Computer Earth events

Post date: Feb 26, 2020 5:57:2 AM

Rd-blog-1503 by Herb Zinser

Computer Earth

system 370 biochemistry WAR

with alien subroutines

used by business, cities,

universities, and other groups.

What is your brain computer

death code?

Science war evolution --> Neutron Neuroscience wars --> math integer Internet wars --> biology Blog wars

Herb Zinser's detailed description of the Science wars and now the symbolic brain INTELLECT WARS with Nature's atomic English language as a brain DEFENSE military tool.     

Modern war with the subconscious mind HUMAN symbolic machine





Bio-computer societies have existed for thousands of years. The human brain is a computer.

It exists in 2 capacities:

a) a biological molecular processor

b) with the invention of symbols, and then with invention of the Gutenburg printing press in year 1453 ..... the brain has evolved into a symbolic processor. Thus we have a few people that have a functioning Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer. The bio-computer exists with various levels ...depending upon an individuals effort to evolve VIA learning algebra, physics, engineering, chemistry, etc. ......the serious subjects.


Thus we see, how the Roman Empire came into existence. Individuals had their own brain computer used for daily activities such as work, going to the food market, cooking dinner, going to the theater to watch a Roman play,etc. 

Then within each Roman skull ..Nature partitioned the brain processor and its cell processing address space into MFT (Multiple Fixed Tasks)....which is different task processing regions.

This system continues to this day. A modern study of Madison, Wisconsin shows the city residents have a big problem in their ancient MFT brain configurations ...caused by their destructive manipulation plans.

We see the ancient Roman brain and the various MFT = Multiple Fixed Tasks ...such as:

- consciousness

- sub-processors like subconscious, subliminal

- intuition

- some people had mental telepathy

- group mentality

- States of Mind

- Carl Jung collective unconsciousness

- Maslow's Hierarchy Problem of physics needs

- etc

Thus one of these brain processing regions .....was used by Nature to create the Roman Empire.

This was a group mentality ......... and Nature's computer was comprised of the sum of all of the people bio-computers (using part of their brain for doing EMPIRE calculations and EMPIRE concept analysis). Using Latin language, body languages, music languages, pottery style languages, clothing/robes textile colors/fabric languages and other hidden languages ...... Nature's social engineering MAIN PROGRAM was able to figure out how to build an empire ...and then sent its thought data output to people like Julius Caesar.

Thus Caesar received insight .... which he enhanced and clarified .... a task in in itself. The data stream of information ..... between the collective of bio-computers ......enabled Nature's thought process to improve.

Thus we see an interplay between Nature's intellect and human initiative and human respect for good ideas. Thus the Roman Empire ...and other ancient civilizations ..... were using modern terminology to describe them ......they were bio-computer symbolic processing civilizations.

Thus people like KINGS and Emperors ..... were like the MAIN PROGRAM representatives ......

were like the MAIN PROGRAM representatives ......

and then various bio-computer subroutines (with a group of people brain computers) ...did special tasks. For example, the Roman Empire had the highway building subroutines with the associated speciality human bio-computers ..... whose task was highways and bridges.








Modern society is a bio-computer system. Nothing has changed since ancient times.

Take some of our recent bio-computer presidents:

President of Base 16 HEX'Fo" = 240 (FORD)

President BUSH explains Bush,SR --> BUS Hex ......SR = System Region

President CLI (CLINTON) = Compare Logical Immediate Instruction in the BAL geography region

BAL = Basic Assembler Language for humans in the City of BAL = BALTIMORE.

President BUSH explains Bush,JR --> BUS Hex ......JR = JOB Region



Thus we ask ...what types of bio-computer

DATA BUS types exist?

Data BUS --> leadership format like President Bush family

Data Bus --> business corporations and their human bio-computers

Data Bus --> school bus with data processing TEST specimens

...... such as the IMS biology database child records

.......The biology child records were deleted at the UTOEYA bio-computer test site using the OS/JCL of OSLO, Norway ...a representative for European " DEATH bio-computer technology".

