Norway projects: Viking, Thor, and North Star

Post date: Feb 21, 2020 2:19:25 AM

RD-blog-651 by Herb Zinser


and its astrophysics EARTH LAB project

mission identifiers:

Viking, Thor, and the North Star

A study of undercover math agents and their cryptic message. What is your secret bio-math life and your geo-math ROAD MAP of life?


Herb Zinser's review of the multi-dimensions of human life and their symbolic messages

...with the Margaret Mead nuclear family .....the STANDARD MODEL with Mr.Z

........atomic English Language communications STANDARD



We have the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab)

and Norway --> Nor + way.



Norway --> Nor + way.

Norway --> Nor + way.

Norway --> Nor + way.


Meet the Milky Way Galaxy

information systems

Polaris, the     North Star

- Sky & Telescope › astronomy-resources › stargazing-basics

Apr 19, 2018 - The North Star is therefore a dependable constant in a sky that is always in motion; no other astronomical object maintains the same apparent ...


Polaris - Wikipedia › wiki › Polaris

Polaris designated α Ursae Minoris commonly the North Star or Pole Star, is the brightest star in ... The two smaller companions are Polaris B, a 1.39 M ☉ F3 main-sequence star orbiting at a distance of 2400 astronomical units (AU), and …

main-sequence star orbiting

main-sequence star orbiting

main-sequence star orbit → 

EM-field optical LINK at night-time to the

EARTH daily orbit on its axis 

(and yearly orbit around the sun) …

main-sequence star orbit →

light data stream to EARTH orbit →

to main-sequence BOTANY tree ….

to main-sequence light detector …

The main GIANT sequoia tree …..

Giant Redwood …..

Giant read/see …  data streams are seen by

Cellulose wood tree molecules 

and pine cones

→ evolution to human eye cones ….

Thus Nature’s systems

…... Botany government human


President  Wood year 1914

…………  Two Chief WORLD systems

per Milky Way Galaxy  …….

EARTH LAB book year 1632

By Galileo

…. Two Chief World Systems



main-sequence star orbit →

light data stream to EARTH orbit →

to main-sequence BOTANY tree ….

to main-sequence light detector …

The main GIANT sequoia tree …..

and Giant Sequoia  →G + i + ant →

 Galaxy interface  (molecular)

anthropology WORLD  Sequoia ……

Giant Sequoia for California ... › maps

Great places to see some of California's most magnificent trees, from the blog post with details for each at


General Sherman and

President WOOD and

Supreme Court Justice Douglas (fir spruce tree)

And the Douglas Fir spruce tree

Fis + s + t → First Lady 

And the farm soybean Bush 

President BUSH …...


(Nature’s military symbol ….

botany military tree)

in Giant Forest, CA (Google Maps) › map › general-sherman › view › google

General Sherman (Google Maps). General Sherman is a giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) located in the Sequoia National Park. The tree is among...


We have the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab)

and Norway --> Nor + way.



Norway --> Nor + way.

Norway --> Nor + way.

Norway --> Nor + way.




Nor --> North Star sky frame of reference with the

Nor --> North Pole magnetic data field

Way --> Milky Way Universe agent country of Nor.Way

........Milk ....agent.. dairy state of Wisconsin, Little Norway

Little Norway <--super-symmetry galactic agents--> Norway

Thus Norway and their neighboring countries were expected to lead the WAY. The agents of the NORTH STAR (symbolic life) were to provide social engineering vector leadership under the proper noun project labels: Viking and Thor.

--> Viking --> V i k --> Vectors i,j,k engineering integers (like x,y,z in high school algebra or physics graphs).



Social engineering vectors that are EARTH LAB parallel processing to mechanical engineering.

--> THOR with astrophysics    TH.e.OR.y    logarithms   life format agent:     Kip S. THORne from   mathematical-physics logarithmic land location Logan, Utah.


logarithmic land location Logan, Utah.

logarithmic land location Logan, Utah.

logarithmic land location Logan, Utah.





Thus Sweden, Norway,

Finland (Find land agent near Little Norway, Wisconsin),

Denmark (parallel Dane County, Wisconsin), etc.....had Nature's project parameters on mathematical life and the mathematical dimension of the political sciences.



