Cura Personalis 3:
Self in the World

Courses that satisfy the Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World requirement ask students to look outward by articulating how their skills, competencies, and knowledge transfer to professional, personal, and/or civic vocation. Students are guided in an examination of both academic and non-academic options and logistics; preparing career-enhancing tools, and developing appropriate career-enhancing practices that will help them move forward with a sense of confidence and purpose that enables them to find richer meaning in their lives and careers.

Propose a Cura Personalis 3 Section

Cura Personalis 3 sections that will be taught as part of existing course (as a lab section or integrated with another course) can be submitted via the standard Courseleaf portal.

  • Due date: October 1 for inclusion in the following academic year

Courses being taught as a stand-alone section can be submitted here via a Google Form.

  • Due date: October 1 for inclusion in the following academic year

Course Structure

Courses that satisfy the Cura Personalis 3 component - whether done as part of a standalone section or integrated with another course - should meet the following essential criteria:

  • Guide students in reflecting on the intersections between the Core and major and in considering how Jesuit education is career-enhancing,

  • Require students to develop appropriate career-enhancing tools (e.g., resume, cover letter, professional social media presence, etc.) and practices (e.g., networking, professional association memberships, interviewing techniques, negotiating strategies, etc.),

  • Guide students in examining academic and non-academic post-baccalaureate options and logistics,

  • Require students to prepare both written and oral presentations in which they identify an audience beyond SLU to whom they (1) connect the Jesuit tradition to their major program of study and (2) articulate how the SLU experience distinguishes them on the wider world stage, and

  • Require an artifact that demonstrates student achievement of component learning outcomes.

Please see the links below for more information on Cura Personalis 3 learning outcomes and instructor resources.

Instructor Resources - Coming Soon!