The logical child segment - IBM Knowledge Center › home › sseph2_15.1.0

Each logical child segment must be present in the application program's I/O ... and its concatenated key has not been stored with the logical child, IMS constructs ...

The logical child segment - Luther Logical Unit

The logical child segment -  evolution

The logical child segment -

The logical child segment - 

The logical child segment - human worms 


Earthworms - Penn Arts & Sciences › ~rlenet › earthworms

The earthworm is made of about 100-150 segments. The segmented body parts provide important structural functions. Segmentation can help the earthworm move. Each segment or section has muscles and bristles called setae. The bristles or setae help anchor and control the worm when moving through soil.


The logical child segment - IBM Knowledge Center › home › sseph2_15.1.0

Each logical child segment must be present in the application program's I/O ... and its concatenated key has not been stored with the logical child, IMS constructs ...


The logical child segment - worm hole theory

The logical child segment - bullet hole theory

The logical child segment -

The logical child segment -  

the Sandy Hook children of  human worms

and their child segment DATA DEMO 

….. Segment configuration 

In year 1914, Norway, Britain and other countries tested the COMPUTER EARTH system 370

PGM = IEFBR14, Disposition = (Delete, Delete, Delete Germany and other countries).

Did Norway enjoy the

Nor series of experiments:

Norberg.....Milwaukee policeman shot

Northern Illinois University shooting

Very funny ..these European professors .......that in year 2011 and 2012... Norway, Britain, Belgian continue the BIG LIE and phony university history FRONTS. The university, government, and newspaper song-and-dance ...with fantastic, BS explanations about historical events ..... and more amazing, incorrect explanations of modern tragedy.




Data Bus --> city BUS routes .....are data communication routes









Here, we will look at subroutine drivers ...of the bio-computer system of the United States.

Specifically, we will look at BUS Drivers ..... who are trained well and are careful.

Thus ..... a city BUS driver .....when an accident occurs ...the accident is symbolic of the community.....that the community BRAIN has serious problem.....and the accident is just a mirror from Nature. Supersymmetry physics and parallel processing theory of EVENTS provide the background theory ...used for analysis.

Let's look at an example.

What are the possible hidden secondary signals?

What possible messages is Nature trying to send?



==> Woman Struck By Madison Bus Dies - Madison News Story - WISC ...Jun 23, 2011 – A woman has died after being struck by a Madison Metro bus on ... "I think sometimes there are very tragic accidents, and this might be one of those." ... "I can just tell you that she (the driver) is being interviewed by police and ...

SIGNALS ignored:

- The Madison bio-computer data bus is DEAD .....because the human bio-computers that provide the data ...they are brain nonsense/think nonsense/bragg and BS. The movie from around 1977 ...has come true.....Madison is like " The Dawn of the LIving Dead". The city and the university have no intellectuals that try to understand the world gestalt.

- Metro bus ..... subset letters are

.....met  rob -->metabolism  microbiology data bus at the university and the medical industry has major communications problems ....violations of the Hans Zinsser subliminal mind treatries of year 1940 ...treaties that are enforced by MOTHER NATURE ..... who does not like BULL-stories and distortion of facts.

- June 23 --> 23 chromosome pairs messages 

- June 23 --> 23 chromosome pairs messages 

about the modern social chromosome schemes used by marketing and advertising of


....DNA secret social DNA commands to the eye/optical nerve VIA television broadcasts.

This manipulation schemes are approved by university genetics departments in conspiracy with

marketing .....and their attempt to

mar/damage human genes to create more data bus --> business for the health care industry.








Investigation Continues After Woman Struck,

Killed By Bus Jun 23, 2011 – ... being struck by a Metro bus on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. ... On Thursday, Metro identified the bus driver involved as Debra Foster. …

Killed By Bus Jun 23

Killed By Bus Jun 23 ….. July 23

015 Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia › wiki › 2015_lafayette_shooting

On July 23, 2015,

a shooting occurred at the

Grand 16 movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. John Russell Houser, age 59, opened fire during a showing of the ...

