Tuesday Tunes Set the Tempo at Stone Valley
Cathy McSweeney |  Apr. 21, 2023 

There’s something very special happening in Mr. Rasch’s 7th grade English classes at Stone Valley Middle School. He’s found a way to shake things up with his dynamic approach to engaging students.

Every Tuesday brings with it a session of “Tuesday Tunes” in Mr. Rasch’s classroom.  If you were to poke your head in, you’d be treated to the melody of a song filling the room while its lyrics are projected on the board, as students listen carefully and read along. Next, comes a turn-and-talk time when students have small group discussions about the lyrics before sharing their thoughts with the whole class. It’s a novel approach to analyzing verses for poetry and meaning by using music. “Through this process, we are able to talk about how to analyze text and support claims with evidence- the payout is huge when they sit down to write analytical paragraphs,” shared Mr. Rasch. 

During “Tuesday Tunes”  students discuss the lyrics and lines that speak to them- that perhaps hint at meanings beyond the written words. What an opportunity for kids to be introspective, open to various interpretations, and defend their ideas of the artist’s intended message with evidence. Using music, Mr. Rasch helps his kids connect to the powerful nature of the written word and bring that knowledge to their own writing.

Because his students are encouraged to speak to phrases in the song that resonate with them personally, they are more open to thinking deeply. On one recent Tuesday Mr. Rasch’s students were analyzing a Billy Joel song, Vienna. One portion of the song that the students  connected to included the lines, “Slow down you’re doing fine/You can’t be everything you want to be/Before your time.” They spoke about how each of them has dreams and goals in life, but those dreams and goals don’t happen overnight. Some things can’t be rushed, they just take time. They concluded that they can’t race through life; they need to be patient and enjoy the present rather than worrying so much about the future. In SRVUSD, as we continue on a path to #SuccessReimagined, we hope that students internalize what they learn and can apply it to real-life situations, just as the students did here. 

Principal Justin White explained that Mr. Rasch “has been doing this for a while and continues to make changes so it is even more meaningful for his students. The students LOVE Tuesday Tunes!” He added that “the students usually get to choose what the song is, which is even more connective for them, leading to incredible takeaways.”

Being in a classroom where kids can be real and raw with their thoughts and emotions is always a win, but in middle school it’s extra special. For many kids, the middle school years are trying. Figuring out who they are and how they fit in can often be the priority of each day. But Mr. Rasch finds a way to connect, to get through to his students. He has created a space for them to deeply engage in their learning while at the same time exploring feelings, opinions, and deductions while interacting with each other through a piece of music. What a great example of teaching that empowers students to think critically, be collaborative and creative, be open to the insights of others and make a connection to their own life. In SRVUSD, we call this deep learning. In Mr. Rasch’s classroom it’s just called fun.

Beethoven once wrote that, “Music can change the world” and in Mr. Rasch’s classroom, that change is happening… one Tuesday at a time!