Brightspace: Rubrics

Rubrics are a great tool to clearly document grading criteria for both students and instructors. Brightspace offers an interactive rubric tool where students can view rubrics associated with activities in the course. Also, instructors can use the rubrics as an interactive grading tool that allows for real-time scoring on the rubric elements and the ability to leave detailed feedback for students on each aspect of the rubric criteria. 

Building a New Rubric

Name, Type, and Scoring

Screenshot of the Brightspace Rubrics page. Specifically, this screenshot show the Status options available for Rubrics. In the top right, there is a light blue dropdown button. The text in the button is darker blue and says Status: Published. There is an arrow icon to the right of that. Below the button is a vertical list of options. They are Published (there is a checkmark to the left), Archived, or Draft.
Screenshot of the Brightspace Rubrics page. There is a thin white horizontal text filed with black text at the top that says Rubric 1. Below that, there are three separate options. The first is text that reads Type: Analytic (and an arrow pointing down to the right of it). There is a pink square around this. The second is text that says Scoring: Points (with an arrow pointing down to the right of it). There is a pink square around this. The last is an icon with an arrow pointing left and an arrow pointing right. To the right of that there is text that says Reverse Level Order. There is a pink box around this.

What's in a Rubric?

Screenshot of the Brightspace Rubric creation page. There are two rows with six columns. Both rows have the exact same thing. The first cell has text in the upper left that says New Criterion. There are three dots to the right of that in the cell. To the right of that, there are four white cells. Half way down the cells, there is a merged row with text inside that says Initial Feedback. The last column has text in the upper-center that says (slash) four.

Filling in the Details

Screenshot of the Brightspace Rubric creation page. There is text in the top left that says Criteria. There is a pink box around it.
Screenshot of the Brightspace Rubric creation page. There is a vertical, gray rectangle with a white plus sign init. To the right of that, there is a horizontal white text box. There is text inside that says Level four. Below that, to the left, is a smaller white textbox with the number four in it. To the right of that is text that says pt. To the right of that is a black trashcan icon.

2. Adjust your level of achievement and points associated with each level (if necessary). You can add more levels by clicking on the plus icons to the left of Level 4 or to the right of Level 1

Screenshot of the Brightspace Rubric creation page. There is text in the top left that says New Criterion. There is a pink box around it.

3. Add the name of your first criterion to the first row.

Screenshot of Brightspace Rubric creation. There is one row across the top with a column for each level of the rubric. The row below shows a series of white cells. There is a pink box around it.

4. Fill in the details for each level of achievement. Repeat steps one through four above as needed to build your rubric. The Inital Feedback allows you to add feedback that will be universally applicable to those who are scored at each level.

Overall Score

The Overall Score box aligns each submission based on the overall rubric score. You can adjust the levels, points, and add in overall details for each level. 

Setting Options

Adding a Rubric to an Assignment

Screenshot of the Brightspace Assignment creation page. There is text across the top that says Evaluation & Feedback. Below that, there is a thin vertical black line. Below that, there is a pink box. Inside it, to the left, there is bolded text that says Rubrics. Below that, there is blue text that says Add Rubric. There is an arrow pointing down to the right of it.
Screenshot of the Brightspace Assignment creation page. At the top, to the left, there is bolded header text that says Evaluation & Feedback. Below that is a thin, vertical black line. Below that, there is bolded text that says Rubrics. Below that is a horizontal rectangle. Inside the rectangle and to the left is an icon of a table with four rows and four columns. To the right of that, there is text that says Rubric One. To the right of this and still in the rectangle is a pink outlined square around a triangle pointing right.