Georgia Okeeffe explains the   OSSETI, Georgia conflict

Post date: Mar 16, 2020 4:40:39 AM

 RD-blog-772  by Herb Zinser

Russian astronomy used the Russian Army in OSSETI, Georgia, Russia to help astronomy war project -----> Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth. War data helps identify brain alien subroutines that plague human intellectuals.

Russia and USA top secret joint military astronomy WAR projects trap alien EM brain wavelengths on Battlefield Earth. Supersymmetry physics and parallel processing military tools identify enemy forces.

Herb Zinser's analysis of the SOLAR SYSTEM war over control of Planet Earth. Newspaper and magazine reports provide the surface veneer empirical data of EARTH LAB battlefields. These newspaper military reports are about a new class of soldiers and their missions.

The modern symbolic components of  WORD equation …..

SOLDIER = Sol + Die + Er 

→  Solar System botany processes

+   Machine Tool and Die Industry metals

+   Social Engineering  


BASE 16 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Planet Earth)

Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.

Year 1616 --> BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.

The BASE 16 project started in year 1600; the astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started in year 1610. In year 1616 the galactic computer system project was titled:

 Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth) 

in honor of his position as an intellectual military general in the MILKY WAY galactic WAR.

The BASE 16 ...400 year astronomy war that began around year 1610 continues to this day in year 2013.






List of Russian astronomers and astrophysicists -


This list of Russian astronomers and astrophysicists includes the famous astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologists from the Russian Empire, the Soviet ...

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' 

Science | The

Jun 27, 2011 – A top Russian astronomer say he expects humans to encounter extraterrestrial civilisations within the next two decades.

Astronomy - Russia - International Center for Scientific Research

Russian Academy of Sciences. • Astro Space Center (ASC). • Institute of Astronomy. • Space Research Institute. • Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO RAS) ...




Analysis of the Russian astronomy military strategy with the Russian ARMY.

The binary strategy comprised 2 major military probes ... providing data needed for advanced algorithms to understand the astronomy SCIENCE WARS.


The binary strategy comprised 2 major military probes ... 

The binary strategy comprised 2 major military probes ... 

The binary strategy comprised 2 major

military (mil + ary → milk dairy)

 Probes (pro +bes → Proteins BESSIE the Cow project of SI Hayakawa at Bethesda Lutheran Home) 

Analysis of the Russian astronomy military strategy with the Russian ARMY.

The binary strategy comprised 2 major military probes ... providing data needed for advanced algorithms to understand the astronomy SCIENCE WARS.


The binary strategy comprised 2 major military probes ... 

The binary strategy comprised 2 major military probes ... 


 The war in Afghanistan

Soviet war in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Soviet war in Afghanistan was nine-year conflict  involving the Soviet Union (and the ( 9 planets of the Solar System), supporting the Marxist-Leninist government of the Democratic Republic of …

 nine-year conflict

 nine-year conflict

 nine-year conflict

 nine-year conflict

Background - 1979: Soviet deployment - 1979: Soviet invasion

Soviet war in Afghanistan -

The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a war fought between the forces of the Soviet Union, and Islamic tribes of Afghanistan who were against the Communist ...

Jump to Afghanistan war maps: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 ...

insurgency during the 1979 to 1989 Soviet war ...

Category: Maps of Afghanistan ...





==> The Russian astronomy DATA gathered by the ARMY probe into Afghanistan.

a) The 9 year conflict ...correlation to the 9 planets of Solar System astronomy.

b) The MOUNTAIN VIEW ....... of the Russian Army on EARTH LAB geography location known as Afghanistan.

Category:Mountains of Afghanistan - Wikipedia

Category: Mountain ranges of Afghanistan.

Mountains of Afghanistan ...

Afghanistan Table of Contents.

Mountains dominate the landscape, forming a terrigenous skeleton, traversing the center of the country, running generally in a ...


astronomy military troops with THINK TANKS 









c) The Galileo base 16 hexadecimal structure of Computer Earth system 370. Thus we see the computer relationship ... and the SIGNAL for Paul Allen and the computer industry.

Thus the supersymmetry physics war message

mountain range of AF = Afghanistan and parallel/ mirror

mathematics range from

 HEX'A' = 10      to Hex'F' = 15.


