M-theory atomic English

Post date: Feb 24, 2020 12:31:15 AM

RD-blog-480 by Herb Zinser

The M-theory atomic English language equation --> Murder VIA symbolic uranium 238

Applications of M-theory physics to the investigation of atomic social anthroplogy MURDER schemes

Herb Zinser's research into the SCIENCE WARS and the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic social anthropology of humans with an atomic bio-physics brain. Secrets of the FermiLAB intellectual WAR and their violation of the periodic atomic table Hierarchy of human spokespersons...hence the Hierarchy Problem involves the Darwinian atomic selection of human agents as messengers for atomic brain social engineering policy. University approved social science manipulations of the human atomic brain are in violation of the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as outlined in year 1690 with John Locke.

The Manhattan Project of 1943 had 2 sides to it:

--> The usage of the periodic atomic table and uranium atom to develop physical nuclear bombs; technology used later to build nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

--> The usage of the periodic atomic table and the development of the intellectual relationship between the atomic nucleus and the human cell nucleus ....and subsequently its expressions VIA humans.... atomic social structures such as towns and cities. Thus we have Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology......atomic social sciences, etc.







Uranium-238, uranium's most common isotope, can be converted into plutonium-239, a fissionable material that can also be used as a fuel in nuclear reactors.

Within the human symbolic brain...uranium 238 exists as a symbol entity...and has symbolic powers of an equivalent force ....a parallel to the physical uranium atom used as nuclear fuel for electric utility companies..

The human brain is composed of atomic particles.

The human brain expresses thoughts, ideas and behavior.

Thus atoms are the source of those human thoughts and feelings.



Thus the 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom have 26 atomic English alphabet letters; thus we have those 26 protons of iron expressing English language prose VIA the iron myoglobin proteins in the arm, wrist, hand used for writing nouns and verbs and concepts. However, Fer--> Ferrous oxide atoms in Fer --> FermiLAB atomic bio-physics structures will not communicate about the atomic language problems in society and how to fix that educational problem.


The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters –




Hence, the Hierarchy Problem involves this intellectual bias of hypnotized scientists that are caught in the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology conflict ....as is taking place on MASS communications facilities as television and newspapers.

In more precise terms ....the atomic MASS communications via the HUMAN interface (that may incorrectly modify the original atomic message) that is broadcast on television or published in newspapers.

Consequently, we have the news reports of the SCIENCE WAR casualties....such as the atomic English language battle at Virginia TECH university...caused by the atomic English language and its misuse by the university system. Mr.Cho was just an atomic human puppet of the string theory physics communications conflict.

Do any brave graduate students exist that can think out of the box.....and try to understand the atomic English language concepts by George Orwell(book 1984). Specifically, we see the atomic English language book message OCEANIA .....and its transformation into a physical battle in the OCEAN classroom at Cole Hall, NIL, DeKalb, Illinois. Thus the example of a modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology battle .....an atomic theater performance with human atomic actors.

We must have the philosophical perspective as expressed around year 1600 by the atomic English language department within the atomic brain of William Shakespeare,

..................... "The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

In modern times,"The WORLD is an atomic stage and we are the symbolic processing layers".

Thus we look at the atomic English language word...the secret Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness understanding of

M-theory .......and the atomic human brain symbolic computer and its social behavior expressions VIA human vehicles....who may have to express an atomic message in a violent manner; hence the atomic Murder social engineering feedback message equation.


Alpha Decay of a Uranium-238 nucleus

Alphabet Decay  caused by  brain thought ERRORS about  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology ...... atomic social policy.



Murder --> M + ur + rd + er -->

atoM --> M

uranium --> ur

atomic human research/development --> rd

er --> errors

giving......MURDER expanded atomic message:

atoM uranium 238 research/development errors ....

in the context of Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology ..social policies.


Uranium 235 and 238 model



Uranium 238 ...with its symbolic existence in the brain....LINKs to the

...... 23 chromosome pairs...and thus has a major influence of the social expressions of a human with chromosomes. 

Atomic compound SALT (sodium Chloride = NaCl...with element Na as the symbolic representative of periodic atomic table ...atomic social science policies).

Thus Na with atomic weight 23 also LINKS to the Chromosome number 23.......thus the Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows, mouth SALT TREATY (Summit Treaty) is a treaty with the bio-physics family dinner table SALT and PEPPER Shakers.

Thus Na with atomic weight 23 also LINKS to the Chromosome number 23…


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What else is new in the world of university schemes and tricks?


Take the symbol life of DNA and how university marketing/advertising uses atomic English word commands to control billions of puppet string theory people..including string theory physics professors and their graduate students .....who are Carroll Lewis human guinea-pigs.


Thus the atomic English language words used by


........DNA ..MES --> social engineering MESSAGES implanted into the atomic SYMBOL MACHINE brain...without proper analysis on the CAUSE --> EFFECT relationship on the Margaret Mead atomic human brain projects of NATURE.