SOLVE Toolkit: Voice of the Customer

This Tool & Why It's Valuable

One of the most important principles of Lean is that value is defined by the customer. Keeping this in mind, each Lean project team should seek to learn what customers appreciate (continue doing), and what they do not like (eliminate or change).

We define customers as the end user of the process. Those who play a role are called “stakeholders” and those that benefit from the process are considered “beneficiaries.” You may wish to consult these groups, but avoid confusing them with the true customer. If you are unsure of who your customer(s) are, see Boundary Map (SIPOC).

Input can be gathered from customers through surveys, interviews, focus groups or comments from customer-facing employees.

Use the voice of the customer to design your solutions during the "Lean it!" step in the SOLVE model.

How to Apply It

Consider getting customer feedback through one or more of the following:

Perils & Pitfalls

Example of Interview Guide

Interview Guide: CDOT Access Permits Lean Project

Interview Preamble  

This interview is conducted as part of the preparations for the Access Permit Customer Service Vision Workshop planned for the access permits staff at CDOT. The objectives of the workshop are to develop and agree a vision of a potential future process that delivers an excellent service experience to CDOT customers.

We will use the information you provide us to define key questions, bring out key issues and explore challenges in the course of the discussions that will take place during the workshop.

I would appreciate your views on the following matters or issues:

Interview Close

Thank you for your time and thoughtful participation in the interview. Your views will help us considerably in assembling an agenda for the workshop. The goal of this interview is to help participants think creatively about potential improvements from the customer’s point of view.  If there is anything else you’d like to share, please contact Name at  We appreciate your candor and your assistance, and look forward to your company at the workshop.

Example of Survey

survey example