Week Two 30/7/20

Wellbeing Thursday: This weeks focus is Empathy.

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It is the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes. It is similar to sympathy, but requires you to think as if it had happened to you, rather than feel sorry for their situation. Empathy is closely linked to kindness. It is thinking with empathy, that we are driven to show kindness to another. In our Catholic Faith, we pray for people, asking God to give and provide for them, to watch over them. This is a wonderful thing to do as it puts others at the front of our minds.

Often today, we can hear....'but no one does anything for me' or 'no one understands how hard it is for me' or as Shannon Noll says...."What about me?" (So many of our kids will not get that reference but I couldn't help it).

For empathy, we need to think of 'we' not 'me'. This thinking is seeking empathy from others, but it may be more productive to demonstrate empathy. As the video below suggests, it can then become part of a cycle that starts.

What little thing could you do for someone today in your house?

Let's hear some more about empathy from the team at the Resilience Project.

Empathy is all about actions. It is understanding rather than judging. To really drive a kinder society, we have to understand and accept people where they are at. We need to understand their story, their life before we can make any sort of judgement.

The following activity from the Resilience Project can be done right across the Year levels, and as a family.

Below is a clip from the movie 'Up'. Watch the clip and then answer the following questions:

  • How is the man feeling in the video?

  • Did you feel a little bit sad watching?

  • If you did that is called empathy. Empathy means that you can feel what someone else feels.

  • What could you do to cheer up the man in this movie? Draw a picture or write about what you might do.

The final suggested activity: This activity focuses on the little things we can do. Little notes we can leave, greetings we can provide and focusing on the power of positive thinking.

We have been so grateful for the kind messages we have received from many families over the past few weeks. Their kindness lifts our spirits to try even harder to give our students the best possible education during these times.

So how can our students make a difference. Focus on the small things! What little thing can you do to make someone smile. In our Catholic Faith we focus on almsgiving, giving or doing something for others. Our Catholic Faith teaches us to do this quietly and humbly, to not expect anything in return! So, what can you do!

(*Remember there are a lot more activities you can do by going to https://theresilienceproject.com.au/at-home/learning/empathy/ )

COOKING WITH MRS NELSON! Last week this was very popular, we have shared a couple of the photos we got sent last week of people cooking up a storm!

Chilli bean recipe

Cooking With Our Own Masterchef, Mrs Nelson: Chilli Bean One Pot

(Last week was desert....we need a main meal to go with it)

To the right is all the ingredients required. We know you might have to get some of these a your next shop, so this activity might be for a later date.

The Video can be followed to put together and there is an example of the end product on the right.

Learning tip:

Writing: Create a shopping list.

Write a procedure

Write a review - if you cooked it, be nice to yourself.

Mathematics: Using a supermarket website and with an adult find the ingredients and add up how much you will need for the recipe. Then, if it makes enough for 6 people, how much is it per serve (Yr 5-6 question)

Measurement: Weighing all the ingredients develops measurement skills. You could make it harded by taking away certain measurement tools such as the cup and encourage the students to work out how they can still measure (two 1/2 make one cup)

Next weeks cooking session will need the following ingredients. I wonder what we are making?

Angry fish art. (Gina)

Art with Mrs Notaro:

This video was made for the Year Three students, but we though it was worth sharing.

A fun art activity able to be done by all year levels.

You will need a piece of paper and a texta.

Follow the instructions Mrs Notaro gives and send any finished examples through to Mrs Notaro: gnotaro@stacbourne.catholic.edu.au

Music - Cup Song Rhythm Part 2.mp4

Music With Mr Browne:

The Cup Song part two. Remember, part one is still available if you missed it last week.

Walking around school last week I saw some great skills at playing this song. Now is part two.

If you feel confident, film a short part of it and send it into Mr Browne: bbrowne@stacbourne.catholic.edu.au

Copy of Exercises 1-4.mp4

Physical Education with Mr Mitchell

Mr Mitchell has made me have cold sweats this week with the Bear Crawl, one I found really hard to do at the Gym.

This weeks activities focus on balance, core strength and upper body strength. They are best done on carpet. Star Jumps will get you endurance up.

These activities can all be done inside an can be added to last weeks activities to create a circuit.

We should be aim to move for at least 30 minutes per day!

Performing Arts with Mr Block!

This weeks task is a fun music based activity that you can do with your family (or friends now that restrictions are starting to lift) at home.

I have included an example of one of the many Musication activities here for you to use. If you want to find more Musication activities to do with your family or friends, simply go on YouTube, (ask your parents for permission first) then search for Musication home edition.

P.S. This is a great activity for people of all ages. Some of the junior students have already done this activity so if you have a younger brother or sister, you may have already seen this.

Watch Mr Block's Demonstration below!


Japanese: Remember you can visit Miss Luong's website for a rage of activities! https://sites.google.com/stacbourne.catholic.edu.au/stagathasjapanese/home