Bio-computer genetics .... SOS Box war

Post date: Feb 28, 2020 8:21:53 PM

Rd-blog-2157-A  by Herb Zinser

Modern bio-computer genetics battlefield 

--> social science genetics 

- - -> the SOS Box war reports

Analysis of the World and Wisconsin

gene and chromosome brain WARS

Ddd Hollywood and Madison Avenue genetic manipulation social commands

The usage of words and graphic pictures to manipulate the brain symbolic bio-computer genes




Thanks to subtle subliminal mind messages from the humanoids that organize the various blog sites; I finally caught on. They are sending important genetics signals about some complex social engineering puzzle of Nature. What are the signals.....the SOS biology signals from Nature VIA the intermediate humanoid messenger ...known as computer programmers that run BLOG sites. Such programmers are bio-computer symbolic machines. I know, I was an applications CICS COBOL (with some assembler ) from a different generation .......the IBM main frame generation ......from 1975 thru 1995.


The English language word:

BIOLOGY has algebra subset alphabet letters 

B....LOG ..... which are 4 of the 7 letters of BIOLOGY.

Are BLOG people 4/7 of bio-computer BIOLOGY?

The   remainder   3/7 refers to 37 degrees Celius human body temperature.

Are BLOG people 4/7 of bio-computer BIOLOGY?

The   remainder   3/7 refers to 37 degrees Celius human body temperature.

Thus the math 1 = 3/7  plus 4/7 

Thus the Caltech university  equation of Richard P Feynman 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology and 4/7 bio-computer BLOG.

Thus the Caltech university  equation of Richard P Feynman 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology

(Richard Feynman’s component of the  TOE theory equation)


the other component of  the TOE theory approach

(Theory of Everything)  to Nature’s systems 

….. BLOG and BIOLOGY model ….. Is the

Erwin Schrodinger  quantum concept ….

Feynman extension VIA the Feynman scholar

Feynman (dead)  ---> Feynman  extension (alive) › wiki › Schrödinger's_cat

Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. ... The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead.

In other Words 

a sealed box → an atomic physical BOX such as a

atomic clay BRICK,

atomic stone public LIBRARY building or

high school Library

(as a SYMBOL MACHINE computer box …

With ….  

words, nouns, equations SOFTWARE)

The Columbine High School  library …  

SCH → SCHOOL violations of EARTH code

SCH = Schrodinger

SCH = Schopenhauer 

SCH = Schwarzkopf, JR…. Army general  battle)

with serious math and science books     

Cat → library catalog system. 

Dewey Decimal Classification

 The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), colloquially the Dewey Decimal System, is a proprietary library classification system first published in the United States by Melvil Dewey in 1876.[1] Originally described in a four-page pamphlet, it has been expanded to multiple volumes and revised through 23 major editions, the latest printed in 2011. It is also available in an abridged version suitable for smaller libraries. OCLC, a non-profit cooperative that serves libraries, currently maintains the system and licenses online access to WebDewey, a continuously updated version for catalogers.

The Decimal Classification introduced the concepts of relative location and relative index which allow new books to be added to a library in their appropriate location based on subject. 


BIOLOGY has algebra subset alphabet letters 

B....LOG ..... which are 4 of the 7 letters of BIOLOGY.

Are BLOG people 4/7 of bio-computer BIOLOGY?

The   remainder   3/7 refers to 37 degrees Celius human body temperature.

Thus the math 1 = 3/7  plus 4/7 

Thus the Caltech university  equation of Richard P Feynman 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology and 4/7 bio-computer BLOG.

Thus the Caltech university  equation of Richard P Feynman 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology and 4/7 bio-computer BLOG.

Thus the Caltech university  equation of Richard P Feynman 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology

(Richard Feynman’s component of the  TOE theory equation)


the other component of  the TOE theory approach

(Theory of Everything)  to Nature’s systems 

….. BLOG and BIOLOGY model ….. Is the

Erwin Schrodinger  quantum concept ….

Feynman extension VIA the Feynman scholar

Feynman (dead)  ---> Feynman  extension (alive)

Feynman  extension (alive)

Feynman  extension (alive)

Feynman  extension (alive) in the 


Format of a

CALTECH Feynman scholar …..  LINK 

His protein thought molecule HERITAGE

(milk, cheese and beef hamburgers) 

Scholar equation …..  Sc + hol + ar 

Sub-continent of India … Holy cow ..area

Feynman  extension (alive) in the 


Format of a

CALTECH Feynman scholar …..  LINK

……..ECHO (Nikola Tesla vibrations)


CALTECH equation 

CAL   + alt + ECH ……

CALCUTTA   ….. Altitude mountains


(Satyendra Nath Bose) 


CALTECH equation 

CAL   + alt + ECH …… altitude with

KIPLING (Rudyard) 

KIP → KIP S Thorne

KIP → thinK  IP address

COMPUTER EARTH  ….. (Internet Protocol)

KIP → KIP S Thorne

KIP → Kashmir India Pakistan


1  human being is 3/7 Biology and 4/7 bio-computer BLOG.

