NEPA Determination / Project Cert. (128)


Completion of the Form 128 is required for all CDOT projects. The NEPA Determination / Project Certification (128) record in PMWeb enables Environmental Specialists to complete the form and submit it for review. Some forms may require FHWA approval via a wet signature. Obtaining a wet signature occurs outside of PMWeb, but a scanned copy of the signed form must be included as an attachment to the PMWeb record. Separate documentation may be required in ProjectWise.

Access: From the module menu, Records --> NEPA Determination - Environmental Certificate (128)

Available reports: Environmental NEPA Determination Project Certification; Historical Environmental NEPA Determination Project Certification

Job Aids

Job Aid - Submit a NEPA Determination / Project Certification
Job Aid - Review NEPA Determination / Project Certification

Record Guidance

Since this record's release, the PMWeb team has made several improvements to configuration based on user feedback. To understand these changes, please reference the Understanding NEPA Updates document.

Main Tab

The Main tab is used to enter essential record information. Fields and functionality of note include:

Notes Tab

The Notes tab is used to enter Section B Comments, Section D Comments, and CatEx Criteria List - Other Circumstances. A few notes and guidelines for using this tab:

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab is used to house a copy of the form signed by FHWA. 

Workflow Tab

The Workflow tab is where users can take action on a record and view actions taken on a record. 

Report Guidance

Selecting Reports

There are two reporting options in this record

Report menu in NEPA record


Does the PMWeb 128 replace the SAP 128?

Yes, the PMWeb form 128 record (Env NEPA Determination Project Certification) does replace the SAP 128 record. Working with the region PMO Reps and PRTO TAC members, a specific date will be identified when all projects will be required to use PMWeb instead of SAP.

Is there anything required of project managers for these records?

Yes, two items:

Will FHWA approval be managed within PMWeb?

Currently, the decision was made to not include FHWA staff in the approval workflow; therefore, FHWA approval will need to be managed outside of PMWeb. It is recommended that a copy of the FHWA approval is attached to the PMWeb record. 

New Form 128 Top/Bottom Nomenclature

New nomenclature for the form 128 in PMWeb:

My attachment file exceeds the 25MB Gmail attachment limit. What should I do?

If your file exceeds the 25MB Gmail attachment limit, you may need to compress (also known as "zip") your file(s), then attach them. Click here to access Microsoft's guidance on zipping and unzipping files. If your file(s) is still too large, please contact your region's PRTO Rep for guidance.