SRPD’s Officer of the Year Ray Hamilton: School Resource Officer in SRVUSD
Ilana Israel Samuels |  Jan. 13, 2023 

January 9, 2023, was National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, and SRVUSD is fortunate to have three law enforcement agencies to be thankful for!

SRVUSD has a total of 35 schools, and our police partners support those sites on a multitude of levels, whether it be a safety concern or a request to have the police come to engage with our students at recess, such as with these programs: Danville PD Recess with the Cops, San Ramon PD Police on the Playground and Sheriff's Office Operation Recess.

A critical component of our collaboration with these agencies is the School Resource Officer (SRO) program. Each of our high schools has an officer assigned to be the SRO, and these dedicated law enforcement professionals are dedicated to our students and schools. They provide support to administrators, school staff, students and families - truly going above and beyond each and every day.

We recently learned that Dougherty Valley High’s SRO, Ray Hamilton, was selected as the San Ramon Police Department (SRPD) Officer of the Year! We want to make sure that this honor was shared widely, as we are so proud that “one of our own” was recognized in this way. Since it was recently National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, we reached out to DVHS Principal Evan Powell, SRPD Lieutenant Tami Williams, and SRPD Chief of Police Denton Carlson, to tell us more about Officer Hamilton and why it’s no surprise that he received this award. Their responses are below, and the next time you see an officer - whether it be one of our SROs or another Officer - please extend your appreciation for their service and dedication to SRVUSD!

Evan Powell, Principal, Dougherty Valley High School

Ray Hamilton, SRO, has been a wonderful addition to our school. He is a wealth of knowledge and a great resource for us. He has truly excelled in working with our students by building relationships and appreciation for law enforcement and teenagers. Officer Hamilton can be found walking around our campus, going through buildings, engaging classes and just being a friendly person. 

DVHS has had some unique situations that required Officer Hamilton's involvement. He has handled each case with professionalism and really made connections with families. He helped ease the trauma for the victims and communicated well with their families.

I am not surprised at all that he received this award. Ray has been our SRO for many years and has proven again and again to be a steadfast and knowledgeable leader. He is an ally and support to students and staff alike. He is an integral part of our Wildcat community, which is why our students gave him the “Dougherty Valley Hero” award last school year. We are so glad Officer Hamilton is with us; he truly cares about students and making San Ramon one of the safest communities in California.

SRPD Lieutenant Tami Williams

Officer Hamilton has exhibited his many strengths during 2022. He has consistently gone above and beyond as a School Resource Officer, bringing an infectious calming effect into chaotic situations. Ray has become a mentor students turn to and a resource for families and school staff he works with. Ray has represented the San Ramon Police Department in a positive light and with a professional, yet easygoing attitude, he provides a personable experience to our community members. We have received a number of letters of gratitude from community members, detailing their positive experiences with Ray. Our agency is extremely thankful for Ray’s hard work and proud to have him part of our agency.

SRPD Chief of Police Denton Carlson

It was an absolute pleasure for us to select Ray Hamilton as the San Ramon Police Department’s Officer of the Year. This past year, Ray’s dedication to the youth of San Ramon through his service as a School Resource Officer has been extraordinary. One of the guiding principles for SRPD’s School Resource Officers is mentorship, and Ray has been a shining example of that critically important approach. Not only was Ray selected as our Officer of the Year, but in November, Ray was given the “Dougherty Valley Hero” award by members of the student body at Dougherty Valley High School. His selection for this prestigious honor is a testament to his unwavering commitment to our Community’s youth and the law enforcement philosophies of the San Ramon Police Department.