One could say we have a MATH mapping

from the mountain physical REALITY/domain

to the math and symbolic life REALITY.

Thus mathematical-physics will M-theory and all of the dimensions of EARTH LAB.....

one could think of a mapping between one format of Nature (the Afghnaistan Mountains) to the symbolic formats of Nature (via the Central Nervous System of math people)




==> The war in the Osseti, Georgia, Russia region


2008 South Ossetia war - Wikipedia, the free

The 2008 South Ossetia War or Russo-Georgian War was an armed conflict in August 2008 between Georgia on one side, and Russia and separatist ...

Georgian–Ossetian conflict -

Jump to War in South Ossetia‎: Main article: 2008 South Ossetia War ... Georgia admits using cluster bombs against Russian troops and the Roki ...

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | 2008 | georgia russia Jan 19, 2010 – Georgia and Russia mark the first anniversary of their brief war over the South Ossetia region, amid ongoing tension. Living with the aftermath ...





==> The Russian astronomy DATA gathered by the ARMY probe into Osseti.

a) We have Solar System and Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL .....

with OSSETI = OS + SET + Interfaces .....thus an algberaic set of different versions of OS/JCL expressions:

- the system 370 copper wire computer main frame

- the OSLO, NORWAY bio-computer battle at UTOEYA

- the Lee Harvey OSWALD bio-computer asssassination of President Kenndy

- the TED OSWALD killing of

bio-PC LU = Logical Unit of Waukesha, WI name

bio-PC = Police Captain LU =LUTZ.

Thus 2 versions of a PC

copper wire PC = personal computer

cop/policeman PC = person computer = brain computer.

Thus the cover-up of the TRUE NATURE of the Milwaukee area bio-computer war.

The state assembly has university programmers write human brain assembly language programs to manipulate citizen brains at the subliminal MIND level. This, then prevents police detectives from seeing the big picture AND understanding the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness social anthropology battles 

.... such as the Anthony Peters attack upon Mayor Barrett in West Allis with special secret agent for Carl Jung ...Police Chief JUNG.

Welcome to the World ..... of West Allis --> West Alice project with CHIEF JUNG and Lewis Carroll.



The universities in the Milwaukee area will not cooperate; but police detectives that are curious are welcome to study the secret cover-ups run by the university elite, arrogant intellectuals ....that look down upon people like us. They think we are fools. This university attitude was well-known in year 1865 and published by Lewis Carroll. For example:

==> Lewis Carroll and the Virginia TECH student brain experiments...experiments in awareness of the social structure of Nature and the Earth government with subset human governments and institutions.

LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped

the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).

I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."

==> Wisconsin ...with Alice .....that is project title = Alice in Dairyland is the current version of Lewis Carroll and it is connected to theorist CHIEF JUNG who wrote about --> Man and his Symbols", Collective unconsciousness , Myths and Dreams.

Thus we see the theory of JUNG

and the social application test area with CHIEF JUNG West Allis .... he has a bigger name spelling .... but his TRUE NATURE and mission is revealed in his CHIEF JUNG identity. › 2009/08/16 › suspected-barrett-assailant-in-cu...

Aug 16, 2009 -

West Allis

Police Chief JUNG  -->

Mike Jungbluth

said police believe Peters was

intoxicated, wanted to see his daughter 

Maybe, someday he may explore his indivi.dual NATURE ....that is his DUAL life.






Thus many people with good and honorable intentions have their brain under control because of either educational commands we receive in school of television broadcasts or newspapers writing incomplete conclusions. Detectives interested in the Milwaukeee shooting of Norberg or the OSWALD killings of Kennedy and then years later Lutz....... may wish to join my research.

You need a open mind. need to understand its big world with all kinds of angles and views ... and you are ready ...... after several months will be surprised. I was ..... after several years, I was able to figure it out..... given the valuable CLUES of many authors. It' a big puzzle ..... it can be very interesting.

Thus we see how the OS/JCL mission by the Russian Army is related to the OS/JCL = Job Control Language of bio-computer systems ....and the brain programming of POLICE and citizens as OSWALD. 

