Day 6: Neos Yogurt

Post date: Oct 09, 2013 2:15:52 AM

Day 6: Neos Yogurt, October 6, 2013

Set in a strip mall, Neos Yogurt (formally Voss Creamery) has a large, bright sign, a couple neon outdoor chairs, but didn't stand out from the parking lot. Once you walk-in, there is plenty to grab your attention. There is a large aquarium off to one side. There are multiple shelves with various candies for sale. They sell frozen yogurt, ice cream, and soy yogurt. I am excited that they offer Vegan friendly selections.

With a wide variety of unique and specialty flavors, I took a different approach and ordered a staple of most ice cream shops: chocolate chip cookie dough. A single scoop cost $2.48.

The ice cream had a very delicious flavor, although it was less creamy, more water based recipe than a typical ice cream. It is probably on the healthier side. The less creamy flavor was compensated by ample amounts of cookie dough.

The cookie dough was soft, sweet, and well blended into the ice cream. The amount used was generous and ensured almost every bite was cookie filled. The dough was a little crumbly for the larger pieces.

The bits of chocolate were about the size of a grain of rice. Just like the cookie dough, they were well mixed within the ice cream. The chips were dark chocolate and had a nice, subtle taste without being overly powering in chocolate flavor.

At the end of the day, Neos offers a lot of variety beyond the typical ice cream flavors. The next time I return, I will be sure to venture off and sample something original.

On a scale of 1 to 5.

Taste: 4

Pricing: 5

Atmosphere: 4

Originality: 4