Hunting the News for the Pack: Writer Angelina Ge from SRVHS
Ilana Israel Samuels |  Feb. 24, 2023 

Angelina Ge writes not only as a form of artistic expression, but as a way to share her passion with her school community and beyond. 

As current Editor-in-Chief of the Wolfprint student newspaper at San Ramon Valley High, she works collaboratively with other students to bring current news to all students at the school. Articles are uploaded to the Wolfprint website, and we encourage you to take a look! Angelina is also the current SRV Journalism Club President and a senior. She's been working as a staff member for the Wolfprint for three years and has covered a variety of stories from California wildfires to haute couture collections. In her free time, Angelina loves to serve her community with the Danville Youth Council, go horseback riding, and play the piano.

Angelina has submitted her pieces twice over the last two years to the Tri-Valley Writers Club Branch high school writing contest. In 2021, she received first place in the Literary Nonfiction category for her entry “The Inferior Complex” and received an honorable mention for her poem, “Wonderland.” And in 2022, she submitted her piece, “Finding the Outlier,” and received an honorable mention. 

Other SRVUSD students who placed in the contest told us they decided to participate for a variety of reasons - including for their love of writing and having an outlet to express themselves. When we asked Angelina why she opted to be a part of the writing contest, she told us that “I never shared my work with other people due to my lack of confidence but I realized that it actually hurt me because I wouldn’t be able to receive feedback. If I entered in the writing contest, I would be able to gain a better understanding about my role as a writer, thanks to the comments I’d receive. This newfound confidence also prompted me to participate in the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio over the summer where I continued to hone in my skills as a writer.” We are so grateful that Angelina has found her passion and the confidence to share it with others!

Her most recent story, When the Bluebirds Sing, was published in the Wolfprint on February 14, 2023, and is the first story in the Wolfprint’s newest collaboration with the SRV Creative Writing Club. Students from the Creative Writing Club are free to submit any piece, whether it be short stories or poetry, to the Creative Corner. Angelina’s story is Inspired by Sir George Clausen’s The Spreading Tree and she suggests at the beginning that readers listen to Alexis Ffrenchs’ song Bluebird as they take a journey with Angelina through this incredibly descriptive piece. 

SRVHS Principal Whitney Cottrell told us she is “incredibly impressed with how Angelina has taken her creativity and passion to new levels to deepen her learning and expand her horizons.” She added, “Angelina has been an incredible student leader for the Wolfprint. Every day, I see the depth of creativity of our SRVHS students in how they interact with their studies, each other and the world around them.”

After graduating, Angelina is planning to continue her studies in writing while pursuing an English major in college. Although she is not likely to pursue a career in writing in the future, she hopes to utilize her writing skills to the fullest in any job she takes on. Above all else, Angelina is dedicated to making the Wolfprint the best it can be, so that her peers have access to the great information the student staff have to share. Just like the motto of the Wolfprint, she is “Hunting the News for the Pack,” and doing an incredible job.