In addition, we have the G = universal gravitational constant --> Government of Nature and its gravity social engineering thoughts. Gravity interacts with brain atomic mass in the human data gravity thought waves.






Of course,

Nature's Government

-------> G over region n men

is the G = universal gravitational constant for humans with the

gravity constant message to the city of Constantinople.

Of course, those physicists ignore words of Nature's intellect;

as do Norway and the other European countries.




Also, we have the North Pole magnetic data field interaction with the iron Hemoglobin proteins of humans ....but Norwegians and others don't respect that thought concept.






The atomic language uses the 26 proton alphabet letters of ferrous oxide atom and the Iron Hemoglobin proteins as a biochemistry communications string .....but IRON social biochemistry messages are ignored .....and the entertainment industry invents inaccurate, substitute messages. Norway ought respect the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology languages of the iron mines in Norway; but they don't even try to learn.

The GM automotive assembly line factories are really Earth Lab test sites on the GM intersection interaction in bio-physics structures with ironic WORD thoughts ......



G = Gravity and M = Magnetic field interaction

at Janesville With atomic iron metal 

And humans with blood iron languages

and their  TOUCH

(data transfer from human metabolism to metal creating meta-languages of the

atomic iron automobile LIFE form with

HARDWARE  26 protons and their

SOFTWARE 26  atomic English alphabet letters ). 





The theory of gravity field and magnetic field SCIENCE WAR casualties has been discussed on other blogs. The denial of these factors has created a serious problem for various SILENT universities ..... as they fail to cooperate into these Einstein FIELD THEORY war casualties.


Universities in Wisconsin, Texas, Virginia, Illinois all seem to lack curiosity about the deeper meanings of the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology shootings in their Earth Lab geography regions of responsibility. In the Huxley BRAVE NEW WORLD and Orwellian 1984 atomic bio-physics psychology wars played out with television symbolism.....the universities have failed to recognize the serious problems in advertising/marketing and writer language manipulation of input data to the brain symbolic computer.....the data processing control system for behavior, decisions, and action. 


S.I Hayakawa book "Language in Thought and in Action" outlines the situation and the Wisconsin university English departments failed to appear at their Hayakawa trials in Hayward, Wisconsin ...... thus accepting guilt by default.

The English departments never discuss their secret combination of nouns, verbs, adjective WORD commands...the combination known to reporters and writers as the language DEATH SENTENCE.

S.I Hayakawa 

S.I Hayakawa 

S.I Hayakawa → SI units of REALITY and WORDS with ALfred Korzybski ….  semantics 


International System of Units (SIU)

- Simple English Wikipedia, the ... › wiki › International_System_of_Units

The International System of Units is a system of measurement based on 7 base units: the metre (length), kilogram (mass), second (time), ampere (electric current), Kelvin (temperature), mole (quantity), and candela (brightness). ... In these countries, though, SI is commonly used in science and medicine.


SI Units → Upgrade to

English language,  integrity and the WORD of HONOR honor …..

…..  SYMBOL & CONCEPT machine

with semantics,

nouns and proper nouns, and reality explanations

  | NIST › pml › weights-and-measures › metric-si › si-units

The International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system, is the international standard for measurement. The International Treaty of the ...

Length · ‎SI Units - Time · ‎SI Units - Amount of Substance · ‎Mass



Thus Norwegian television and newspapers probably broadcast the DEATH SENTENCE commands for many months...before their mesmerizing effect took place on Anders Behring. The government and universities of Europe know about this process.....enough articles have been published over the last 100 years.

I once assumed my fiends and myself understood basic reality as described in newspapers, magazines, and TV. Then I learned some lessons the hard-way; and things just didn't add up. I was reminded of books:



INVISIBLE Man, Celestial Railroad and I reviewed the respective book Cliff Note explanations of symbolism,etc (or equivalent publisher).




Slowly, I realized that psychological manipulation using words and music has been going on for hundreds of Shakespeare stated: " The Word is a stage and we are the actors". I was an actor ...but I finally woke up.

