Educator Resources

Recursos para educadores

End of Day Self-Care Checklist for Educators

  • Take a moment to think about how the day went.

    • Check in with your emotions. You’re allowed to feel emotions at work. Listen to your body, it will tell you what you need.

    • Acknowledge things that were difficult. Let them Go. If you experienced a difficult day, think about that experience and imagine yourself letting it go and leaving it at work.

    • Recall three things that went well. Be Proud. Focus on three good things that happened at work which has been shown in studies to increase happiness and greater recovery from working in the evening. Did you take breaks today?

  • Close your computer for a few minutes.. Get a snack, turn on some music, walk outside for a few minutes, do something that gives your mind and body a chance to reset. If you realize that you didn’t take breaks today, set a timer/reminder to take some tomorrow.

  • Check on a colleague- Who has been on your mind? Send a quick text or make a phone call to check on them. Express gratitude to your colleagues and Show small yet powerful acts of appreciation, (i.e. verbal recognition for good work, offering to help them)

  • Choose an action that signals the end of your day. Focus on a deliberate transition from work to non-work that will replenish your energy-listen to a song, take a walk call a friend, change clothing, Close down your computer etc. switch your attention to Home. Close your eyes for a minute and visualize unplugging from work and plugging in to home.

  • How will you rest and recharge? Eat, sleep, connect, take care of your body. When you nourish yourself you will be ready to flourish the next day Talk to someone

  • Talk to a Friend or a professional who can help you to process stress and emotions.

Our thanks to Jennifer Castillo for sharing these wonderful ideas!

Self-care Tools for Educators

Secure, confidential, low cost counseling for educators

Personal mindfulness guide - low cost and free subscriptions available

Jabu Self-care Tools for Teachers - free during COVID-19 Pandemic

Teaching Tools (Social Emtional Learning, Suicide Prevention, COVID19 Specific