SPCS Community Connection


November 2022

Employee of the Month: 

Dawn Johnson, First Grade Teacher at Westmont Elementary School

👏 Announcing our SPCS Good Vibes Employee of the Month...(drumroll please)... Dawn Johnson. "Mrs. Johnson puts good vibes in the air every single day! She is so positive in her work with the Westmont fun club, and parent community involvement committee, and her support for improving our culture. Dawn is always positive. She takes on many activities throughout our building to make our school a great place for both staff and students... She's amazing!"

Thank you to everyone who came out to the Bid Sale at the old Springfield Elementary School. We appreciate you supporting our schools. Pictured above is the staff that helped make the sale happen! Many people came to see what was available for purchase. We were able to raise over $14,000 for the schools. 

In case you missed it... 

Building Plans for 765 Main Street

As you know, the old school will soon be the new Springfield Platteview Community Schools’ Administrative building. Construction is set to begin this December and will continue for the next eight months. Due to outdated infrastructure and an obsolete HVAC system, among other issues, the east side of the building, built in 1964, is not salvageable. It is not cost-effective to bring it up to code. You should be seeing Olsson and Boyd Jones crews at the building soon. The goal is to have the building move-in ready by early fall 2023. We will be posting updates on the news page on our website and via social media along the way!   

SPCS Levy Decreased by $0.12 

We are excited to share with you that the school board approved the 2022-23 budget and our total levy has decreased by 12 cents for the upcoming year. Area school tax levies range from $0.78 up to $1.43, with ours being the lowest in the area at $0.78 per $100 of valuation. This is good news for all of us, especially at a time when it seems everything (even the price of eggs!) is fluctuating daily. 

Other SPCS Construction Projects 

The current administration building is located just north of Platteview High School in one of two post-frame buildings on the property. The building shares a parking lot with PHS. Due to the convenience of the location itself, this space will soon be home to high school activities including Trojan Wrestling. Construction on this project is proposed to start in late Spring of 2023. The Buzadome, the back gym inside of PHS, will also be seeing a facelift in the next year, starting Summer of 2023. It will become a weight room and fitness development area for students. More information will be shared as these projects start.

Winter Break Coming Soon!

Dec. Scholarship Deadlines

It's going to be a great basketball season. For a list of activities and athletic events, click here.

We hope to see you at a few games this season! For a list of activities and athletic events, click here.

The winter season of Esports is underway! Keep up with all things Esports here: https://twitter.com/TrojanEsports1

SPCS Snapshots

Lights, Camera, Auction was a success! We are excited to announce that we were able to raise nearly $36,000! So many people gave their time, their energy and their support without hesitation. Thank you to everyone who supported the SPCS Education Foundation mission, who donated, who attended, and who volunteered. Our largest Foundation event of the year was successful due to the generosity of the Springfield Platteview community, our local businesses and sponsors. We thank you all so much!

Thank you to everyone who participated in or attended one of our many November events! It was a great month.

Our annual Veterans Day celebration was held at Platteview High School again this year on Nov. 11. It was a beautiful tribute to families everywhere. 

This tremendous group was District One Act Runners-up. Fourteen of them were recognized as outstanding actors. 14!!!  What a great run. Thanks to Dr. K and Mr. Boyle for leading this group. The show got better with every performance. 

3M in Valley, Nebraska has made a very generous donation to Westmont Elementary School. We received over $6,000 worth of supplies including tape, scissors, air purifiers, headphones, Post-it notes of all sizes, pens, highlighters, etc. 

1st Graders at Springfield Elementary had a Glow Stick Party and look who showed up. Hint: The tall one... 

Several 5th and 6th graders spent the morning learning about creating Pop Art with the amazing Julie Fjell. We have a lot of talented kids!!


The mission of Springfield Platteview Community Schools is to ensure that all students acquire the college and career-ready skills and behaviors necessary for each student to succeed now and into his/her future.

A lot is happening at our schools! Here are a few ways that you can stay informed. Let us know if you are currently not getting this information and we can add you to our list, where it makes sense.