The Time Insects war in the  EARTH  time dimesion

Post date: Feb 19, 2020 11:4:38 PM

RD-blog 404 by Herb Zinser

The Astrophysics ( EARTH LAB)

Space/ Time war

--> Time flies --> the Time insects war

in the EARTH time dimension

EARTH LAB parallel processing region 






and the 

earthly TIME Flies (insects) problem. 



The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) is an interesting planet. Secret languages and obvious mysteries ....a symbolic circus that describes many events...has attracted my attention. Why the obvious omissions? Why the incomplete explanations on many situations?

That is why books with titles:

The Invisible MAN, The TIME Machine, etc.....are trying to say.....some indirect,hidden process exists.....that can become visible with a lot of thought and research. Physics labs successfully use this process to study atoms and their attributes.



Nature’s social engineering and brain engineering SOFTWARE programs …..…..

molecular  bio-computer subroutine programs  and DATABASEs

travel over hundreds of years  …..

Using the EARTH atomic land, atomic stones buildings and castles, animal and human bio-computer DATABASE carriers 


….. Thus the social administrative systems

and road engineering systems of  Julius Caesar

And the Roman Empire …

Automatically travel forward

in the linear TIME continuum 


and the periodic  atomic table HOST PLATFORM


Thus the year 1967 to year 2020 (today) ……

the EARTH government systems and

human subset administrative systems  …….

state and federal  governments,

Food systems, automobile manufacturing systems,

electricity systems,

schools and churchs,

Cities and their water systems. 

Human families, etc ….


Are all extensions and  expressions of Nature’s 

Building block components …..

The periodic atomic table for EARTH atomic clay bricks to

build atomic brick apartment  buildings

that are used to collect data from human information carriers

using Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND process,

algebra polynomial equations and their roots for the Alex haley math book on African geography land math ROOTS

and the Time Roots of the City of

TimBuktu, Africa

That LINK codes …..…

Ti + Af


Ti → Tibet Asia

TIme area  ….

region Base 16 Hex’AF’ = 175 → Afghanistan TIME battles




Above code → ISAF → Information Systems base 16 

Single code letters Hex’A’ = 10 → Algeria Algebra

Single code letters Hex’F’ = 15 → French in Algeria


Double  code letters Hex’AF’ = 175

AF = Africa geography continent and the

AF = Afterlife people …,..


the ancient atomic underground DATABASE

Known as

“The Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD’

Or in the modern Zion language of the

Human brain dead of

Benjamin Netanyahu as the Israel 

Mind Netherworld  leader / spokesperson 





Atmosphere oxygen and nitrogen for human lungs, etc


EARTH government with Sartre existentialism …

the existence of physics objects, words and languages,

Fast food chains,

Polish-American Zbigniew Brzezinski

with President Jimmy Carter

of Plains Georgia ….

explains ……..

the new expression phase of the


TIME MACHINE (alphabets / brand names)



Supreme Court Justice Burger location …..

Time Machine announces 


The Big Mac is a hamburger sold by

international fast food restaurant chain McDonald's.

It was introduced in the

Greater Pittsburgh area …..

Greater Pi → surface area of Time (T exponent 2)

, United States, in 1967 …….


The round shaped beef protein hamburger

uses properties of the math world …..

of pi = 3.14159

…. thus McDonald’s   is OWNED by

the algebra /plane geometry WORLD  ……


as is ….  all the

real  state property in the city of Pi = Pittsburg 




Time Machine and the BIG MAC

Protein thought Machine(PM)

software announces …..


Protein data streams of thought

that surface VIA

human action figures and

Human activities and

fast food chains as 

Nature’s SYSTEM 

..message and information display 





BIG MACHINE politics 

Of  Eisenhower math speech ….

military industrial-complex

Z = a + bi ...and

Z….america ...Fbi  codes →

Code Z  big macros




→ ZBIG Niew 


……………… earth 



Thus we see the living language system 

 SIGNS and EXPRESSIONs on display 

(Nature’s social systems ….

message display  format)

in our everyday life activities. 






Lets look at something that affects our LIFE SPAN...our biological clock.