Astronomer Carl Sagan...via book CONTACT....was also indirectly asking the same message --> is anyone capable of communication about the astronomy component BRAVE NEW WORLD war zone. The death of Italian prime minster candidate Aldo Moro was a supersymmetry physics parallel EVENT reflecting the Aldo(us) Huxley message warning. Italian atomic anthropology, atomic political scientists and European scientists have neglected the the M-theory physics of life of the Maragret Mead nuclear family.

Thus a famous secret list of atomic human tragedy:


M-theory <-- supersymmetry --> Murder-theory Moro, Aldo.


M-theory <-- supersymmetry --> Fort Hood 13th dead letter M


M-theory <-- supersymmetry --> Syria 13 year old M(murdered)


M-theory <-- supersymmetry --> Manhattan project Sept 11, 2001

............................--> odd integers war Sept 13, 2001

Since universities,governments, and citizens refuse to help research the

M-theory tragic message EVENTS of super-symmetry atomic anthropology;

one can only conclude theory are participants in some cover-up or

a distortion of the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious continuum and its output messages.....atomic mass messages via mass communications: newspapers, magazines,etc.

Am I the first human being to realize that the Cole Hall Oceanography classroom shooting was really about George Orwell 1984 and OCEANIA and university approval of propaganda and nonsense. Shooter Steven K. an example of a Shakespearan actor......or in physics terms ...a human puppet of string theory SCIENCE WARS. The shooting took place at location

Nor --> Northern Illinois University and was repeated at

Nor --> Norway and their universities could help explain these things

I am not part of these elite supreme intellectual they ignore any communication messages. But we all known some concepts of physics and our atomic human nature ...and thus atomic behaviour and thoughts.

The American OS = Office of Science FermiLAB agents were informed of the theoretical atomic anthropology questions about the Northern Illnois University, Cole Hall tragedy, but they did not care to study the event. DR.Robley D. Evans physics book " The Atomic Nucleus" helps explain events near the NIL, Evans Field House of FIELD Theory physics, DeKalb,Illinois and atomic brain theory at Northwestern, Evanston, Illinois.

The Norway OS = Office of Science parallel is OSLO. They may wish to reopen these theoretical research issues ....... but apparently there are attitude problems one is concerned about the hidden dimensions ...such as mentioned on the cover of Scientific American Feb 2008 -->

Hidden natural laws? (which includes atomic humans)

Unseen dimensions? (Margaret Mead atomic anthropology)

Two new Particle colliders

...Norberg and Graham are an

example as Milwaukee police participate in physics tests

(shooting bullet atomic particle colliders collide with 2 Milwaukee policemen near S. 2nd Street)



 The Milwaukee ... Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social science particle collider DEMO region.




The atomic government has the traditional physics lab project named WIMPS. Now we have Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology bio-physics WIMPS ..... with lots of human empirical data to support WIMPS theory. Modern atomic anthropology Earth Lab WIMPS research is given by the WIMPS equation.

WIMPS --> WI + MPS --> Wisconsin Milwaukee Public Schools

So, if Milwaukee children are useful experimental specimens then assumably in the world of SCIENCE experiments .... Norway atomic bio-physics children are equally eligible.

What else is new? Let's look at old historical data.

The intellectual chicken experiment was identified by Russell and Whitehead in year 1910. Principia Mathematica mentioned the featherless bipeds experiment......which still continues in the modern world with major universities eligible for 1st prize at a farm county fair ....especially, when symbolism and other manipulations of Madison Avenue advertising and Hollywood movies are included in the George Orwell Animal farm ...County Fair

Lewis Carroll around year 1865 in the story 'Who Stole the Tarts' writes about guinea-pigs and the symbolic reference to human social experiments.

Quote "Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court..."

The Future Farmers of America

Guinea-pig killed and the cover-up by the 

Community, FFA, the University of Wisconsin

and State government








Thus today we see the university officers and science officials suppressing RD into these serious atomic anthropology matters. Had the Northern Illinois University tragedy been understood ...

then maybe, the Norway tragedy would not have happened Norway is a supersymmetry physics parallel ...a symbolic twin to stem word

Nor --> Northern Illinois oceanography Salt Treaty Shooting


Nor --> Norberg being shot in Milwaukee Science Wars


Nor --> Norway Labor(atory) part(y) ...Theater of anthropology WAR


 Nor --> Norway Laboratory  party

 Nor --> Norway Laboratory  party

 Nor --> Norway Labor ……… part legs 



Pregnancy ...9 months fetus life ….

then LABOR money making system …

Advanced word tricks

…. technology

………………  gynecology and the

word manipulation  of the

sub-conscious mind……….





