Instructional Focus and Expectations

Review how students learn

Opening - Beginning of the Day

Activate Prior Knowledge (hook) and Embed Standards

Beginning of Each Day

The first 10 minutes of class are key.

The first 10 minutes need to revolve around a learning target. The example to the right (-->) is for science, but the concept is the same for every subject... Understanding what you want students to do that day must be clear and communicated--and designed ahead of time in conjunction with data and TEKS-based.

Do you have a hook? What do your warm-ups look like?

Work Session - During the Day

Act, Observe, Reflect

During the learning session

Focus on the students doing the majority of the learning.

High School Instructional Practices

Closing - End of the Day

Reflect on Meaning and Sense Made

End of Each Day

The last 10 minutes of class are key to assessing whether or not students understood the learning can be formal or informal, but it provides key data to determine the next learning target.

Examples of Exit Tickets:

Copy of Formative Assessments PLC

Additional Resources

Copy of Copy of formative assessment examples.pdf