The English language has a phrase....familiar to many.....and its common usage is described as:

-->Phrase time flies (when you're having fun)

Fig. time passes very quickly. (From the Latin tempus fugit.) I didn't really think it was so late when the party ended. Doesn't time fly? Time simply flew while the old friends exchanged news.

See also: flies, time

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.





--> Time flies. also How time flies!

something that you say which means that time passes very quickly, often so quickly that you are surprised I can't believe your son is at university already. How time flies! I never seem to manage to finish my work. The time just flies.

See also: flies, time

Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.





--> time flies (spoken)

a certain period has passed surprisingly quickly I can't believe your daughter is old enough to be in college already! How time flies!

Etymology: based on the saying time flies when you are having fun

See also: flies, time

Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.






Okay, we understand the above....and how the words are used in daily activites.

The question we have.....since we live in a multi-facted dimension ..on EARTH LAB...are their additional understandings of the words: Time Flies

The Spanish artist Salvador Dali has the 1931 painting titled: The Persistence of Memory.

In the painting he has a watch...with fruit flies/insects/ants (considered equivalent types of art messenger bugs) crawling on the surface of the watch.


Below  we see the EARTH geography space/time configuration regions of South Africa and Africa .....geo-time ....TIME CONTINENTS with time insects of the Southern Hemisphere.


Thus Salvador Dali and his blood arteries / body 

as a

EARTH LAB  human sensor device ….

a bio-electron bio-math-physics  SENSOR

..thus his interception of

gravity field data,

earth rotation data,

magnetic field data,

garden vegetable equation (vector get table) 

…… his bio-computer SPANISH LANGUAGE body 

Thoughts  that TIME folded 90 degrees (RIGHT angle)

Algebra and plane geometry languages  …..


This perpendicular TIME

(90 degrees right angle geometry)



At 90 degrees Fahrenheit temperature

in Central Africa by the


assembler Equate instruction

at the        Equator 


That as

TIME flowed from the South Africa area

….atomic EARTH land and stone,

sandstone, geological layers of rock 

geological layers of rock 

geological layers of rock 

geological layers of roc k --> thinK

.....logic layers of roc (region of Convergence ) of K (Karl Zinser) and his potassium K-channel GEO-POLITICAL thoughts)

per Zbigniew Brzezinski ............................zins K interface

Zinser, Karl interpretations of world affairs and events

That as

TIME flowed from the South Africa area

….atomic EARTH land and stone,

sandstone, geological layers of rock 



(Dr.David Livingstone in year 1871 …

I Presume ….

IP  address of his resume/ profile

LINK to the Zambesi River …

Z atomic mass …

IBM System Z access methods 

at the OS/JCL Faraday Farm ... ..........Oscar Witt .... next farmer of Faraday earth electrons --> Karl Henry ZinSER -- > SER

Social system engineer


And BES (Bose-Einstein Statistics) 

Go to the virtual /parallel data streams

Zambezi River  →

…………z interface at the Rock River


….. Zinser (Karl) and the OSCAR Witt farm

IBM system 370 OS/JCL 


IBM system Z 2 versions

(Copper wire electrons) 


human bio-electron THOUGHT circuits




That as

TIME flowed from the South Africa area


Time Folded 90 degrees Geometry at

…………………  90 degrees F Temperature


Then continued NORTHWARD

thru Timbuktu (Time buffers  K of Y2K)


Northward to

Morocco City math city

of Fez  and Algeria

……………… Alge

……………… Algebra  

And the math city

F(ez) --> Function (ez)








Thus we repeat the concepts ….. 

 Below  we see the EARTH geography space/time configuration regions of South Africa and Africa .....geo-time ....TIME CONTINENTS with time insects of the Southern Hemisphere.


Thus Salvador Dali and his blood arteries / body 

as a

EARTH LAB  human sensor device ….

a bio-electron bio-math-physics  SENSOR

..thus his interception of

gravity field data,

earth rotation data,

magnetic field data,

garden vegetable equation (vector get table) 

…… his bio-computer SPANISH LANGUAGE body 

Thoughts  that TIME folded 90 degrees (RIGHT angle)

Algebra and plane geometry languages  …..


