Email Management

Evaluate, process, and organize your email by setting up an email reference system.  The distinction between reference and action information is necessary for Inbox organization. 

Changing Views

Arranging mail by date or sender

From the View tab, within the Arrangement group.  

Screenshot of Outlook options. There is a light gray box. Within that box there are two columns of settings/options. The first option is Date (Conversations) with a white open envelope and a closed yellow envelop. Below that is To with a white open envelope, a blue arrow, and an orange silhouette of a person. Below that, there is Flag: Start Date with a red flag icon. Below that is Size with a purple floppy disk icon. Below that is Type with a table with a yellow envelope icon. Below that is Account with a white box with a black silhouette of a person. In the second column, the first option is From with a white envelope, a blue arrow, and a green silhouette of a person. Below that, there is Categories with blue, red, yellow, orange, green, and gray squares. Below that is Flag: Due Date with a red flag icon. Below that is Subject with a white envelope with a document coming out of it, Below that is Attachments with a black paper clip icon. Below that is Importance with a red exclamation point icon. Below both columns are Show in Groups (with a black checkmark) and View Settings (with two overlapping black gears).

Strategies for Reviewing Email


Screenshot of Message Options in Outlook. There is a gray background behind all of the icons and text. In the top left there is a white icon that looks like two file cabinets with a yellow closed envelope on top of it. Below that there is text that reads Assign Policy. There is a black triangle pointing down. To the right of the icon and text are three options. They are Unread/Read with a white opened envelope icon; Categorize with a blue, orange, yellow, red, green, and gray square icon. There is a black triangle pointing down; Follow up with a red flag icon and a black triangle pointing down. Below all of the text and icons is text that says Tags.

Create Folders

Right-click on the Inbox, select New Folder

Set Properties for a Folder:

Screenshot of Outlook organization and folder options. There is a gray background with the options listed vertically in a single column. The first option is Open in New Window with three overlapping white boxes. The next is New Folder with a yellow manilla folder icon. The next is grayed out and is Rename Folder with a folder icon. The next is Copy Folder with two overlapping yellow folders as the icon. The next is grayed out and is Move Folder with a white folder in the background and a gray folder in the foreground as the icon. The next is grayed out and is Delete Folder with a gray folder and a black "x" as the icon. The next is Mark All as Read with two white open envelopes. The next is Clean Up Folder with three closed yellow envelopes and a red "X" as an icon. Next is Delete All with a white open envelope, a close yellow envelope, and a red "X" as an icon. Next is Show in Favorites with a yellow folder icon with a white star on it. Next is Sort Subfolders A to Z with a blue "A," a purple "Z," and a arrow pointing downwards. Next is Move Up with a black triangle pointing up. Next is Move Down with a black triangle pointing down. Next is Properties with a white box that has text in it and a blue header as an icon.

Color Code Messages

Set a Quick Click:

From the Home tab, from the Tags group, click on Categorize and select Set Quick Click.

Screenshot of Outlook Color Code Messages. There are two dialog boxes. Both have blue headers and blue outlines. Below the blue header is a beige background. The first dialog box has Color Categories in the header. Below that, where the beige background is text that says To assign Color Categories to the currently selected items, use the checkboxes next to each category. To edit a category, select the category name and use the commands to the right. Below that there is a blue-outlined square with two header options (Name and Shortcut Key). To the right of the square are three gray buttons (New, Rename, and Delete) followed by two dropdown field options (Color and Shortcut Key). In the white square, there are a series of checkmark options. The options are ASAP (with a purple square next to it), Business (with a yellow square next to it), Family (with a gray box next to it), Friends (with a purple box next to it), Orange Category (with an orange box next to it), Personal (with a light green box next to it), SCSD Contacts (with a darker green box next to it), SJFC Contacts (with a yellow box next to it), and Training Sessions (with a purple box next to it). In the bottom right are two gray buttons (OK and Cancel). The second dialog box has a Set Quick Click header in the blue header. In the top right, there is a question mark icon and a red "X" icon. Below the blue header, there is a beige background. The text reads When single-clicking on the Categories column, add the following category:. Below that is an icon with red, orange, green, and blue squares. To the right, there is a blue dropdown field. The text in the field says ASAP with a purple square icon.

Flag for Follow-up

Messages and task, can be classified and marked for action by using Quick Flags. 

Screenshot of the calendar options in Outlook. At the top there is a calendar for June 2021. There is a red line with text that says Date Navigator that points to it. Below that are the event listings. There are red lines with text that read Upcoming calendar appointments that points to it. Below that is a field to enter new tasks. There are red lines pointing to it with text that says Enter new task. Below that is a listing of tasks. There are red lines with text pointing to it that reads Task List (Flagged messages & tasks)

Email Reference System

A straightforward and efficient email reference system is the first step towards an organized Inbox.  Each incoming message causes an action, by using a reference system will allow you to keep a clean Inbox. Up to 1/3 of email messages are considered reference information.

Sorting Email Messages

Set aside uninterrupted time to process and organize your email, reserve 1 hour per day by splitting the time into two 30 minute sections of time on your calendar.  Mark your calendar as busy, 30 minutes in the AM and 30 minutes in the PM to check your email daily.  The use of the Four D’s decision-making model will make it easy to sort through your email one item at a time.

Respond to message

Make a phone call

*QuickPart stores a local file on computer: Document & settings-->Username-->Application Data-->Microsoft-->Templates--> normalEmail.dotm, copy this file to another pc to access Quick Parts on other computers.

Automatically Color Code Appointments

Screenshot of three dialog windows. All dialog boxes have translucent headers and outlines. Below the headers, all windows have gray backgrounds. All of the dialog boxes have white "X" icons in the top right. The first dialog box header says Advanced View Settings: Day/Week/Month. Below that in the gray background is text that says Description. There are then a series of gray buttons. They are Columns...(with text to the right that says Start, End); Group By (grayed out); Sort (grayed out); Filter (with text to the right that reads Off); Other Settings (with text to the right that says Fonts and other Day/Week/Month View settings); Conditional Formatting (to the right there is text that says User defined colors for appointments); Format Columns (grayed out), and Reset Current View. To the right, there are two additional buttons (OK and Cancel). The next dialog box has Conditional Formatting in the header. In the gray part of the box, there is text at the top that reads Rules for this view:. There is a white square below with three checkmark options: Training (checked), Website (checked), and Vacation (checked). To the right of the white square, there are four buttons: Add, Delete, Move Up (grayed out), and Move Down. Below all of this is text that reads Properties of selected rule. There is a horizontal line next to it. Below that, there is text that reads Name. To the right, there is a white field with text in it that says Training. Below Name, there is text that says Color:. To the right is a white dropdown field with a purple square in it. Below that is a button that says Condition... In the bottom right there are two buttons. The first is OK and is outlined in blue. The second is Cancel. The third dialog box has Filter in the header. Below in the gray background, there are three tab options. They are Appointments and Meetings, More Choices, and Advanced. The Appointments and Meetings tab is selected. In the window, the first option is Search for the word(s):. To the right is a blank, white dropdown field. Below that, is text that reads In:. To the right of that is a white dropdown field with text that reads subject field only. There is then a horizontal line. Below the line, there are two gray buttons (Organized By... and Attendees..) Both buttons have white fields to the right. Below that, there is text that says Time:. To the right of that is a dropdown field with text that says none. To the right of that is a grayed out dropdown field with text that says Anytime. In the bottom right is text that says OK (outlined in blue), Cancel, and Clear All.

Calendar Appointment - Working Elsewhere (PC)

Using Outlook Webmail (OWA) - Work Elsewhere (Mac)

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