Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an time/hour requirement for CP2?

Not necessarily - while the learning outcomes and essential criteria of CP2 will necessitate dedicated time spent in reflection and dialogue, there isn't a minimum # of hours per se.

When can CP2 experiences take place?

Anytime! While most will occur during the regular academic year, they can also happen on a weekend, break, or even over the summer.

Are University staff allowed to teach CP2?

Yes! Similar to CP1, CP3 and RIA experiences, staff members with a Master's degree (or higher) in any field may lead a CP2 experience.

Is there a stipend associated with leading a CP2 experience?

No, as CP2 experiences (whether as an attribute to a course or a co-curricular experience) are 0-credit, no stipend can be paid to instructors. However, program grants of up to $500 are available!

So there are operational funds set aside for CP2? How could I use them?

Yes! Whether as part of a course or co-curricular experience instructors may request up to $500 in funding for their CP2 component. Funds can be used for (but aren't limited to) paying for food, hiring a meditation instructor, space rental fees, or transportation to bring students to a location off campus.

What if my course or program doesn't "fit" the theme of CP2?

Get creative! If you are employing student workers in your office, think about how you could engage them in regular reflection exercises that capture the learning outcomes. Or, maybe you already have a program involving student leaders - how could it be adapted to allow for intentional reflection, individually and in groups?

Should CP2 experiences be "off-campus"?

Not at all - while certain CP2 programs may lend themselves to being off-campus (i.e. retreats), many can happen right here on campus in student spaces.