Grand 16 movie theater →

Grand Unified Theory …...base 16 ….

molecular view  ….. THEATER of WAR 

Investigation Continues After Woman Struck,

Killed By Bus Jun 23, 2011 – ... being struck by a Metro bus on the University of 

 There were six crashes there last year, with most happening in the ...

SIGNALS ignored:

- Killed by BUS ....did the University of Wisconsin ..or a company or a state agency...

Computer Science department code a bio-computer brain subroutine .....

the KILLER subroutine

and release into the general Madison population. Computer scientist and others like to experiment and amuse themselves .....part of the university philosophy ..... everything is fun and games.

Thus we have a big TEN university + six crashes ==> Ten + six = Base 16 Hexadecimal.

Thus Nature is stating that the University or some other institution in Madison ..

is very familiar with the Base 16 HEX murders of

April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH. 

That is why UW, Madison or UW. Milwaukee will not help researchers try to figure out the Virginia TECH SCIENCE WARS shooting.

Modern CAD = Computer Aided design of human CAD= CADAVERS.








The Badger Herald: Woman killed after being struck by Metro bus 22, 2011 – The University of Wisconsin-Madison's premier independent student newspaper ... Pedestrian died at local hospital following accident at University and ... “It is an ongoing investigation, so the bus driver, as a precautionary ...








Wisconsin State Journal Madison's highest paid city government employee last year wasn't the mayor. It wasn't the police chief. It wasn't even the head of Metro Transit.

It was bus driver John E. Nelson.

Nelson earned $159,258 in 2009, including $109,892 in overtime and other pay.

He and his colleague, driver Greg Tatman, who earned $125,598, were among the city's top 20 earners for 2009, city records show.

They're among the seven bus drivers who made more than $100,000 last year thanks to a union contract that lets the most senior drivers who have the highest base salaries get first crack at overtime.




Existence SIGNALS ignored the party citizens of Madison.

- earlier ....we mentioned microbiology and genetics. Hence we have a general group:



molecular cell biology


Above...we see words:

bus driver Nelson ..... and this is message regarding the information data bus with Nelson.

bus driver Nelson ..... gives

driver Nelson

dr Nelson .....-->

University of Wisconsin Nelson 


Dave Nelson …. Biochemistry  data

…. Molecule  bus driver 

: researcher, teacher and collector | Science ... › daily-cardinal › dave-nelson-researcher-teacher-and-coll...

Mar 19, 2013 - Professor Emeritus of biochemistry Dave Nelson has become an avid collector of old scientific equipment that now clutters his office and can be ...


Above words:

He and his colleague, driver -->

this is biochemistry drivers Nelson

and his colleague Cox --> Code ox = oxygen (weight 16) atomic computer base 16 hex with the bio-physics LU =Logical Unit = LUNG processor of Nature's agent Cox.





Above words:

- They're among the seven bus drivers --> 7 Nitrogen 14 ..... used in the 4 DNA Nitrogenous bases of social biochemistry.




What are the 4 nitrogen bases and their

The four nitrogen bases are Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine. Their job is composing a code for DNA to shape the physical characteristics of most ...

Nucleic acid sequence - Wikipedia, The possible letters are A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand — adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine — covalently linked to a ...







- more than $100,000 implies

binary code S =System --> 1 0 0 0 0 0..

implies some type of nitrogen atomic/molecular computer

...base 7 ...whereas oxygen is base 16




- drivers who have the highest base .

What is the nitrogen bases Biology

What are 4 nitrogen bases of DNA? The four nitrogen bases of DNA: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine. What is one of the nitrogen bases in DNA?

Base pair - Wikipedia

In the canonical Watson-Crick DNA base pairing, adenine (A) forms a base pair ... Hence, the number of total base pairs is equal to the number of nucleotides in ... and stability; 2 Base stacking; 3 Base analogs and intercalators; 4 Examples ...









