Isaac Asimov .... Foundation series...psychohistory PROOF

Post date: Feb 22, 2020 8:28:37 AM

RD-blog-number-2325 by Herb Zinser

Isaac Asimov ,

the Foundation series, psychohistory PROOF --> mathematics equation DEMO


World Trade Center AND Oklahoma City Federal Building

--> multiparticle potential scattering

The H.G.Wells modern "War of the Worlds" for control of cities. The status review of cities.

Herb Zinser's analysis of the SCIENCE WARS and the effects upon cities; as cities and their citizens sit by and watch television, laugh, party, and live in their Carl Jung collective dream world. Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD ... and the modern social psychology war using secret music ... brain manipulation signals.

The world-wide Science War empirical data reports on the CITIES under attack by SYMBOL MACHINE  equations as predicted by Asimov.



RD-blog-number-2325 by Herb Zinser

The periodic atomic table of  elements and the mathematical-physics equations that describe existence on EARTH LAB have an argument with Argonne National Labs.

Atomic element  IRON has a diplomatic communications problem with  FermiLAB and various Fe = ferrous oxide/iron atomic  buildings approved by Fe = Federal policy.

There atomic  iron buildings and skyscrapers  STAND a vertical LINEAR TOWER

September 11, 2001 FLAT IRON building  ….

Nature’s systems BUILDS  a new version of the

FLAT IRON building for the Manhattan Project approved by


Fe =   Ferrous oxide/iron atom of the

Fe =   Fetus brain policy

Fe =   Federal governmental  ….. Supposed ...

Intellectual section of thoughts  



  .... and STANFORD University and Stanford Linear refuse to acknowledge the  multi-faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism  

or the 11-dimensional string theory war  .....

Sept 11, 2001 Manhattan Project battle ….

part of the world-wide SCIENCE WARS.  






Thus NATURE has a serious communications problem with the myopic awareness  of subset humans and their subset human institutions.

How does Nature send messages?  


Let's look a theory ...... about indirect messages  that may become directly visible in another format.

For example ...words and sentence  .......months/years later ...may become actual reality ....

perhaps by some HUMAN project plan  OR

by chance  OR

by some hidden plan of Nature (suggested by  the book title - The INVISIBLE MAN).




Psychohistory is a theoretical science in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe which ...... mathematical statistics to make general predictions about the future ...




PROOF - the equation and its empirical REALITY data events



Messages about the foundations of existence of EARTH (atlas code below) ... the influence of mathematical-physics on human LIFE and Death.





Below, tensor space/time of TEN years and the English department tricks of verb tenses: Past, Present and Pre-sent , the FUTURE.





East coast universities and Virginia TECH university English department tricks of verb tenses

……  as word vectors /directions

….. as social command vectors …

…. as thought and behavior  vectors :



Past, Present and Pre-sent , the FUTURE.

The probability distribution of life / daily activities and thoughts in the PRESENT tense is really

bewteen 2 STATES of MIND and their thoughts/actions.....

1) the truly PRESENT REAL TIME) and now activities....such as driving a 4-wheeled car down a highway

2) the PRE-sent ........ and who is the director of the pre-sent world and its policies?

Why doesn't Virginia TECH explain the Base 16 hexadecimal space/time MATH BATTLE of April



Let's look at some examples...... let's look the math war in Vietnam --> 1962 thru 1974.

The soldiers and civilian people .....are considered like groups of particles...... hence, the multiparticle WAR of Vietnam.






The above symbolic equation / WAR formula ....translated into physical conflict on the geography surface of EARTH...ASIA with

Above symbols:

H0 = H subscript 0 --> HO Chi Min trail Isaac Asimov mathematical geo-physics trail/DATA pathway for symbolic theorists and researchers.




Ho Chi Minh trail - Wikipedia

The Ho Chi Minh trail (known in Vietnam as the "Trường Sơn trail") was a ... Army of Vietnam (PAVN), or North Vietnamese Army, during the Vietnam War.

