator: John Kronholm, from the Northwest Colorado Region (“Region 3”)

2nd Place: Standardized Work Order Process

Innovator: Brook Howard, from CDOT’s Denver / Central Region (“Region 1”)

3rd Place: Tool Library

Innovator: Breanna Payne, Division of Maintenance and Operations (DMO)

People’s Choice: The people’s choice was an award voted on by CDOT Employees based on their own personal criteria. The favorites were as follows.

Winner: Wildlife Underpass Sizing

Innovator: John Kronholm, from the Northwest Colorado Region (“Region 3”)

2nd Place: The Plow Spotter

Innovator: Matthew Stearns, from the Southeast Colorado Region (“Region 2”)


3rd Place (tie): Post-Construction Temporary Control Measure Removal Improvement

Innovator team from CDOT’s Northeast Colorado Region (“Region 4”) and the Division of Transportation Development (DTD) : Paul Juszczak, Nick Schipanski, Nick Mesenbrink, Kristyn Crowe, Michael Apps, Gregory Gaulin

3rd Place (tie): GIS Potholes Fieldmap & GEOHUB Layer Improvement

Innovator team from CDOT’s Northeast Colorado Region (“Region 4”): Kalli Wegren, Bradley Myers, Paul Juszczak

Honorable Mentions: 

Innovator team from CDOT’s DOT’s Denver / Central Region (“Region 1”): Bob DeMoss, Mark Mohr, Juan Dimas, and Jonathan Buehrle

Innovator team from CDOT’s Northwest Colorado Region (“Region 3”): Scott Claussen and Cooper Starmer

Submission Requirements

How to Submit Your Innovation

Once submitted, your innovation will go to expert judging teams from your region. They will select first-round, Regional winners who will then move on to the final, statewide round of judging.


Regional Winners

Statewide Judges' Panel Winners

Statewide People's Choice Winners

Judging Criteria

Our subject matter experts will be judging innovations based on:

Contact Gary Vansuch, Director of the Office of Process Improvement, at with any questions or comments!

Innovate Your State Today!