==> Another acccident puzzle.


Jane Hwang, James Madison University Student, Killed In Bus

Nov 16, 2011 – Jane Hwang, James Madison University Student, Killed In Bus Crash ... According to Virginia State Police, the bus driver is a 56-year-old ...JMU Student Hit and Killed by Bus Identified

driver is a 56-year-old

driver is a 56-year-old

driver is a 56-year-old

Nov 18, 2011 – Virginia State Police confirm Jane Hwang, 18,was the James Madison University freshman that ... The bus driver is not facing any charged.

- What is a computer science data bus?

- What is a driver subroutine?

- Chemistry/signal equation signal: Hwang 18.

H + wa + ang + 18 .......please explain?

what molecule involves H. wa, molecular weight 18.

what is eye optical wavelength .....ang --> expand word.

- what has atomic mass 55.85 rounded to 56

- driver is a 56 .......

molecular cell biology DRIVER that uses atom 56

Please explain the Heme group.

Do the arm muscles of myoglobin protein use atom 56.

Is atom FER --> used at FermiLAB in human bio-physics studies of subliminal mind thoughts.

- driver is 56 .... why is mathematical logic a driver of society and university life?

What book was written in year 1910 with symbolic brain military 56 ...which led to the Hungary uprising in Europe in year 1956.

What is the title of the Russell /Whitehead book?

Does the symbolic son of Bertrand Russell --> Peter Russell write about math genes in his genetic book? What is a y-algebra chromosome.....and how does it relate to Y2K ....2K data stream of consciousness used by output year 2000 brain computer.

Oh, did you forget to upgrade your brain for the atomic brain QUANTUM TIME boundary year 2000. Sorry, Darwinian evolution considers your brain as lacking the desire, the determination to continue on its abstract, symbolic mission.

Be careful. The survival of fitness ..... involves an alert symbolic brain processor with algebra and the atomic periodic table defense concepts.






- Jane Hwang --> undercover agent killed in astrophysics accident.

Her message identified as.....

Jane Hwang --> Jane H --> Jane Hawking of year 1970.

...Universe astrophysics on EARTH.

...see University of Cambridge, England for war details

Jane Hwang --> Janes fighting ship' signal



Hwang --> H wa ng --> Hex war norwegian government





HARRISONBURG, Va. (WUSA) - Police have identified the pedestrian killed in a fatal bus crash on the James Madison University campus.

Jane Hwang, an 18-year-old first-year student from Fairfax, Va. was walking around 10 p.m. Tuesday night when she was hit by a city of Harrisonburg bus at the .

city of Harris

city of Harris

city of Harris (book instructions)

city of Harris

city of Harris

city of Harris (book instructions)

And BMO-Harris bank …..

Advanced Transactional analysis

At Watertown Wisconsin 



- Above signal analysis.

We see the parallel processing/supersysmmetry physics EVENT of Virginia TECH shooting of Base 16 HEX/bio-computer curse of April 16,2007. For Jane Hwang ...... bio-computer WAR casualty .....

killed in a fatal bus crash ...math translation ..

Base 16 HEX'Fa" = 250 bus crash/abend.




-intersection of Carrier Drive

..-intersection of Carrier Drive

Sister Carrie 

S = system carrier waves from

Wisconsin earth ….

………..sine data carrier waves 


such as outlined by Nikola Tesla

Earth wireless communications MODEL 






 - Wikipedia › wiki › sister_carrie

Sister Carrie (1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream, first as a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, and later becoming a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels".

Plot summary[edit]

Late 1889.

Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago, where her older sister Minnie, and Minnie's husband, Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in. On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman, 


-intersection of Carrier Drive


-intersection of Carrier Drive

………………………..  Riemann levels and structures


-intersection of Carrier Drive and Bluestone Drive, Virginia State Police say..

Bluestone --> IBM BIG BLUE messages waiting ...why ignored?

