Duty and Expectations


Hours of Operation:

  • Teacher Contract Hours: 8:00-4:30

  • Student School Hours: 8:55-4:10

Morning Duty Expectations:

  • Be on time.

  • Teachers on duty should be actively monitoring at all times -- not on their technology, having lengthy conversations, or grading papers.

  • 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will be dismissed to their zero hour class at 8:15 am

  • Students need to go to the restroom and get breakfast before going into their zero hour. They may NOT leave their zero hour once they are in there without a note from a teacher.

  • Students are released to first period at 8:48.

Cafeteria Duty Expectations

  • Students will be escorted to lunch and sit at designated tables assigned by assistant principal.

  • Students are allowed to get up once to purchase all necessary items.

  • Students are not allowed to eat lunch in classrooms or eat in the hallways while leaving lunch.

  • Teachers on duty should direct students to correct line. Maintain appropriate flow of lunch lines.

  • Tables will be dismissed by level of cleanliness.

After School Duty Expectations:

  • After school duty ends at 4:30. (Busses run late and so does this duty.)

  • All bus riders are to be seated before being allowed to exit the cafeteria to enter a bus.

  • Car riders and walkers are expected to be out of the building by 4:15.

  • Teachers on duty should be actively monitoring at all times -- not on their technology, having lengthy conversations or grading papers.