Offering a Pathway to Success: San Ramon Valley Teacher Induction Project
Cathy McSweeney  |  Sept. 1, 2023 

It’s no secret that a national teacher shortage is plaguing the country. But, new teachers embarking on a career in SRVUSD will find personalized support their first two years through the San Ramon Valley Teacher Induction Project (SRVTIP). 

SRVTIP is a state-accredited program that began over 30 years ago. It is designed to help preliminary teachers deepen their understanding and practice of effective teaching strategies. The program provides a supportive environment that facilitates reflection, collaboration, and ongoing mentorship.

 “Our families trust teachers with their children every day. They trust us to share content, incite curiosity, acknowledge strengths, hone skills, encourage deep thinking and collaboration, and generally help kids be excited to learn. These are all qualities that every new teacher aspires to, but some support and guidance are needed, especially for the first couple of years in a classroom,” shared Nicole Padoan, Coordinator of the SRVTIP program.

An induction program is mandatory in California in order for new teachers to clear their credential, however, the approach taken by SRVTIP is unique in its personalization. Instead of offering after-school workshops and trainings as many other programs do, SRVTIP provides one-on-one support that is job-embedded. New teachers are assigned mentors, typically an experienced teacher from the same school site, to provide guidance and support tailored to the specific needs and interests of the teacher. This collaboration not only supports the new teacher but also builds shared leadership at the school site and across the district. The model is so successful that many of the new teachers who receive the support of a mentor decide to become a mentor themselves after they have gained some experience.

SRVTIP, with its comprehensive approach and directed professional growth, is an invaluable resource for teachers just beginning their journey in the profession….and a means to build confidence and capacity in the teachers of tomorrow.