Deep Learning and Innovation Strengthened by CTE Pathway Expansion
Ilana Israel Samuels |  Jan. 20, 2023 

The Curriculum and Instruction team in SRVUSD is building the capacity of our school sites to engage students in deep learning, by strengthening and expanding CTE pathways to support meeting the needs of all students.

One of the ways we are doing this is through a new and exciting partnership with Las Positas College (LPC) in Livermore to create a welding program for SRVUSD students.  Details about this welding program include:

Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Debbie Petish, explained that the goal is to expand the program over time. “As we continue to develop and deepen opportunities for students, we know that expansion of all Career Technical Education (CTE) programs is key,” said Debbie. She added that “exploration and preparation for post-secondary pathways allows us to broaden our definition of success for students, and Career Technical Education is integral to the world-class education that SRVUSD is known for throughout the community.” 

Approximately 95% of SRVUSD students report they plan to attend college after high school graduation. Jessica Coulson, SEL and College & Career Readiness Coordinator for SRVUSD, shared that she has seen students “leverage their participation in CTE programs to gain access to community college pathways and higher education institutions across the country, as well as to go directly into careers after graduating.”

Every year, SRVUSD graduates attend DVC in either San Ramon or Pleasant Hill to access a variety of post-secondary opportunities. Our students have participated in their certificate and associate degree programs for engineering, biotechnology, business, culinary arts, health, computer science and more. Each year new options become available, including the recently new Robotics Academy at the Pleasant Hill DVC campus. The San Ramon Valley is so fortunate to have some of the best community colleges in the state right in our backyard.  SRVUSD students go to DVC and LPC, and other community colleges to take advantage of their core academics, and then move on directly into the workforce or transfer to a 4-year university.

Coordinator of Curriculum and Instruction, Lauren Falkner, who is responsible for oversight of SRVUSD CTE programs, explained that “our pathways are a great way for students to not only access rigorous academic classes, but also to start exploring the types of careers they are considering in their future. We are thrilled to be able to add this unique option for SRVUSD students to attend a welding program” At the recent January Board of Education meeting, trustees heard from staff about plans to strengthen Career Technical Education in SRVUSD. “CTE emphasizes real-world skills and practical knowledge, which give students the opportunity to engage in deep learning and develop skills to support them in both college and career,” said Lauren. 

For the welding program at LPC, SRVUSD will be scheduling an evening information session for students and parents/caregivers. Subsequently, student applications will then be available to all interested rising juniors (current sophomores). Students will be notified of their status prior to Spring Break. Look for more information to come out soon! Anyone with questions can reach out to: Jessica Coulson at