If the atomic/astrophysics continuum had received accurate information from the American OS regarding the

Nor, DeKalb, American OS ...parallel may not have occured

Norway, OSl0, Europe OS ...a parallel Office of Science

American soldiers are fighting the anthropology war in the BABY region known as Babylon, Iraq.

Also the atomic English language.....

Fer = FermiLAB Ferrous oxide atomic life messages

Fer = Fertility Clinic war symbolic Fertile Crescent

Fer = Fertilizer MESSAGE bombing in Oklahoma City


The United States community ERRORS and inaccurate explanations 

about world sperm Fertility and Pregnancy ERRORS

resulted in

Nature’s systems

(represented by Thomas Robert Malthus) battles


Iraq, Syria, and Israel ….Fertile Crescent

AND the Fertilizer bombs in Oklahoma city and elsewhere









inFERENCE ... empirical atomic logic thoughts of ferrous/iron atom




Thus the 4-wheeled

…  atomic Fe= ferrous oxide/ iron METAL automobile ..

The 1960 Ford galaxy → 2 spellings

The 1960 Ford galaxie 


The Ford Galaxie is a full-sized car that was built in the United States by Ford for model years 1959 through to 1974. The name was used for the top models in Ford's full-size range from 1958 until 1961, in a marketing attempt to appeal to the excitement surrounding the Space Race.



Nature’s  LiFe (ferrous iron atom 26 proton alphabet) 

….. Life oxygen breathing  ….. Thus


the Ford Galaxy  (galaxie) motor vehicle …..

breathing  oxygen atomic mass 16

with Base16 hexadecimal  atomic SOFTWARE


carburetor (automobile version of lungs)

Thus the atomic iron …. FORD  ...Galaxy  with

Oxygen Base 16 HEX’FO’  =240 …..

Thus the atomic iron container


human bio-computers /human information carriers

inside the automobile ….

… impart information/ transfer data  to the

metal  container walls /metal door panels  (the EARTH magnetic field flow lines can carry data fields)

  Thus the  iron metal  automobile …..

Oxygen Base 16 HEX’FO’  =240 …..


Base 16 Code name ….. 

FORD → FO → Information FLOW ….

……………………………………………. Low Values --> 00 ……………………………………….      High Values ..> 255 


Low Values --> 00    decimal -- hex’oo 

High Values ..> 255 decimal → hex’FF” → OFFicial 


Thus the

OFFicial  code word equation …

O  FF → Oxygen atomic base 16

FF = High-values and the ethics TEST 

Of oxygen and iron atomic laws….


Margaret Mead ….. Atomic social sciences ….

Family and community social  engineering LAWS and LIMITS a s



Perhaps, the Norwegian iron mines and their humans will try to get away from their dinner parties, nightclubs, and go to universitry physics library and increase their self-awareness.


Port of Amsterdam |


platform for current information ... › ...

Platform with information and services to ensure a smooth and safe visit to the port of Amsterdam. Aankomst nieuwe sluisdeur ...

Contact · ‎Arrivals and departures · ‎Webcam · ‎Port of Amsterdam International





Port of Amsterdam - Wikipedia › wiki › Port_of_Amsterdam

The port of Amsterdam (Dutch: Haven van Amsterdam) is a seaport in Amsterdam in

North Holland,


It is the 4th busiest port (data port)

in Europe by metric …


It is the 4th bus

It is the 4th bus

It is the 4th bus

Annual revenue‎: ‎€133.0 million (2011)

Country‎: ‎Netherlands


implies     other worlds of expression  …..