Origins (1959–1965) - Interdiction and expansion ... - Commando Hunt (1968–1970)


Ho Chi Minh Trail - US History

Ho Chi Minh Trail map. The Vietnam People's Army had decided to build a secret road system

to carry war supplies to the south. The network, initially coded 559 ...





symbol V -->

maps to geo-political REALITY --> Vietnam 

geography-mathematical graph





symbol m subscript j --> math majors --> Majors in the U.S.ARMY


symbol p subscript j -->

mathematics WAR commander-in-chief =

PJ -->President Johnson

symbol Vij  with subscripts i = row, j = column

..... partition of Vietnam jungle


 into V = vector space ……

linear algebra tables with rows and columns ....with botany plant RICE ..... farms fields of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory …


When   EARTH BOTANY government …..

world Vegetables battle played out with rice 

When the rice shoots began 

When the rice shoots began 


When the rice shoots began 

When the rice shoots began 



When the rice shoots began 

When the rice shoots began

When the rice proteins  order gun BULLETS to shoot

using human action figures 



using math rice systems = matRICES 


thus the relationship between agriculture/farm land 

(the EARTH language of atomic farm  soil) ….

and their symbolic representations in math and English form known as symbolic life of alphabets and algebra symbols, letters, equations, formula.


Drought and 'Rice First' Policy Imperil Vietnamese Farmers ... › 2016/05/29 › world › asia › drought-and-rice-fir...

May 29, 2016 - SOC TRANG, Vietnam — When the rice shoots began to wither on Lam Thi Loi's farm in the heart of the Mekong Delta, a usually verdant region of Vietnam, she faced a hard choice: 


16 - SOC TRANG  …. Asimov equation  ,


16 - SOC TRIANGLE  (COMPUTER EARTH base 16 Isosceles triangle computer)


16 - SOC

16 - SOC

16 - SOC code from V = Vietnam Vector space


This was confirmed by Nature's systems and the presence of math President N X N (Nixon) for an N X N square matrix.






About 30 years later...the EARTH existential mathematical cycle reappeared with the Department of Energy Intellectual WAR .......and the intellectual policy and communication errors resulted in transformation to physical violence in the United States.



The tragic events that resulted from the social science and theology violations of mathematical laws ......are:

Now we have described the  LAND war in Vietnam a  geography region LINEAR Algebra WAR  with President N i X o N --representing the N X N square matrix .... on the flat geography surface of that LOCAL area (Vietnam, Asia).




Now, let's look at the vertical LINEAR ALGEBRA structures office buildings and skyscrapers   ..both ..usually made with IRON skeletons ...the GRID-IRON of architecture.


What are some examples of  scattering ..... multiparticle scattering ......the multi- particles being created by  a bomb explosion or an aerodynamics attack on the building VIA a plane geometry military vehicle known as an air plane.  The multi-particles created are building debris, automobiles on the grounds, people that were killed,etc.


Thus it is important for insurance companies to offer  building owners, businesses, and workers .... ..a multi-particle scattering WAR insurance policy  ...just in case ......they get caught up in some mathematical-physics BATTLE in civilian war zones.

Let's look a few examples of multi-particle scattering.



1) The

Fe = Ferrous Oxide iron atom

Fe=Federal Building in Oklahoma City   

with the Isaac Asimoc mathematical property of 

Base 16 hexadecimal  HEX'Fe' = 254 = Federal Building and advanced computer science on EARTH LAB   ....

with Base 16 message center known

as Base 16 computer address space = 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC = Define Constant Basic Assembler Language. 

The ARMY is familar with bio-computer training done at FORT DIX, New Cotton Jersey new Darwinian selected  service soldiers receive Basic at the FORT ...... that is ...they get IBM Basic Assem.BLUR Language and Fortran social engineering language ...for their subliminal mind education.

The Oklahoma City   MATH and periodic atomic table  SCIENCE WAR casualties .....provided some CLUE to a puzzle.



Above equation V --> Veigh --> Veigh(t)  --> Vertical eight --> Vertical Height + Weight → eight = decimal number 8



The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building ordered by 


Principia Mathematica (PM) 

EARTH WORLD systems  … military manual - Wikipedia › wiki › Principia_Mathematica

The Principia Mathematica

(often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work

on the solid basement cement …..

philosophy foundations of

bedroom construction for sperm production …. And the

Federal government mathematics building in Oklahoma City  …..


written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. ...Theoretical basis · ‎Ramified types and the ... · ‎Notation · ‎Consistency and criticisms


Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building

Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building


Machine buildings

...language engines and word machines




in Downtown Oklahoma Citymilitary Book 19 19 --> on April 19, 1995.

It would remain the most destructive act of terrorism on American soil until the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6 and injured more than 680 people. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings

within a  base 16 ….. sixteen-block radius.






BOMB --> B + OM + B  --> 16 OM  =  16  electrons Oxygen Molecule  mass 32 ..... a signal for atomic chemists --> social chemistry adjustments  in OC = Organic Chemistry TEST site OC = Oklahoma City.



atom signal  --> atomic MASS 16 oxygen atom 8 electron --> 168 oxygen atom LUNG breathers with ERRORS are now dead.



