The Feynman  electromagnetic coupling constant 137 battle in Cleveland

Post date: Mar 17, 2020 6:7:14 PM

RD-blog-2118 by Herb Zinser

The Batavia bio-physics electromagnetic coupling constant 137 , the newspaper signal 137 communications problems with the FermiLAB atomic processing layers of DNA nitrogenous bases and the Standing human Standard model.

Nature's atomic and astronomy messages waiting for acknowledgement.


The electromagnetic coupling constant 137  has been in many newspapers in November 2011.   The SIGNAL has been ignored by universities and governments research  agencies ...since they ignore the existence of SCIENCE WAR battles and the resultant  student casualties. › world › may › cleveland-car-chase-russell-wi...

May 31, 2014 - Cleveland patrol officer Michael Brelo stood on the hood of the suspect's car and fired at least 15 shots through the windshield – five fatal – at the two unarmed people inside, Cuyahoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said Friday. ... He said the other officers on the scene had stopped ...

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Six Not-So-Easy Pieces

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Six…..TSO  … pi …...

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Cleveland fires six police officers

who shot 137 bullets at ... › News › World › Americas

Jan 26, 2016 - Cleveland fires six police officers who shot 137 bullets at unarmed black couple. The officers behind the 22-mile car chase and who killed two …

the 22-mile car chase

the 22-mile car chase

the 22-mile car chase

the 22-mile car chase

The newspaper  data suggests a  major bio-physics string  defect .....that is string theory applied to atoms that combine to form molecules,  and molecules become 4 DNA nucleotides (Nitrogenous Bases ) ...... and this construction process  continues ..until we have ...say atomic bio-physics humanoid that is 6.67 feet tall and weights 200 pounds  and plays basketball ...specifically, his Nitrogenous BASES (the orginal NBA) belong to an humanoid sports organization called the NBA  ...that refuses to acknowledge the original NBA of Mother Nature.

Thus we have the NBA players --> p    layers -->processing layers...that exists in 2 major formats:


a) the physical format of bio-physics and biochemistry 

b) the information string  from atomic levels to larger levels ...and the information   string modern times appears in college textbooks in genetics, molecular cell biology, math ,etc.     At some point in this information string is a defect...called social science cheating and bull-stories ....and the Margaret Mead nuclear family  ....atomic anthropology is now involved in a SOCIAL SCIENCE war ........and scientists will not help clarify the situation.


Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces


Let''s look at some mass communications signals.  Mass communications is television, radio, print, Internet,etc.

Mass communication is really atomic mass communications...the messages of protons, neutrons, and electrons VIA  humanoids with an atomic brain bio-computer with output devices .....the arm/wrist/hand for writing output and the  LUNGS provide nitrogen/oxygen carrier atoms ...that carry English nouns/verbs to the mouth output device. From those human source outputs.......PRINT  or copper wire television electrons/optics may help distribute the message.




Above, using the atomic English language of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom.

..and their 26 atomic alphabet letters ......we can translate the message of the Margaret Mead nuclear family and its atomic  social anthropology messages of the s,p electron orbitals VIA s,p orbit -->abbreviated as ......s,p, ort --> sport of basketball and its information string .

Internal string theory starts its information string  with the s,p orbit molecules to the DNA Nitrogenous Bases human size messenger Nitrogenous Bases ( NBA) --> to the  string end ... s,p, orbit = sport. The human NBA insult their atomic, molecular, and DNA heritage; they refuse to acknowledge its existence  and the SCIENCE WARS. 

In the addition the  basketball players UNION  denies the existence of algebra set theory.  

The atomic/astrophysics continuum is a  union of many sets ...known on the South side of Chicago as the   UC = Union of Concepts and Concrete ideas.

Thus we see that the UNION has omitted many of  the sets of other humans ...that are part of the NBA  continuum ...a section of that continuum being Nitrogenous bases (molecule size)   THRU NBA ( human size). - Similar

Nov 2, 2005 – Adenine and guanine are also known as purine bases; cytosine and thymine are also called pyrimidine bases. Each deoxyribonucleotide will ... › Wiki Answers Categories Science BiologyCached - Similar

The nitrogen bases in DNA are 

Adenine (A), 

Guanine (G),

Cytosine (C), 

Thymine (T).

A binds with T G binds with C.

Thus we have the NBA relationship to DNA ...... a molecular cell biology SIGNAL,   a biochemistry SIGNAL...that universities choose to ignore. University basketball teams are use to manipulate  DNA. 

