Social and Emotional Safety

Utilize positive proactive steps to build relationships and restorative justice approaches, when needed, to repair harm

What to do in your Classroom this year

Our focus on emotional safety for all students and staff means that we positively focus on relationships -- believing that all our students can learn and deserve our respect and opportunities to maintain their dignity.

We have a formal approach through Relationship-Centered Learning (RCL - formerly restorative practices --- which includes proactive actions to build relationships with students and prevent harm in classroom, balanced with restorative justice actions to repair harm).

We also want the all teachers to be all in all the time with holding kids accountable without shame and harm when possible. Every human is deserving of dignity, kindness, compassion, and love.

When the system fails, which is may, restorative justice options like mediation and circles includes the reactive steps we take after relationships have been damaged. However, being intentional about how RCP are integrated into your classroom routines, culture, and experiences builds positive relationships and prevents many actions from happening in the first place.

Make your classroom a place that kids love to be, where it is okay to mess up (fail forward to learn), and where relationships come before the content and the correction.

1) Make, Post and Follow Treatment Agreements Daily/Weekly as needed

Six Steps for Restorative Conversation.pdf




Additional Information

There are two aspects to maintaining strong relationships with your students through RP. Practicing Green Circles on a weekly basis (see the question stems HERE) and restoring broken trust through other Circles.

NEDRP What circle is NOT Green.pdf
NEDRP Whey we relationship circle .pdf