The question is......why were  these Margaret Mead nuclear family ..atomic anthropology DETAILS omitted from the  investigation and the TRIAL of Timothy McVeigh(t). The situation was partially  rigged in the set-up of Timothy McVeight ..... with the approval of universities.... that could have spoken up and raised  questions...and provided answers ........but have not ....BRAVE NEW WORLD has zero BRAVE universities, zero BRAVE professors, and ZERO brave thinkers..





A fast solver for

multi-particle scattering

in a layered ... - OSA › abstract

by J Lai - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 21 - ‎Related articles

Aug 15, 2014 - A fast solver for multi-particle scattering in a layered medium

(Federal office building FLOOR layers)



The data omissions  ARE too simple and too obvious .

Speaking of data  ..... over 200,000 experienced  computer programmers and computer systems analysts and  exist in the UNITED STATES and NOT one recognizes the situation below a possibilty of a  computer science WAR.


within a  sixteen-block radius --> Base 16 hexadecimal signal




Below......168 dead CODE processing signal  --> Base 16 + 8 data bits = byte  ...... 

see the Computer World Publishing   for details about the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 war events.

Below  we see the some of the 11-dimensions of  string theory displayed in 1 composite message ...with levels and subset messages within it.  Thus, we see the multi-faceted levels of the Darwin evolution of the symbolic English language with math symbols,etc.  


CBS News'

Chris IS +  sham ..( IS =  Information Systems sham)

denies accusations he (he= Hexadecimal) was  FBI informant during Oklahoma City bombing                                                                                                                                                           



BY LEO STANDORA  ......DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER ... Wednesday, April 6,  2011 


CBS News' vice president and Washington bureau chief denied accusations  

Tuesday (T +u + esda = Time unit VSAM entry sequence data)  he was an FBI (Function BIT map)  informant during the Oklahoma City bombing.


FBI (Function BIT map)  informant

 FBI (Function BIT map)  informant

 FBI (Function BIT map)  informant on

COMPUTER EARTH city blocks (as data blocks)

…… as Oklahoma City blocks

……   bitmap blocks ERRORS 





FBI internal files claim Chris Isham, who was chief of investigative projects

for creation of 


For ABC NEWS News in the 1990s, 




provided the government with the identity of a confidential source as well as tips gleaned from the network's coverage of the bombing. "The suggestion that I was an informant for the FBI is outrageous and untrue,"

Isham said …..



He said the

FBI ( atomic FBI = FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois)

FBI at Quantico =   Quant + ti = co = Quantum Time Code training center

FBI (computer math FBI = Function BIt Map) 

FBI (the traditional version portrayed on television and in the news) 

inaccurately described his relationship with the bureau and he insisted he acted according to journalistic



 Photographs of the Murrah Federal Building following the bombed P. Murrah Federal Building  in Oklahoma City was


Search Results

en.wikipediai/   Timothy_McVeigh(t)

Timothy  "Tim" McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001) was an American domestic terrorist who detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah ...

Childhood - Military life - Post-military life - Arizona with Fortiers



Above equation V --> Veigh --> Veigh(t)  --> Vertical eight  


--> Vertical Height + Weight --> eight  --->

eight data bits --> battle reports



Thus ...we see the CAUSE  and EFFECT .....of the Federal government ERROR in the execution of Timoth McVEight Nature's systems re-activated the MANHATTAN project for the System 11, 2001 ......



June 11, 2001 --> Sept 11, 2001  



and the Department of Energy and the  Office of Science deliberate INTELLECTUAL insults to

the 11-dimensions of the string theory project

..........of the

modern James Joyce atomic stream of conscious and awareness  of the many atomic bio-physics humanoid citizens and their social schemes  ...that become help CREATE of these tragic signaling events.


revenge for the death of agent Veight --> agent V8 --> Vector 8 for oxygen and  the LUNG oxygen atomic computer and the bio-optical computer of the retina/eye/optical  nerve processor.




Above equation

V --> Timothy McVeigh(t) signal repeated   for the dense intellectuals of Manhattan

--> Veigh(t)  --> Vertical eight 


--> Vertical Height + Weight

 =  eight (V + H) 


--> eight (H + V).... part of the equation above



World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar

The World Trade Center is a site for various buildings in Lower Manhattan, New ... It featured

landmark twin towers, which opened on April 4, 1973 and were ...



One World Trade Center - Collapse of the World Trade ... - Construction

To meet the Port Authority's requirement to build 10 million square feet (930,000 m²) of office space, the buildings would each need to be 110 stories tall....