The   atomic  s,p orbital --> transform --> sports   ....... is used by basketball coaches to  send body language commands and optical /eye  commands to the human brain bio-computer. 

University administrators allow any  nonsense instructions to be broadcast on television during the  college social science /biochemistry playoffs.

Then we have the university intellectual  clown performances with the

Penn State  and Syracuse University  big song-and-dance trial of  Nature's undercover agents like Jerry  Sandusky.



What is the meaning of 'drive' in basketball? - Quora › What-is-the-meaning-of-drive-in-basketball

3 answers

May 9, 2016 - "Drive" means to get the ball from outside the 3 Point line to the basket for a lay up. Most of the time it is done by dribble penetration by the ...

done by dribble penetration

done by dribble penetration

done by dribble penetration for Alzheimer basketball victims





Above, we see the  p = processing layers (Players)  that are demonstrated by sports players or theater players,etc.

William Shakespeare around year 1600 stated

.........." The world is a STAGE and we are the Players"

Today " The WORLD is a stage and we are the atomic DNA Processing layers".




Above we have the physics signal 137  .....

words: day of this stand

............da ............stand .........standard model physics

FermiLAB refuses to acknowledge    signal 137 .....

related to EARTH LAB specimen  humanoid with experimental label ..proper noun related to the Nature's project parameters for 137 -->   one 37 --> one  at 37 degrees Celsius atomic body thermodynamics.

Thus we wonder who  that might be?   

Of course, that is an odd question.





We need more newspaper  physics communications data!

Below, we see the message NBA --> Nitrogenous Bases  in Batavia, Illinois.

1ks--> 1k stream  --> 1k data stream data pipeline



Above, col = columns  of the periodic atomic table such as University of  Chicago and Argonne Labs and the information convergence to Batavia  ....apparently Nature's choice for atomic bio-physics subliminal MIND structures and subtle expressions.  The Col signal ....refers to below ...




Above we see the symbols  NO ...that appeared in the atomic physics newspaper .....the  Wall Street Journal.....

Thus we have  words ....

NO Secrets --> Nitrogen Oxygen




Let's review the newspaper CLUES we have

--> physics signal 137 implies one human at 37 degrees Celsius

--> the one humanoid has 4 DNA nitrogenous bases ....the atomic NBA molecular basketball team

--> the specimen has a NOSE  that breathes Nitrogn/Oxygen

--> he is aware of the existence of the Place  known as LaPLACE math /engineering functions

--> he is aware of Einsteins's theory of Special  Reports

--> he is the head /director  of code: __ to __ ur

--> fill in the blanks .......   aTOm uranium 235 isotopes and 238

--> the atomic brain... cell WALL -->Wall Street Journal

--> Journal =  Jo + urn + al = Job  uranium alphabets





BUT, do we have sufficient clues to  perhaps...take an educated guess as to the identity?     Who is the receipent of all these messages and is NOT getting the messages.    Perhaps, his associates in the SCIENCE community are holding out on him. For example .....of the  thousands of students and professors at the University of Chicago, Chicago Circle Campus, and IIT ......... someone must have  seen the signals in the newspaper.

Why won't the Office of Science,  the National Science Foundation,   and the world physics associations ..tell him  of the possiblity...tell him the odds?


Okay, who knows why everyone is playing  DUMB?

Is it the influence of the  1960 television show ' I've got a secret"?




Players --> atomic Processing layers

split --> atomic MITosis  .....the MIT university signal




What other signal  137 WORLD physics signals  exist?

Pier 1 imports   and Pier 37 stores ...


Map for pier 37 store illinois

Thus Nature sent a coupling constant message VISIBLE  to the retail shoppers.

But,  the influential power of the electromagnetic coupling constant gets no respect .... hence, Nature's Hierarchy Problem regarding communications and acknowledgement of the  Margarrt Mead atomic anthropology forces ...that are NOT respected by the established ELITE.

Coupling ....Pier 1   and Pier 37 --> Pier 137





The atomic NBA  --> Ba = Basketball   Ba=Bases in Ba= Batavia sports zone  of the EARTH orbital theory.

Below,  another view of  standing Pier ODDONE  of the Standard model group.

Will members of the

STANDARD Model  theory and RD groups please

STAND  up and  please be counted something new  happening ?








Thus we have an interesting atomic bio-physics puzzle...that is a Margaret Mead nuclear family  puzzle from Nature ..that we ought acknowledge ......that it exists! Then ...we ought try to understand the atomic social engineering  messages from Nature.