Dragons Need to Know:

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A - D                     

E - M

🚨 PLEASE VISIT THE DURHAM STAFF CANVAS PAGE - this website will not be maintained (8.29.23)


Bell Schedules (in Handbook) 

(also see Weekly Calendar/Holt's Notes sent by Mrs. Brown)

Canvas Learning Management System 

Faculty Meetings - linked in Staff Map Canvas

Field Trips     

Handbook (DMS) and Forms

Instructional Materials

Lesson Plans Home Page

Mentors - see New Teacher Academy

N - R

S - W

Professional Development/Faculty Meetings

Saturday School Form to Complete

Saturday School Responses to see if students attended

Skyward Help: Grades or Grade Changes

Sub System / Staff Attendance


 Tech Support          Staff Tech Checkout Form

Video and Media Resources - see Harvey

Extra Information

One Pager of Links on Staff WebSite

all digital links for LISD 

What are They Talking About?

ARD (admission, review, dismissal): These are meetings for special education students where teachers, AP, and diagnostician meet to discuss student progress etc

AWARE: The district's data page -- you will find test results and more here as well as log in to enter your CBAs or teacher tests.

BIC (Behavioral Intervention Class): Class for students with behavioral/emotional needs. At times in the year, these students may be introduced to your classroom (usually with an aide) 

BLT (Building Leadership Team): The BLT is comprised of representatives from all teacher departments, administration, student body, and parents.  They create the Campus Improvement Plan and work towards meeting the goals of the Campus Improvement Plan.

Canvas: Learning management system used to distribute and collect student work and other instructional information

DAEP (disciplinary alternative education program): Kids with severe behaviors go off campus to the learning center. Depending on their length of stay, you will still have to send lessons/materials

Dragon Den (tutorials): This will be your homeroom. You will see these students every day and build relationships with them. You will check in for their grades, teach counseling lessons, as well as other things.

Dragon Way: At the beginning of school, teachers present a special program designed to help create a unified student/teacher body and welcoming school environment. The first five days of school will be dedicated to Dragon Days and Ways -- It’s complicated but just go with the flow, it will be worth the work!

Eduphoria: LISD program for tracking student data (test scores, etc) We also record RtI (response to intervention) data here. You should check this database to help get a head start on kids tht will need extra help throughout the year. You can also find your curriculum posted on Eduphoria and post lesson plans. We also use this program to register for staff development, technology requests, and tons of other stuff. Spend some time exploring it! 

FOG: A combination of a form and a log used to track Response to Intervention (RtI) students in AWARE. 

Google Drive or Google Docs: The most effective way to share/edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.  You will depend on your own drive and your students will use theirs regularly.  There will be some training, but feel free to find trainings on your own. 

ISS (in school suspension): For the kids who can’t behave in class, they spend the day here. You need to send assignments/materials down to them. Before school starts you will need to have some back-up lessons to leave there; otherwise, you’ll send work as needed

LEF (Lewisville Education Foundation): This organization helps create scholarships for various projects around the district. Also recommended that you donate, Karen Bradford is the rep! 

PTA (parent teacher association): It is strongly suggested for all teachers to join.  Our PTA provides monthly birthday “parties,” an amazing luncheon and treats for Teacher Appreciation Week, and whatever they can throughout the year to support our school. 

Restorative Practices: This is more a mindset and dedication to using new ways to reach students and set a climate. 

RtI (Response to Intervention): This is the process of documentation that teachers use to help get at risk kids referred for special education. There are 3 main levels and you will be meeting with your team to discuss/ create action plans for at risk kids.

SDI (Specially Designed Instruction): Specially designed instruction through the special education department.  Students with inclusion minutes will be supported during their regular classroom instruction by a special education teacher.

Skyward: LISD system for tracking grades, attendance, discipline, etc. 

Student Learning and Experience Committee (SLEC): Teacher led organization that helps develop rules/safety for the school structure and culture.

Sunshine Committee: This is a club run by teachers for the staff. We organize staff events like picnics, baby showers, etc. Please join us! If you can’t, a donation is appreciated. See Mrs. Brown for more information.

TELPAS (Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System): This is a monitoring service for ESL students. At some point, ELA/ESL teachers will be asking you for work samples 

Title I: Government category for schools with a significant population of economically disadvantaged children. DMS receives special funding because we are Title I. 

UIL: This is an after school curriculum group that meets the second half of the year. The students compete against other schools in district.  They will need coaches for the various events. These kids are the cream of the crop! Sponsor is: ______