Earth war for control of Cities

Post date: Feb 23, 2020 7:37:39 PM

RD-blog-number-462A  by Herb Zinser

Earth war for control of Cities - introduction

The H.G.Wells modern "War of the Worlds" for control of cities. The status review of cities.

Herb Zinser's analysis of the SCIENCE WARS and the effects upon cities; as cities and their citizens sit by and watch television, laugh, party, and live in their Carl Jung collective dream world. Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD ... and the modern social psychology war using secret music ... brain manipulation signals.

Various books have covered this topic.

H.G. Wells wrote  the "War of the Worlds" .

L. Ron  Hubbard wrote "Battlefield Earth".




Thus the question is ...what is happening?


The War of the Worlds (1898), a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, is the first-person narrative of an unnamed protagonist's (and his brother's) adventures in ...

The Science War for control of Cities

Madison … Watertown …. Milwaukee 

The H.G.Wells modern "War of the Worlds" for control of cities. 






The black smoke  poisonous gas in

H. G. Wells' 1898 science theory book  …...

The novel  The War of the Worlds,

used by the M-theory ( Martians scientists)



 to eliminate groups of humans, especially artillery crews, and conveyed by shells fired from a gun-like "black tube" carried by the Tripods' whip-like tentacles.


Black smoke

(The War of the Worlds) - Wikipedia

H. G. Wells' 1898 science theory book  …...

The novel  The War of the Worlds,

used by the modern M ...Martians

( M-theory …  Martian mentality …

science book ….  below)

This year 1898  SYMBOL MACHINE military manuscript   laid the groundwork for World War 1 and World War 2.

Thus we see how SYMBOL MACHINE literary expressions  may become actualized VIA transformation to the REALITY  physical objects and human activities.

ac·tu·al·ize. verb \ˈak-ch(ə-w)ə-ˌlīz, -sh(ə-w)ə-ˌlīz\. ac·tu·al·izedac·tu·al·iz·ing. Definition of ACTUALIZE. transitive verb. : to make actual : realize. intransitive ...

More results for define actualization


ac·tu·al·ize ( k ch - -l z ). v. ac·tu·al·ized, ac·tu·al·iz·ing, ac·tu·al·iz·es. 1. To realize in action or make real‎


Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 is a 1982 science fiction novel written

by the Scientology founder

 eLectRON   Hubbard.


  eLectRON   Hubbard.

 eLectRON   Hubbard.

 eLectRON   battles

  eLectRON   battles

  eLectRON   battles

  eLectRON   battles

  eLectRON   batavia ILL/sick

Causes DEATH  at parallel

eLectRON   bataclan 

Thus we have  the Landau geo-physics .....EARTH  electron battlefield of AC electrons in ACRES of   farm land/soil ... such as the battle at Cole Hall, DeKalb, Illinois with

electron fields  as described by the  

(physical building)  EVANS FIELD HOUSE  in DeKalb       AND

 the    EVANS   symbol/ data FIELD/  information  HOUSE..



 Below, the field house --> Evans Field House in DeKalb Illinois

Chick Evans Field House - › wiki › Chick_Evans_Field_House

The Chick Evans Field House is a

6,000-seat multi-purpose arena in DeKalb, Illinois, USA.

The arena opened in 1956 and was home to the Northern Illinois ...

Chick Evans Field House - Wikipedia


The Chick Evans Field House is a 

6,000-seat multi-purpose arena .......

The Chick Evans Field House is a 

6,000-seat multi-purpose arena .......

 Chick Evans Field 

 Chick Evans Field 

 Chick    Ev  ans   Field  .....

c........ev(quantum photon energy) answer fields 

c ..carrier base wave

c = 180,000  speed of light PLUS 

..........6,000 seat multi-purpose arena

(photon THOUGHTS and KNOWLEDGE seats).......

c = 186,000 traveling photon LIFE city ... with Sherlock Holmes and Lewis Carroll ....

a SYMBOL & CONCEPT life city 

.... city with the velocity of em-fields


Herb Zinser's  Science War reports help explain the  concepts suggested by others. This enables you, the reader to take notes, develop flowcharts, and contribute analysis further extend the war outline.  Some events or details of your personal life . . . may someday be needed to help explain a piece of this complex puzzle of Battlefield Earth. 

What military secrets are contained in your subliminal mind? 

Why aren't you helping researchers in the SCIENCE WARS?

Welcome to Brave New World!  

You and your community have been captured in the social  psychology wars.

Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and other authors have warned us.  I finally ... took their books seriously . . . and managed to figure out their message.  Now, it's your turn to understand their social engineering concerns.