Carrier --> see the year 1982/1983 application Carrier subsystem

...running on an IBM 8100 DPCX system with SNA VTAM LINK to the HOST computer at

Chicago BC/BS = BC (social economic Bio-Chemistry) at Blue Cross/Blue Shield at 200 N. Michigan Avenue ...5th floor hardware ...6th floor applications software..... computer programmer agent BC .....agent code Illiad to Illinois, Homer Glenn.

Homer, ancient BC time of Bio-Chemistry SRC instruction origins. The IBM 8100 NIXON ==> 

N x N square matrix computer 90 x 90 = 8100.







Above ABC = Atomic Bio-Chemistry report of 7 Nitrogen..and the DNA nitrogenous bases WAR casualty. For more information on the state of Virginia and its citizen biochemistry cover-up LIES ...go to Virginia TECH university and study English and biochemistry learn how to LIE about the

Virginia TECH shooting and the

Fort Hood shooting and the

Cole Hall shooting and the

Columbine High School shooting and the

UTOEYA Norway shooting and the

BIG LIE battle with the Liege, Belgium shooting.

-State Police say a female student was walking when she was struck by a city of Harrisonburg transportation

bus at 9:52 p.m. Tuesday.

The student died at the scene.

Translate: Bus data 9 --> 8 data bits + 1 parity bit

Tuesdsay --> solar system TIME Computer =

Tuesday = T + u + esda = Time unit Vsam entry sequence data

-She was identified as Jane Hwang, a graduate of W.T. Woodson High in Fairfax.

Translate: She was identified as the supersymmetry physics parallel to

Jane H. ..... former wife of agent Stephen Hawking (alias the HAWK)


She was identified as Jane H

She was identified as Jane H

She was identified as Jane Hawking



-State Police Sgt. Frank Ingham says the bus was going through a green light and making a left turn when the accident occurred. Hwang was wearing dark-colored clothing.

Frank --> Bio-computer agnet Base 16 HEX'F' = 15 rank and file (data file)Hwang

--> Hawking angstroms anger with Dark matter physics SIGNAL.









→ wang systems




In Manhattan we have a major bio-computer convergence processing site in North America.

The Port of Authority BUS Terminal ...... fits right into the Computer Earth system 370 landscape.

Port --> human I/O port

BUS --> data Bus

terminal --> like a 3270 CRT computer terminal

Of course, nearby is Time's Square 42nd Street.

42 --> Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal

Also, not to far away GRAND Central Station .....

part of Nature's GRAND Unified Theory physics project with

Central Nervous System 370 bio-computer LINK with

Central Processing Unit 370 copper computer.






Thus we see the hybrid systems FORMAT used by Nature.



C. P. Snow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Two Culturesý: On 7 May 1959, Snow delivered an influential Rede Lecture called The Two Cultures, which provoked "widespread and ...





An Update on C. P. Snow's "Two Cults":

Scientific American



from the subliminal minds of magazine reporters

Aug 21, 2009 – A new column that examines the intersection between science and society provides an update on the historic essay.




the status of the modern classroom

...and why the shootings have been ordered BY NATURE and its biochemistry military command .... that has sent tragic signals to humans ...that ignore everything except Hollywood movies and television shows.

The 1976 CAM message from CAMbodia, Asia about the direction of Darwinian brain evolution at CAM astrophysics universe locations on EARTH LAB --> University of Cambridge and MIT, Harvard, and the astrophysics center in CAM.bridge , Mass.

Evolution of knowledge does not include the social science BUll-stories and the political science song-and-dance that these schools approve and endorse.

Evolution of knowledge does not include religious people to intellectually lazy to study their atomic foundations and the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic anthropology ....the atomic/math nature of most human thought.




It is sad that universities and the publishing industry have joined a intellectual snob CULT.

That is CULT # 1. They do not communicate over empirical data ..... data that is important to understanding the SIGNAL of some social science tragedies.








CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

