Environmental Records


The Environmental records provide Environmental Specialists with the ability the create and manage project environmental records, including the Env NEPA Determination Project Certification (Form 128), Env Mitigation Commitment Tracking, and Env Permit and Certification Tracking record. 

Access: From the module menu, Records --> Env records

Available reports: Env Mitigation Commitment Tracking, NEPA Determination Cert Checklist, NEPA Certification History Report, Environmental NEPA Determination Project Certification, Env Permit and Certification Tracking

Env NEPA Determination/Project Certification (Form 128)

Note: Updated and expanded NEPA guidance has moved to the NEPA Determination / Project Certification (128) page.

Env NEPA determination form 128 image

Env Mitigation Commitment Tracking

Env mitigation commitment tracking image

Env Permit and Certification Tracking

Env Permit and Certification Tracking


Does the PMWeb 128 replace the SAP 128?

Yes, the PMWeb form 128 record (Env NEPA Determination Project Certification) does replace the SAP 128 record. Working with the region PMO Reps and PRTO TAC members, a specific date will be identified when all projects will be required to use PMWeb instead of SAP.

Is there anything required of project managers for these records?

Yes, two items:

How are approvals managed within PMWeb?

Within the PMWeb form 128, the workflow functionality is used to route and capture approval. 

Will FHWA approval be managed within PMWeb?

Currently, the decision was made to not include FHWA staff in the approval workflow; therefore, FHWA approval will need to be managed outside of PMWeb. It is recommended that a copy of the FHWA approval is attached to the PMWeb record. 

New Form 128 Top/Bottom Nomenclature

New nomenclature for the form 128 in PMWeb: