Day 7: Ben & Jerry's

Post date: Oct 09, 2013 3:37:55 AM

Day 7: Ben & Jerry's, October 7, 2013

What has become an icon of American ice cream, Ben & Jerry's has been offering quality, bold flavors for 35 years. This is another location within walking distance, so a plus for me.

This year Ben & Jerry's has transitioned all of their ingredients to be fair trade certified. So that is a good reason to support a more globally fair, sustainable culture!

I sampled the White Russian, coffee flavored ice cream with coffee liquor; it was delicious and tasted very similar to the drink. Since I frequently make the drink, I decided upon something else. I ultimately ordered a scoop of banana peanut butter Greek yogurt in a waffle cone. I know, not ice cream!! This was the first cone of the adventure.

The cone cost $4.99. A little high perhaps, but again, they push for fair trade ingredients.

The Greek yogurt had a semi-tart flavor. Initially it caught me a little by surprise. The consistency of the ice cream was a nice, creamy texture that was easy to eat from the cone. After the initial shock, my taste buds quickly adjusted and enjoyed it. The peanut butter sweetness also worked well in balancing out the tart flavor.

The peanut butter was a strong flavor. Although not everywhere in the mixture, the bites where it was present added a new dimension to the taste. The consistency also varied, some portions were soft and ribbonly drizzled through the yogurt. Areas where the peanut butter accumulated were harder chunks. By itself, the peanut butter was a little too sweet on its own.

The banana flavor was a little weak relative to the yogurt and peanut butter. There weren't any banana chunks or anything to really make it pop and stand out. At the end of the day, the dish was much more about the peanut butter.

The waffle cone had good flavor. It was a little on the small side, but it was filled completely with the ice cream. Sometimes waffle cones are disproportionally large resulting in the initial few bites are all cone with no ice cream to balance it out. Kudos to Ben & Jerry's for getting it right.

With so many flavor choices, Ben & Jerry's is sure to offer something pleasing to everyone. You will pay for the quality, although some of the higher cost is also attributed to brand name. The fact that their flavors are so readily available in grocery stores takes some excitement away from a visit to their store.

On a scale of 1 to 5.

Taste: 3

Pricing: 2

Atmosphere: 3

Originality: 4