
Technology Expectations

Student Technology

The use of technology at school is a privilege. Students must submit the Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) agreement before being allowed to use personal or school-issued technology at school. Violation of the AUP guidelines may result in loss of privilege.

The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Guidelines:

Students may bring their own technology and utilize personal electronic communication devices at school and at school activities. Students may use these devices in the classroom only when the teacher deems them appropriate for educational purposes. All devices must remain silent and put away unless teacher permission is given. All devices should be clearly labeled with student’s full name. Students are responsible for personal property brought to school and should not allow other students to use their device(s). Devices should be charged prior to bringing to school.

District-Issued iPad Guidelines:

School personnel reserves the right to search iPads at any time, and random checks will be performed to ensure appropriate app usage. Any iPads found not in the district-issued case (or an approved case) will be relinquished until case is returned. In the case of lost or stolen iPad, an incident report should be filled out in the office immediately. In the case of a damaged iPad, a work order should be filled out in the library and the iPad left with the librarian.

Consequences for Inappropriate Use

  • Appropriate disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws including monetary damages.
  • Suspension of access to the district’s electronic communications system.
  • Revocation of the district’s electronic communications system account(s); and/or device
  • Possible criminal action.

No Technology on in classrooms without teacher permission.

No Technology in bathrooms.

No Technology in locker rooms.

Student Technology Use Expectations
Technology Expectations

Technology Expectations for Staff:

Teachers should not be on their personal technology during class or when they are on duty.

  • Staff Members are required to fill out the Check Out Document when they check out Mac Carts for classroom use.
  • If a computer checked out to you needs to be fixed, create a LiveTime ticket and tape it to the computer.
  • Personal technology should not be visible to students.