Weekly Newsletter Two -

w/c 21st September


Year Four trip to Juniper Hall Field - Friday 2nd October

Parents' Evening - Tuesday 20th October - 5-8pm

Parents' Evening - Wednesday 21st October - 5-8pm


Year Three is studying the Stone Age in History and Geography. So, it seemed timely for Mrs Moodie to teach them cave painting. Here they are showcasing some early sketches from their stone period. For authenticity they should have daubed the walls but, lest we make a mess, we confined ourselves to sketch books. We'll bring you the finished articles when our little homo sapiens have completed their artistic endeavours. Our cross curricular approach allows us to explore our topics in such depth. The mini paleontologists can now spot a flint spearhead at twenty paces.


We're determined to carry on as normally as possible in these socially distanced times, adapting as we go. One such area is our worship time and assemblies. Year Five teacher and RE lead, Amanda Taylor takes up the story: "It may look a little different from what we are used to but we are still coming together in classrooms to maintain the sense of community and viewing worship through videos. St Stephen's Church is continuing to lead a worship every week, in lieu of our Tuesday church assemblies, as well as phase and class assembly videos from our staff. Our focus this term, as always at the start of the academic year, is to remind ourselves of our school values and how we are living them. Classes will look at their new value and what it means to them. Linked to the PSHE curriculum, we are also thinking about what makes us good global citizens. We will be moving on to look at emotions, with a focus on mindfulness, and how we can care for our emotional well-being. This will be supported with Bible stories and case studies of inspiring individuals who have overcome adversity. It really is especially important now, as our world is changing so quickly, to give the children time to reflect, be peaceful and think about how we can make a difference to the world around us. Most important of all, it gives us another opportunity to let our children know they are in an environment that will build them up in love and learning."

Specialist teaching from OPS

We have strong links with Orleans Park School and are thrilled to continue to have one of their Modern Foreign Languages team, Isobel Hands, come into school and teach French to our children. In addition, OPS Computing teacher, Sam Akpalu-Davies, has been working with our staff on their lesson plans and will deliver and team teach with them. We'll bring you more stories on what they are up to in these lessons over the coming weeks.