SRVUSD - Leading Students to 21st Century Learning
Cathy McSweeney |  Mar. 10, 2023 

As parents and caregivers, what is it that you expect from your students as learners and as graduates? What skills, traits, and knowledge will they need to make their own mark in the world with confidence and joy?

Here in SRVUSD, we are asking the same questions and are actively engaged in developing a Learner Profile that is a collective vision of our community’s aspirations and vision for reimagining success for all of its students. Over the past few months, the district has brought together a dynamic Learner Profile team that represents all aspects of the community- including students to help co-design the Profile. The task of this team is to examine how the world has changed and reimagine success by determining what skills and mindsets are needed for our students. 

The design team meetings, which began last month, will continue through May. We will share our progress along the way. Then in June, we will bring the new Learner Profile to the community and the Board of Education for review and approval. Debbie Petish, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, has been leading this work and shared that, “by having clear, collaborative expectations, we will be better equipped to lead each of our students on a path to success not only as learners and independent thinkers, but also as conscientious, confident contributors to their future and the world.”

When completed, the Learner Profile will act as a guide to implement the new vision and lead to transformation within SRVUSD. The world is changing and the learning experiences we provide must contain rigorous academic content but must also be intentional in fostering critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and other 21st-century skills. Our students are bright, they are capable, and they are full of potential. Together we can help them soar!