OE → Order Entry  code words

OE (ther)  → the UK (algebra set theory and the distributive law of  algebra symbols)


..words ….. (Other + Ether) factor out ther

………….ther (O + E ) ..

abbreviated Ther (OE) ... ask WHY

abbreviated Ther (OE) … ask   y?

abbreviated Ther (OE) y    …….letters

Parallel math word….. Theory  


Thus word ...letter permutations 




Thorye ---> Book Catcher in the Rye

Thor ...Viking brain software does

Thorough job …

versus modern Norway bull-shit newspapers

and television /radio news crap 






Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Employees‎: ‎60,000 (2015)

History · ‎Geography · ‎Business operations · ‎International cooperation


Port of Amsterdam | The platform for current information ... › ...

Platform with information and services to ensure a smooth and safe visit to the port of Amsterdam. Aankomst nieuwe sluisdeur ...

Contact · ‎Arrivals and departures · ‎Webcam · ‎Port of Amsterdam International



Port of Amsterdam  …. red-light district |

The platform for current information 


The pussy platform for current information

…………..system platform  

…………..system platform  

…………..system platform  



Mother Earth  sex life 

Port of Amsterdam - Wikipedia

Port of Amsterdam - Wikipedia



Port of Amsterdam - Wikipedia › wiki › Port_of_Amsterdam

The port of Amsterdam (Dutch: Haven van Amsterdam) is a seaport in Amsterdam in North Holland, Netherlands. It is the 4th busiest port in Europe by metric ...

Annual revenue‎: ‎€133.0 million (2011)

Country‎: ‎Netherlands

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Employees‎: ‎60,000 (2015)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Red and white vessel  code


Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Blood vessel arrivals ……  

All three cell types form in the bone marrow, which is the soft tissue inside your bones.

Red blood cells transport oxygen to your body's organs and tissues.

White blood cells help your body fight infections. Platelets help your blood to clot.


Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Mr.Male penis …. Hard as an iron ship

Male /mail   blood vessel arrivals‎: ‎

8,567 sea ships (2014)






Employees‎: ‎60,000 (2015)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Red and white vessel  code






Employees‎: ‎60,000 (2015)

Em (electro-magnetic field THOUGHT photons)

‎: ‎60,000

→ c = 186000 the traveling

PHOTON LIFE  city of nouns, verbs, concepts

within the  velocity of light 


Information Vessel (optical book) arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea 


Medical doctor writes Sherlock Holmes

books  to allow

INTERNAL Red Blood Cells to READ

EXTERNAL  descriptions of  reality. language,  and human perceptions and thoughts ..

under code name of Fiction / real reality stories that 

probably  happened with other people in LONDON



Internal RED blood cells BECOME  educated RED blood cells … code RED /READ blood cells  ..thus the

Books of

EXTERNAL events and crimes


INTERNALIZED in the blood circulation system

With an internal civilization ..

thus Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

are molecular THOUGHT subroutines

in my blood stream  …….

enhancing my conscious mind to be more

analytical and perceptive





Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)

Vessel arrivals‎: ‎8,567 sea ships (2014)


Iron-56 - Wikipedia › wiki › Iron-56

Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV binding energy per nucleon, iron-56 is one of the most tightly bound nuclei.

Neutrons‎: ‎30

Spin‎: ‎0+

Natural abundance‎: ‎91.754%

Names‎: ‎iron-56, Fe-56, Iron-56


Red and white vessel  code ..iron-56 atomic metal 

Red and white vessel  code

Red and white vessel  code


Red    and white Blood  vessel


……..... Human … a THINKING Ship


Iron-56 (56Fe → Earth Federal government ..the ancient Hittites to the Mesabi Iron ore to Andrew Carnegie LINKING to book cover 56 and  year 1956

Iron Curtain in Hungary Europe

Information Vessel (optical book) 

Knowledge arrivals‎: ‎

8,567 sea → Great Seal


Iron-56 (56Fe → Earth Federal government ..the ancient Hittites to the Mesabi Iron ore to Andrew Carnegie LINKING 

Dunfermline  SCotland

Du…… HinDu SC = Sub-continent

Du … Dutch .. hinDU teacher

Du → Dupage County /Chicago area to

Duluth. Minnesota ….. Mesabi iron range 

Duluth trading bag muder of Karen Simek 

In Milwaukee …

ee --earth electron regions and

ee → e =  2.718 euler number region


 key to solving homicide case

key to solving homicide case

key to solving   omic ide

key to solving   omic ide

key to solving   omic ide

key to solving atomic  idea

the fatal shooting of Karen ...

during a robbery in the neighborhood

near 12th and National around 5:40 …

near 12th and

near 12th and

near 12th and  ..

carbon-12 atomic mass battle at 12th and National 

near 12th and

near 12th and

near 12th and  …….