In all, the World Trade Center complex

and complex mathematical-physics  region

contained six buildings within the 


16-acre (65,000 m2)  superblock (super data block)







Above we see the COMPUTER EARTH system 370  ...and the secret HUMANOID bio-computer manipulation signals ...


16  superblock --> Base 16 hexadecimal data  (super) block


PORT of Authority --> Input/Output data PORT 




10 --> binary 10 = Base 2 = Two Towers computer science battle 


110 --> binary code 110 for project OS/JCL Binary = OSAma BINARY Laden ..a leading WORLD computer scientist according to the Base 16 reports from  the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue specialists in world data processing and BULL-STORIES told the public.


110 stories tall.......

the 110 fantasy stories told Tall tales, lies, and disrespect  for


the gentlemen ..who stood TALL in intellectual integrity with symbols


110 stories tall.......

..................tallahassee, Florida State University 1972 ..




Paul A.M. Dirac - Biography › Nobel Prizes › Nobel Prize in PhysicsCached

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was born on 8th August, 1902, at Bristol, England, his father being Swiss and his mother English. He was educated at ...


Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, (OM, FRS; 8 August 1902 – 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the early development of both quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. He held the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, was a member of the Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, and spent the last decade of his life at Florida State University.




Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac

8 August 1902

Bristol, England


20 October 1984 (aged 82)

Tallahassee, Florida, USA


Tall.ahas.see  World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia World_Trade_Center

The World Trade Center is a site for various buildings in Lower Manhattan, New York City, 

... known collectively as the (Carl Jung collective unconsciousness schemes with the UN building)




Twin Towers,

were the tallest ( and the tallest lies of symbolic buildings) buildings in the world. ...On the morning of September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two ...


After burning for 56 minutes (atomic mass 56 signal to Ferrous oxide Lab = FermiLAB), 

the South Tower (2) collapsed, followed a …



--> were the tallest buildings in the world ..

the Paul Dirac and Erwin Schrodinger symbolic buildings





-> were the tallest buildings in the world ..

the Paul Dirac and

Erwin Schrodinger symbol and concept buildings



atomic social science REALTY and 

atomic English language ..thus the 


periodic atomic table PLATFORM (as hardware)  


Atomic communications (software) 


O = oxygen representative …

President O  = Obama 

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 was awarded jointly to Erwin Schrödinger and Paul  Dirac

"for the discovery of new productive forms

of atomic pussy for the

real estate bedroom construction industry …

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 - Documentary - Nobel Lecture - Other Resources 



The September 11 attacks (also referred to as   9/11) were a series of four coordinated attacks (4 airplanes)









Su (super-symmetry)

suicide attacks

upon the

United States / eat and shit



 philosophy of life in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001






 Ground Zero – site of the destruction of the World Trade Center



- World Trade Center collapsed following the Sept


Thus we see the more TRUE NATURE of the deeper level of reality .......

Isaac Asimov and Pau Dirac   .......would not tolerate the LIES   of year 2001 universities and their attitude  and neglect .....the incomplete explanations of the mathematical-physics BATTLE. History The Manhattan ProjectCached

May 23,1942: The S-1 Executive Committee recommends that the project move to the pilot plant stage and build one or two piles (reactors) to produce .... keeping the atomic bomb a secret and using it as soon as possible without Warning.




Manhattan Project Chronology | The Manhattan Project: Making the  SEPT 11,2001... History The Manhattan Project 

May 23,19.42nd STREET, Times Square :


S-1 Executive Committee recommends  that the S-11 project


move to the pilot plan stage (airline pilots and hijack plan) and build


one or two piles (the TWO TOWERS and their two piles of rubble in Manhattan) 

to produce .... keeping the atomic bio-physics Margaret Mead humanoid  a secret and using it as soon as possible without Warning.


move to the pilot plan stage 

move to the pilot plan stage 

move to the pilot plan stage 

move to the airplane pilot plan ….. federal stage

APPROVED BY citizens and their 

Citizenship  communities  ……

Biology ship ….. families

that shit  on the USA


Citizenship  ….

Air      ships used for the

Parallel attack




Thus we see .... Isaac Asimov  had integerity to raise several the READERS of his science book have the courage to help  reestablish the WORD of HONOR and integrity. If you don't help ...then your lazy brain is traeson to Isaac Asimov and his probable wish help undertsand the Science Wars.

Additional SCIENCE WAR subjects are listed on the above TOOLBAR on your computer screen. You may CLICK on those NOUNS for access to detailed battle reports.


CONTACT --> Principle science researcher: HERB ZINSER