Thus the Caltech university  equation of Richard P Feynman 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology

(Richard Feynman’s component of the  TOE theory equation)

MODEL equation 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology and

4/7 bio-computer BLOG -->LOG → Logan Utah

Thus the

the other component of  the TOE theory approach

(Theory of Everything)  to Nature’s systems 


KIP S Thorne

(born in COMPUTER EARTH cache region)


human bio-computer 

secret agent code KIP

KIP → K … IP →


 thinK   IP address  


Computer cache at Cache County, Utah

KIP S THORNE   ---> bio-computer

..IP  address  to the

K = Kashmir India Pakistan





data record  … buffer caches 

Of Cache County Logan Utah with

KIP S Thorne

..IP address systems




human bio-computer 

CALTECH  university ….

secret agent code KIP

MODEL equation of 

Quantum social science

messages & communications

And possible message  FORMATS


Various message formats

and protocols explained by

Carl Sagan

Book   CONTACT …..

…  WisCONsin iron Tractors 

THUS the gestalt complete of the equation by a process over

100 years in the making 

1  human being is 3/7 Biology (Feynman)


4/7 bio-computer BLOG -->LOG → LOGAN  Utah

Thus 1 = 3/7 + 4/7 ….

Equation military tool

AK-47 …. Asia Kashmir 47 signal


Astrophysics KIP 4/7 life format 

And Caltech  math agent F(X)  …… alias name 


KIP  S Thorne .....IP address

... EARTH molecule

 addressing systems 

per Claude MoNET .... mo + net 

molecular INTERNET of year 1900 

thus input FOOD molecules

into the KIP bio-computer 

.... that is the

COOK County

Chicago recipe ....

..................ip  earth electrons


thus Nature's  sandwich 

(land of DuPage county

as piece of white bread)

thus Nature's  sandwich 

thus Nature's  sandwich 

with Sandwich Illinois 

and Mayo

from Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota

thus Nature's  sandwich 

thus Nature's  sandwich  with

Cache County

(earth land as a piece of bread)

with KIP S. Thorne

(piece of Meat )

from the female MOTHER EARTH

point of view .....

thus recipe of Caltech food service

.............ip   connect to code

...........Kip S(sandwich) Thorne

...................................... horn

...................................... horn

...................................... horn

...................................... horn earth

agent at

Caltech   prison


signal theory and word horn


Horn and Hardart Automats: Redefining lunchtime, dining on a ... › horn-and-hardart-automats-redefining-lunchtime-di...

Jan 4, 2016 - Horn & Hardart Automats: Redefining lunchtime, dining on a dime. In the 1930s, '40s, and '50s Automats were a New York City dining staple for a hard-working lunch crowd, a modernist icon for a boundless machine-age future. 

At their height there were over three dozen in the city, serving 800,000 people a day.



Autom -->

atom + U (algebra set theory union) 

atomic elements and their thoughts ...

thus atomic expression systems 

with human action figures and

human display devices 



Automats  ... automatic mathematical

..... social systems




Autom ats .. automobiles  at such

and atlas location 

(and parallel mobile walking humans

got to a

LU = Logical Unit meetings at


-------> NCH ... Numerical Control CHIN

systems for NC = North Carolina

That is a concern of Nature ......that is ...the year 2012 us Nature's VIEW of the Darwinian VECTOR direction of evolution. 

Is that all good ...or is it a warning .....that something nasty may happen in the next several years.

Just to be  cautious, a serious researcher can NOT dismiss the possibility of a SIGNAL.

Thus .... here are some CLUES ...that may help us understand Nature's the social engineering message from the BLOG provider community ...... whose Carl Jung collective unconscious .....ROSE to the surface of partial conscious expression VIA the BLOG system ...hoping that some older programmer might pick up on the possible warning SIGNAL Thanks to this SITE . . . . . . for the symbolic power of their subliminal mind IMPLANT into my eyes/optical nerve.... input bio-device to my abstract brain symbolic processor. 

Keep in mind that gene expressions may occur in 2 formats:

a) the traditional biology view of genetics and chromosomes

b) the social science language of proper nouns with Hollywood names like: Gene Audrey and Gene Hackman 

Journal of Molecular Biology

Volume 359, Issue 4, 16 June 2006, Pages 1059–1074

Thus between year 2006 and 2012 ...we have the evolution of molecular BIOLOGY messengers ..which is good.....undercover agents for Nature's systems. --> com = communications theory ....... advanced SITE parameters. Use a college textbook on genetics, biochemistry, or molecular cell biology .... as a frame of reference. You and a group of friends can buy the books ... they will be useful references for the rest of your life ....that is ....your brains symbolic active life. - Similar

SOS box is the region in the promoter of various genes to which the LexA repressor binds to repress the transcription in the...This genetics article is a stub.

The SOS response has been proposed as a model for bacterial evolution of certain types of antibiotic resistance.[1]

by EM Dullaghan - 2002 - Cited by 19 - Related articles

Many genes have a single SOS box that is sufficient to confer regulation, and there are even some instances of divergently oriented genes each being regulated ...