..ear…  → earth land .. atomic soil



DULUTH tote bag

DULUTH tote bag

DULUTH tote bag

-------------->  bag → ba + ag → base agriculture

DULUTH tote bag

DULUTH tote bag

DU    LUTH → Hindu Holy Cow alliance with

Holstein milk dairy cow …..

protein THOUGHT molecules



Bethesda Lutheran Home and the

Lutheran region for violations of the

Lu = Logical unit education project  for

feeble  minded farm workers

at the Bethesda Holstein milk dairy farm

at Watertown Wisconsin › article › tote-bag-could-help-solve-murder-mystery

Feb 7, 2017 - A tote bag could help police find who shot and killed a longtime employee of a south side food service company, officials said. Authorities believe Karen Simek was carrying a bag from Duluth Trading Company when she was attacked last Tuesday during a robbery near South 12th and ...


Photo: Milwaukee police need your help to identify suspect ... › 2017/02/17 › photo-milwaukee-police-need-your-hel...

Feb 17, 2017 - Simek was shot and killed during a robbery in the neighborhood near ... need your help to identify suspect wanted in fatal shooting of Karen Simek ... women's canvas travel or tote bag made by Duluth Trading Company with a …

could be key

could be key → bee key ---> honey bee key 

Of Watertown Wisconsin  year 1910 .. 1935

G B Lewis beekeeping supplies ….

…………………………  …..

COMPUTER EARTH  ee (electrical engineering)

equivalent  BLOG ping



Co …. be key → code base key 

To Lake Okeechobee Florida …

………………….echo communications systems › earthquake

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

key to solving homicide case .. Karen Simek

key to solving homicide case..  Jake Gerard

key to solving   omic ide

key to solving   omic ide

key to solving   omic ide

key to solving atomic  idea .. EARTH

……………………. at

……………………  at

Earth  atomic atlas battle in Milwaukee

At Atlas Bus Sales building on

South 16th Street ….

S          16 → COMPUTER EARTH systems 

And the base 16 hexadecimal battles 

…… computer base 16 dance BS



Apr 17, 2015 · Apr 21, 2008 – Jake Gerard worked two jobs to pay his way through school and had … This blog takes a closer look at murder in the city. … But Gerard, 20, was shot to death early Saturday outside a recording studio in the 2800 block of S. 16th St. … Police said the party occurred in space rented from Atlas Bus Sales.


Thus we have the Solar System system view of various EARTH systems, structural levels, existential governments

(such as the music sound wave ….... EAR people government,

 the Botany cellulose molecule and their  cotton clothing industry government, coffin financial systems. etc)





Codes ..  event database   ..translatted

studio in the 2800 block of S. 16th St. … Police said the party occurred in space rented from Atlas Bus Sales.

Studio ..   earth atmosphere levels

Studio ..   i/o → input /output

Studio ..  io → Ionosphere F,E.D layers LINK 



 EM-radio waves carrying data …..

to the human brain stem /temple 

To earth geography surface  FED government

Human EM receiver …       alias name … employees 


the 2800 block 

the 2800 block 

the 2800 block  → nitrogen molecule 28 and

The human nose /lung as …

as real  estate property ...a money  system


space rented from Atlas

Earth geography ATLAs  …… partitioned 

Into space/time  sections ….. And bought and sold

as real estate property



Red and white vessel  code → human 

Mathematics BIO-MATH ……


Norway | Latest Mining News | Finland, Sweden, Norway | Minefocus‎

... company's role [...] Read More · <h1>Norway port set to boom with iron ore</h1> ... Norway is a country with bountiful resources and strong mining credentials. The country's expansive ... Far more interested in northern Europe