SOLVE TOOLKIT: Prioritizing Opportunities

Strategic Project Identification - SPI Logic Tree

SPI Logic Tree

This tool breaks a strategic policy initiative (SPI) into discrete chunks to identify the logical relationship between outcomes, strategies, operations, and processes. Lean projects can be targeted at the significant issues.

This Tool & Why It's Valuable

Once a list of potential projects has been created, they must be objectively evaluated and prioritized. Prioritizing the number of projects being worked helps to ensure that the requisite management support and resources are available. 

Lean Champions should work with Department leaders to develop decision criteria for the scoring that will be used to prioritize the opportunities or projects. And, each criterion must have an appropriate weighting since not all are equally important.

Examples of decision criteria are: aligns with Department’s strategic goals (SPIs), supports Governor’s initiative, can be implemented in 3 months or less, or will impact more than 1,000 customers.

How to Apply It

Perils & Pitfalls

Example of Impact/Effort Matrix

Example Impact/Effort Matrix

Example of Important/Urgent Matrix

Important/Urgent Matrix

Example of Weighted Priority Matrix (Lean Projects)

Weighted priority matrix