George Orwell and Aldous Huxley warned us about this social engineering process that goes wary. These are puzzles ..... and the university and government have no interest in such matters; but the curious individual that can read and write .... can help MAP out the brain manipulation schemes in the geography area in which you live. 

This could be Milwaukee region ..... Chicago region ...etc. Norberg and oswald have been studied extensively .... but Milwaukee needs understand the SCIENCE WARS in its region.





Returning to the brain alien subroutines ..... we can look at Hollywood, California and one of their movie stages at Mountain View. They have actors and real scientists at that location.

Currently the actors CONTROL the intellectual environment at that location.

b) signals for the SETI Institute in California.

Perhaps, someday ..... they may pay attention to the world around them.

c) SETI claims to be interested in ALIENS.

They ignored the ALIENS war identifier:

ALIENS --> A + LIE + NS --> Attack LIEGE, Belgium + Norway Shooting



The SETI Institute appears to be a slick cover/ a front used by the aliens themselves.

They don't have bi-directional communications.

They live in Computer Earth system 370 VSAM space.

Thus the state of California office code CA -->

gives VSAM CA = Control Area.

Thus they may be intellectual prisoners in CONTROL AREA of California.

We have the BAL city region of BALtimore.

BAL = Basic Assembler Language for brain symbolic computers.

So, perhaps the correct view is the SETI brain cell people that they are under

ALIEN VSAM Control Area and

ALIEN VSAM Control Interval --> CI --> CI.tizens living in some intellectual data space ...that they are to lazy to leave ....and explore other parts of EARTH LAB.

They ought read the Carl Sagan book "Contact"..... it has the necessary identifier codes for the down-to-earth human agent they are to contact ..... near the HUBBLE(Ton), Wisconsin top secret astronomy project ....that Sagan helped design.... and that is now waiting to be revealed by the astronomy world .... but is delayed .... by the lack of curious individuals.




Thanks to the Carl Sagan book 'Contact' and many other authors for providing CLUES to the astronomy war PUZZLE. In addition, they helped train my mind .... with the a variety of writing styles and the introduction of various concepts ....especially mystery authors and science fiction authors. In addition, television shows related to the mystery and science fiction books ...have enhanced those reading experiences. In a sense, I am a symbolic son ..... that they have helped educate. That ...along with basic college physics, chemistry, math, biochemistry, and genetics textbooks ....will enable any older person become much wiser.



BBC NEWS | Special Reports | 2008 | georgia russia Jan 19, 2010 –

Georgia Okeeffe and Georgia O  ….OSSETia

Algebra set theory 

and Russia mark the first anniversary of their brief war over the South Ossetia region, amid ongoing tension. Living with the aftermath ...





==> The Russian astronomy DATA gathered by the ARMY probe into Osseti.

a) We have Solar System and Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL .....

with OSSETI = OS + SET + Interfaces .....thus an algebraic set of different versions of OS/JCL expressions:

Georgia on one side, and Russia and separatist ...

Timeline of the 2008 South Ossetia War - Background - Human impact Timeline of the 2008 South Ossetia War - Wikipedia, the The 2008 South Ossetia war began on August 7, 2008 and 

involves Georgia EARTH language equation

involves Georgia

involves Georgia

involves Geo rg ia

involves Geo rg → geography region ….. 


Sun Prairie …. Wisconsin

………….riemann structures and levels


involves Georgia 

Georgia O’keeffe  …… Wisconsin LINK to

………….OKe  Georgia 

………….Okee Florida

Okefenokee Swamp - Wikipedia › wiki › Okefenokee_Swamp

The Okefenokee Swamp is a shallow, 438,000-acre (177,000 ha), peat-filled wetland straddling the Georgia–Florida line in the United States. A majority of the ...

Location‎: ‎Southern Georgia; Northern Florida

esignated‎: ‎1974

Area‎: ‎438,000 acres (1,770 km2)







Georgia O’keeffe  …… Wisconsin LINK to

………….OKe  Georgia 

………….Okee Florida




A Sunflower from Maggie, 1937







A Sunflower from Maggie,

1937 By Georgia Okeeffe 

A painting signal pointer to

Th sunshine state →

 Florida and Lake Okeechobee
















CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

