Email Management
Evaluate, process, and organize your email by setting up an email reference system. The distinction between reference and action information is necessary for Inbox organization.
Changing Views
Arranging mail by date or sender
From the View tab, within the Arrangement group.
To view all messages by Sender and click on From. Displays all messages in alphabetic order
Use Compact View - recommended
Strategies for Reviewing Email
Viewing messages by conversation (introduced in Outlook 2010)
Reading Pane – from the View tab, within the Layout group
Marking Messages
From the Home tab, with the Tags group, click on Unread/Read
Right-click on a message or group of messages, select Mark as Read or Mark as Unread
Create Folders
Right-click on the Inbox, select New Folder
Set Properties for a Folder:
Right-click on folder and select from the Properties dialog box check Show total number of items.
Click on Apply and OK.
Color Code Messages
Set a Quick Click:
From the Home tab, from the Tags group, click on Categorize and select All Categories from the menu.
From the Color Categories dialog box, select the check box for the category to change a color, rename, delete and add categories. Click on OK.
From the Home tab, from the Tags group, click on Categorize and select Set Quick Click.
From the Set Quick Click dialog box, select a category and click on OK.
From the Inbox, click within the Categories column to add a Quick Click to the message.
Flag for Follow-up
Messages and task, can be classified and marked for action by using Quick Flags.
Flagged messages appear in the To-Do Bar and your task list.
Drag and Drop message directly to the To-Do Bar.
Change the subject of a flagged message in the To-Do Bar, this doesn’t change the subject of the message.
Mark as complete- click on the flag and select Mark Complete
View Options-from the View tab, click on the To-Do bar and select which items appear.
From the To-Do bar, select Options to set the number of items.
Email Reference System
A straightforward and efficient email reference system is the first step towards an organized Inbox. Each incoming message causes an action, by using a reference system will allow you to keep a clean Inbox. Up to 1/3 of email messages are considered reference information.
Reference information – information (email message) that does not required you to complete an action but you need to keep for future reference. The use of folders, contacts and notes helps in the organization.
Action information – information that (email message) does require you to complete an action. The use of calendar and tasks.
Sorting Email Messages
Set aside uninterrupted time to process and organize your email, reserve 1 hour per day by splitting the time into two 30 minute sections of time on your calendar. Mark your calendar as busy, 30 minutes in the AM and 30 minutes in the PM to check your email daily. The use of the Four D’s decision-making model will make it easy to sort through your email one item at a time.
Delete it – this can be scary process, but think about the percentage of information that you keep that you actually use. About 50% of all email-received can be deleted, or filed away for future reference.
Is the information contained found somewhere else? If yes, delete it.
Are you required to keep information contained within message? If not, delete it.
Do it - can’t delete it, can I do it in less than two minutes? Just DO IT.
Respond to message
Make a phone call
Using Quick Parts- It will surprised you how many messages you can process in less than two minutes
Reusable content made easy select the content that you have created and want to reuse.
Add selected content to Quick Parts- within the body of a new message, click on the Insert tab and click on Quick Parts and select Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery.
Enter a Name for your Quick Part and click on OK.
To Use a Quick Part- from the Insert tab, click on Quick Parts and the gallery will all of your saved Quick Parts is displayed. Click on the Quick Part and content will be inserted at the existing cursor position.
Right-clicking on the desired Quick Part will display more advanced options for insertion.
Keyboard shortcut- enter the first few letters of the name for the quick part and press F3.
Delegate it – if you can delegate it, do it right away. Once you delegate the action, delete original message or move into your reference system.
Defer it – can’t be deleted, can’t do it in less than two minutes, can’t delegate it, and it isn’t a reference action. Defer the message to your calendar or tasks to complete later.
Drag and Drop method - Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes
Automatically Color Code Appointments
With your calendar open, click on the View tab, within the Current View group, click on the View Settings command button.
From the Advanced View Settings dialog box and click on Conditional Formatting button.
From the Conditional Formatting dialog box click on Add to create a new rule.
Enter a Name for the rule and select a Color from the list.
Click on the Condition button to set up the condition or conditions for Outlook to automatically apply the rule.
Within the Search for the word(s) field, enter one or more keywords that you want Outlook to match. *Note - if you enter two or more words, the appointment must match all the words to satisfy the condition.
Within the In field select where you want Outlook to search for the keywords: Subject Field Only, Subject and Notes Fields, or Frequently-Used Text Fields
Color-code appointments and meetings created by another person, click Organized By and then select a contact.
Color-code appointments and meetings that have a particular attendee, click Attendees and then select a contact.
Color-code appointments by Time, use the Time lists to select an operator (Starts, Ends, Created, or Modified) and a time (such as Tomorrow or Next Week).
Click OK to return to the Automatic Formatting dialog box and click OK to put the new rule into effect.
Calendar Appointment - Working Elsewhere (PC)
From Outlook and go to the Calendar view.
Click on “New Meeting” or “New Appointment”
In the “Show As” field, select “Working Elsewhere”.
Ensure you have set the correct day and time for the appointment
Click on “Send” to save your changes.
Using Outlook Webmail (OWA) - Work Elsewhere (Mac)
Log into, and from launch pad click on Webmail.
Click on the “Calendar” tab.
Click on “New Event” or “New Appointment”.
In the “Show As” field, select “Working Elsewhere”.
Ensure you have set the correct day and time for the appointment.
Click on “Save” to save your changes.