Brightspace: Building a Course

The majority of what is built in Brightspace will live on the Content area, which includes links to articles, PDFs, assignments, VoiceThreads, Turnitin links, etc.

Brightspace Building Topics Covered

Course Contents 


Brightspace uses modules as the structure for the actual content of the course. It is best practice to not add a submodule inside of another submodule as that structure can get confusing.

Creating Modules

Screenshot of Brightspace Content page. To the left is the content navigation. At the bottom is a thin rectangular box with text inside that says Add a module. There is a pink box around the thin box. To the right is the content area. At the bottom of the page, there is a thin rectangular box with text inside that says Add a module. There is a pink box around the thin box.

Does the course content span multiple weeks? 

Utilize one of the above strategies and create separate module/s for any additional content. For instance, make a Course Resources module that has links to resources that are accessed throughout the semester. 

Setting Dates on Modules

Screenshot of a module page. At the top is larger, bolded text that says Week 2. There is a gray square to the right of the text with an arrow pointing down. Below that there is a line of text that says Add dates and restrictions. Below that, there is another line of text that says Add a description.

After creating a module, there's an option to set dates on it:

Release conditions set who has access based on certain criteria. Dates and release conditions work independently of one another.

Building Best Practices

The following items are a few best practices tips, tricks, and tools to use while building in Brightspace. 

Using Templates

Screenshot of the Create a file page in Brightspace. In the top left there is bolded and large header text that reads Create a File in Week One. Below that, there is a thin, horizontal rectangular box that has gray text in it that says Enter a Title. To the right of that is a gray dropdown box with text inside that says Select a Document Template. There is a pink box around the gray dropdown box and text above it that says Change the template. Below all of this to the left is a check box that is unchecked with text to the right that says Hide from Users. Below that, there are two rows of formatting options. There is a pink box around an icon that has four symbols. The symbols are a play button, a pause button, an outlined circle, and a solid circle.

Templates are pre-formatted designs in Brightspace to make content more visually appealing and interesting. 

Repurposing Existing Content in A Course

Often times instructors find that they want to copy content in one course and use it somewhere else in a different module. The two options below will walk through how to do that. 

Linking To Other Pieces of Content Inside A Course

Use a Quicklink in one content file to reference another content file in your course. This will create a link in one page that leads back to the original page. To do this:

Using Content From Another Place Inside A Course

Have the full HTML page show up in more than one spot in a single course. To do this:

Visual Table of Contents

Screenshot of Brightspace homepage, specifically the Table of Contents area. There is text up in the top left that is bolded and says Table of Contents. There are two vertical rectangles side by side. The first rectangle has a picture of a stop light with a blue background in it. Below that in the rectangle, there is text that says Start Here. Below that in the rectangle is a thin gray line and text below that says zero percent, zero of three topics completed. The second rectangle has a photo of a desk with computers on it. Below that in the rectangle is text that says Technology Requirements. Below that in the rectangle is a thin bar that is partially blue and partially gray. The text below it reads thirty three percent, three of nine topics completed.

The Visual Table of Contents allows students to see the course modules in a visual way. Module images come from the description of the module. To set up the images:

Screenshot of the Brightspace editor view. There are three rows of formatting options. The first two rows span the entire width of the screenshot. The last row is cented in the middle and has only nine options. There is a pink square around one of the icons. The icon is a landscape.

Welcome Students

Create a message and/or video to welcome students to the course

In many instances, a Brightspace course might be the first thing students see or experience about your course. Use one or more of these strategies to make them feel welcome

Please note that there is currently a bug with VideoNote that prevents users from recording more than 3 minutes on an iPad. If you need to record for more than 3 minutes, please use a computer. 

Screenshot of the Video Note recording window.

Changing The Course Homepage

While every Brightspace course has the same course homepage, instructors can customize their own course homepage. The items that appear on the course homepage are widgets. To change out widgets:

Creating External Links

Brightspace will try to load external links (meaning any link that's not pointing to something in Brightspace) in the frame of the current window. Often times, this results in an error as the linked site isn't meant to be loaded that way. To avoid that, we recommend using the option to Open in a New Window when creating a new link. 

To create a new link:

Screenshot of a text editor window in Brightspace showing how to create a link with a pink box around the an icon that looks like a chain link.

Creating External Links

Brightspace will try to load external links (meaning any link that's not pointing to something in Brightspace) in the frame of the current window. Often times, this results in an error as the linked site isn't meant to be loaded that way. To avoid that, we recommend using the option to Open in a New Window when creating a new link. 

To create a new link:

Screenshot of the Add Link window in Brightspace. There is a pink box around the link box and a pink box around a radio button that says New Window.