Tenzin Gyatso as the square root of 200

Post date: Feb 26, 2020 12:55:4 AM

RD-blog-number-600 by Herb Zinser 

Tenzin Gyatso of Tibet Math


Fermat's Last Theorem

with Andrew Wiles

and Kip S. Thorne

Darwinian selection of undercover Symbolic agents using the indiv.DUAL ..duality component. Atomic mass thought outputs -->mass communications: TV, radio, publishing

Herb Zinser's analysis of the visible Science Wars

and the indirectly visible.....

symbolic Brain and the Neuroscience wars.

The secret mission of various undercover Science RD agents and groups. The theory of interaction of Nature's forces with the human substrate to become social forces and vectors. Atomic mass communication identifies atomic human agent attributes




TenZin Gyatso of Tibet math

March 9, 2010 by zinjan

As a man who respects the TREE of KNOWLEDGE, he understands that the religious PATH to RIGHTEOUSNESS is the geometric RIGHT triangle and the contemplation path: PYTH.agorean Theorem. Thus Tenzin gives us his interpretation of BIG TEN university math in Madison, Wisconsin. Let exponent 2 = exp 2

General equation:

X exp 2 + Y exp 2 = Z exp 2

Tenzin equation (Ten = 10) :

10 exp 2 + 10 exp 2 = Z exp 2

100 + 100 = Z exp 2

200 = Z exp 2

The square root of 200 = 14.14 = Z


The Botany tree Bud ….

Buddhist algebra religious messenger 

the 14th Dalai Lama as the square root of 200.

The mathematical spiritual component

of life within TenZin GyaTSO

and his

decimal number 10 = Ten fingers and

decimal number 10 = ten Toes .


The 14th Dalai Lama (religious name: Tenzin Gyatso, shortened from Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, born Lhamo Dondrub, 6 July ...

The square root of 200 = 14.14 = Z


Tenzin …  10 zin…. equation:

10 exp 2 + 10 exp 2 = Z exp 2

10 toes power 2   + 10 fingers raised  2 =

10 multiply 10   + 10 X 10 =

100  + 100 =

200 (z exponent 2)

……...z integer 2…..

……...zin part of name …….

TenZin …… again his formula

Ten  ...Zin

Ten suggests 10 fingers & 10 toes 

Zin suggests math variable  Z  and

some relationship to an integer

(in this case a math integer exponent)


The Pythagorean theorem is an evolutionary precursor to the general equation of symbolic li.Fe --> Ferrous oxide atom physical life and its symbolic thought life .....as initially expressed thru Ferrous oxide atomic iron Hemoglobin proteins of atomic humanoid Fer.Mat.

Thus the primordial math soul evolution from Pythagorean to modern ferrous oxide humanoid structures...such as Andrew Wiles at Princeton (Fermat theory) and the (Fermat application) at CALTECH.

Fe = Fermat’s ferrous oxide / iron

atom theorem  for

Fe = Fetus brains (FET = Field Effect Transistor)

Fe = Female pussy school in Princeton, New Jersey

P = 16th letter of the EARTH language … the

English alphabet 

P = Processor base 16 hexadecimal


P = Processor bio-computers  at

P = Princeton

has the EAST COAST version of

Feynman scholar equation:

Fe + yn + man →

Fermat …  y exponent n ... mantissa

As  Jersey New  

(state of MIND of

Andrew Wiles

and his Nation of Carbonation (CO2)

……………………………...  nation 

while drinking a AW root beer

Seeking its algebra roots


Living in 

(geography state of New Jersey)

AW root beer agent

(A Wiles and the math Beer Summit of

President O ….f(x) = 0) ….

Convergence of the two-point

Weierstrass root-finding method ...

link.springer.com › article

by PD Proinov - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 9 - ‎Related articles

Jan 28, 2014 - 

Convergence of the two-point

Weierstrass root-finding method 



has the Feynman scholar equation:

Fe + yn + man → 

Fermat …  y exponent n + mantissa 

Ferrous oxide atomic math + y exponent n + mantissa


MAX BORN mathematical-physics

logarithmic life born in

LOGAN, Utah named Kip S. Thorne

Kip Thorne


June 1, 1940 (age 72)

Logan, Utah

(alias Cactus man)

Kip → thinK ip address


data record buffer caches

of Cache County Logan Utah 


spines, and

prickles - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › thorns,_spines,_and_prickles

The plants of the cactus family are particularly well known for their dense covering of spines.



cacti often have a particular kind of spine (as found in areoles of Opuntia) called a glochidium or glochid (plural glochidia or glochids), which is very small and deciduous with numerous retrose barbs along its length.

More research needs to be done on these astrophysics LOCAL REGION Earth Lab experimental subjects. They ain't talking; because their subliminal math mind wants to challenge us finite thinkers with a math life .. math religious puzzle.

Is there a math life relationship between

Fermat's last theorem and the

Fermentation of California grapes into California wine .and

FermiLAB  scientist as fermenters by Chicago

..and their convergence within these specimen human data processors? Thus we have input data...both symbolic and physical into these gentlemen.

And we have their output books and papers...that give us clues to the subliminal process within them...within all of us. Thus we have .... atomic psychology and math social psychology.

Many people have illness, because they have algebra and plane geometry deficiencies.

Thus, in year 2011, mathematical-physics is a pending new field of  brain SYMBOL MACHINE  medicine and psychology.

For example the quadratic equation has amazing brain medicinal powers.

Nothing like a few algebra exercises to cure those people that spend excessive time on a cellular phone (blabbering illness...not good for the evolution of the Central Nervous System 370 brain symbolic processor).

Also, their blabber contaminates the

Carl Jung collective unconsciousness 

and the

James Joyce stream of consciousness.

Would Charles Darwin approve of this nonsense? Would NATURE approve of this volume of societal trivia talk? The answer is NO. Thus we see the Darwinian intellectual war component of the SCIENCE WARS.

Lewis Carroll informed us around year 1865 of our guinea-pig status....myself and my symbolic brain computer included.

Also: What is the theological relationship between the Chicago Polish GODZIN , TENZIN, the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology book by Leon Lederman: The God Particle and the next stage of  information evolution ...

Polish Godzin Particle Physics.