SOS Responses (Genetics). Response, SOS (Genetics). SOS Box. SOS Region. Definitions. An error-prone mechanism or set of functions for repairing damaged ...

338.htmCached - Similar

by C Janion - 2008 - Cited by 41 - Related articles

The sequences of the SOS-boxes in one gene differ by 2 to 4 bases. How and why the extra SOS-boxes in genes arise, and how they influence the gene ...

Above we see multiple expressions of the SOS box. 

a) we have the original INTERNAL biology description above ...written in words on cellulose paper or equivalent

b) Nature's message systems also sent an enhanced, larger SIGNAL to the EXTERNAL world of EARTH LAB for all humans to see. The living EARTH cell is in some ways parallel to a human body cell. The living EARTH cell demonstration of the SOS BOX with 2 to 4 bases ....... was in the city of Baltimore with baseball player Sammy SOSA:

SOS-box --> SOSA in the batters box

2 to 4 bases --> a baseball field has 4 Bases (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Home Plate) 

Thus we see the important symbolism ...and the urgent SOS message of the city of Baltimore the world of science...which ignores the SCIENCE WARS.

  SOS Response System of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis

Sammy Sosa

Right fielder

Born: November 12, 1968 (age 43)

San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic

Batted: Right

Threw: Right

SOS Response (Genetics).


SOS Function; SOS Induction; SOS Region; SOS Repair; SOS Response; SOS System; Box, SOS; Function, SOS; ...



Above, we see how...molecular cell biology INDIRECTLY can send a message VIA humanoid messengers in the 

BRAND NAME advertising/marketing industry ...that is .....the subset letters

........D NA ..........the BRAND NAME external signaling method of internal biology DNA government.

SOS box is the region in the promoter of various genes to which the LexA repressor binds to repress the transcription in the ... This genetics article is a stub.

Thus above, we have the

internal biology SOS box ...which in the

external world of objects

.....can be a television electronics (BLACK) BOX .....

giving the external system --> SOS box ...with a SOAP BOX broadcast TV show displayed upon a television BOX ...with various promoters...that is....advertising and marketing promotions.

SOS box is the region in the promoter of various genes to which the LexA repressor binds to repress the transcription in the ... This genetics article is a stub.

Above, we have another example of the television BOX with various genes ...that is Hollywood genes ...and their movies.

The movies at theaters......BOX office gene hits.

The movie reruns on TV --> television BOX gene messages.

Advanced gene and chromosome FORMATS of expression;




Similar More sizes

Thus we see the GENE messages for AU = Austin and the TEXAS university cowboy's.

AUTRY = Au + TRY --> Austin ought TRY to think seriously about social science public policy.

A more recent GENE signal for university and corporate scientists was VIA messenger



Gene (Genetics agent) made his name playing tough guys, spies, and smooth villains, .

Thus we see CLUES to an interesting mystery signal from Nature.

What does it all mean?

What has happened to the people in the Baltimore region? 

Can they be saved? First, we have to understand their bases ......problem.

Then we will need ..for Baltimore and Maryland and the East Coast on the United States ......

Sammy SOSA 4 DNA bases represented by 4 bases of Baseball ---> 

Sam SOS America ---> Uncle SAM SOS America signal from some source ..... what's happening ....

Sam SOS America ---> Sample Space errors SOS America

(2006) Majchrzak et al. Journal of Molecular Biology. Read by researchers in: 100% Biological Sciences. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the genetic

Mutation, DNA Repair, and Recombination - Similar

This module looks at changes in the information stored in the genetic material, ... excision repair, recombination repair, SOS repair) used to fix thymine dimers.

Let's hope that some people will be interested in helping to understand this situation. A few of the components are mentioned.

Thus, we see that the SOS signal took many messages formats:

a) Sammy SOSA

b) SOS soap pads on metal fibers ( ferrous oxide IRON atom) and its relationship to IRON Hemoglobin protein HUMAN ARM muscle fibers that are used to clean IRON pots and pans. 

c) the television and movie BOX office hits 

.......with Soap Box show or a Gene movie …..

Gene /chromosome conversations  VIA

Movies → Mo + vie + s -->

Molecular view (of) society

d) the latest SOS box message MAY be that symbolized by and the copper wire electron boxes of hardware used for the INTERNET data processing network. Supersymmetry physics suggests that the INTERNET is a living atomic electron structure .....and thru Darwinian atomic electron evolution ...has become an electron life form ...that parallels the human biology nervous system network. The introduction of the BLOG concept several years ago...was Nature's subtle hint that such a process was beginning ...... and the existence of my observation ...may mean that I am also a messenger .....describing some PROJECT PLAN milestone of Nature's project.

There are 3 ways to look at the above empirical data.

a) its all nonsense 

b) ir's true 

c) unsure ...but it's a possibility . . . that some of it is TRUE ...and we better check out the SIGNAL and try to understand it.