
A Sketchbook/JournaL

Through a series of studio sessions focusing on basic drawing skills, and prescribed drawing/writing assignments, participants will begin to develop a sketchbook/journal as a way of reflecting on their own personal experience of daily life. The journal’s primary purpose is to serve as a place for its author to examine ideas and observations. An internal dialog runs through its pages, of which one contributor said, “It’s the only truly frank conversation I can ever have. In the end, journals may show more fully than any finished piece what it has meant to be us.” from Drawing From Life: the Journal As Art, by Jennifer New.

You don’t have to know how to draw to take this class. But you do have to be willing to try. The main objective is just to have some fun and perhaps learn a little about drawing as a means of self reflection.

Instructor: Patrick Veerkamp, Emeritus Professor of Art

The class consists of four sessions taken in sequence.

Date: June 8

June 15

June 22

June 29

Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Length: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Location: Cullen room 360

Maximum Class Size: 10