Information Literacy

Information literacy is a set of abilities (research competencies) that help students to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and use information. These competencies will help students to think critically about information and develop a broad understanding of the information environment.

Faculty will partner with a SLU subject-area librarian on a research assignment so that librarians can introduce students to basic information literacy skills and strategies. Librarians will meet with faculty to discuss their course goals and to help develop a research assignment related to the course topic, or provide feedback on ways to incorporate information literacy instruction into an existing research assignment.

Librarians will provide customized instruction sessions centered on the research assignment to teach students how to navigate the library website to locate information in the library catalog, databases and other resources such as websites that can be used to complete their assignment.

Some general learning outcomes related to fundamental skills of information literacy include:

  • Identify and locate information relevant to a specified purpose or goal

  • Use information critically and effectively to accomplish a specific purpose or goal

  • Use information ethically and legally

When librarians are paired with Ignite Seminars, the librarian will be assigned based on their subject expertise. More about information literacy skills in the disciplines can be found here.