This perpendicular TIME

(90 degrees right angle geometry)



At 90 degrees Fahrenheit temperature

in Central Africa by the


assembler Equate instruction

at the        Equator 


Thus Salvador Dali as EARTH bio-sensor device  ….

His version → space time manifolds 

and contact structures - RIMS, Kyoto ...


by KL DUGGAL - ‎1990 - ‎Cited by 108 - ‎Related articles

has been wldely used in mathematlcal physics. For example, in thermodynamics [3], a contact manifold is named as thermodynamicphase space (TPS) with ...

The Manifold Model for Spacetime - NASA/ADS

by M Heller - ‎1981 - ‎Cited by 9 - ‎Related articles

In Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

the dualism of physics and geometry was ... The manifold as a “background model” for EARTHLY space-time constitutes the …

EARTHLY space-time constitutes the ..

EARTHLY space-time constitutes the ..

EARTHLY space-time

city of  Time Buffers → Timbuktu,   Africa ..

The Manifold Model for Spacetime

The Manifold Model for Spacetime

The Man  fold Model for

EARTH land Space  time

TIME INSECTS… that would eat/damage the fabric of space/time on Earth … the Africa battle fields .


The Man  fold Model for

EARTH land Space (rwanada)  time

2-legged human man FOLDS dead

Below  we see the EARTH geography space/time configuration regions of South Africa and Africa .....geo-time ....TIME CONTINENTS with time insects of the Southern Hemisphere.




1943 Drosphilia egg SIGNAL for humans --> Salvador Dali

Salvador, seriously - Impressions Aug 13, 2008 ... Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man (1943). Salvador Dali's eccentricities cast a shadow over his genius as an artist in ... by Dali in which a fully grown naked man is struggling to break out of an egg







Additional SIGNALS from NATURE:

The Metamorphosis - Wikipedia, The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella by Franz Kafka, ... Gregor Samsa wakes up to find that he has been transformed into a giant insect. ...


 Human Metabolism, Energy, Nutrients | Learn Science at Scitable

by AT Da Poian - 2010 - Cited by 1 - Related articles

Living organisms require a constant flux of  (SYMBOL/ math and science INTELECTUAL  energy)    energy to maintain order in a universe that tends toward maximum disorder. Humans extract this energy from three ...




The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. It is often cited as one of the seminal works of short fiction of the 20th century and is widely studied in colleges and universities across the western world. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed into a monstrous insect. Elias Canetti described it as 'One of the few great and perfect works of poetic imagination written during this century'.

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka ... His family, however, cannot believe that the bug is Gregor and shoves him back ...



Now, in year 2011 we understand the message in the context of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer ...and the brain COBOL computer language programming BUG.....a symbolic brain problem for billions of humans. Specifically, every human computer programmer knows

the brain bio-computer CODE: the BUG is Gregor --> Gregor = General registers O orders.



Corporations and universities refuse to FIX this Base 16 HEX BUG...hence, the Virginia TECH April 16 cortex computer ....COBOL ENGLISH computer language shooting.


 The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka ... His family, however, cannot believe that the bug is Gregor 


 The Metamorphosis 

 The Metamorphosis 

 The Metamorphosis  of Boston Marathon 26 mile race in Year 2013 ……

existential code Franz ……. F + ran + Z

Base 16 curse /Hex’F’ = 15 ……  April 15, 2013 hex/curse on Boston human  insect people that brag

over their BEDROOM  pregnancy money making systems 

Ran 26 miles to attack the

Fe = ferrous oxide/iron atom 26 protons and their atomic English alphabet 26 letters used by the

human body /brain bio-computer  ….

Female pussy muscle CODES

and their approved attack using sports ..

Athletics varsity LETTER ( alphabet letter in

Protein muscles that are bio-programmed VIA

..rote /repeated muscle exercises

of football and basketball

players during practice  ….


P  layers

Processing layers inside

 the humans body  … 

As sports,

music ear people,

blood arteries arts and crafts,


Stomach /food people

Attack the

Central Nervous System 370

Abstract SYMBOL processor &

Pabst Farms ..Holsteins & Horses

...abstract  algebra bio-computer

RD site  by


Base 16 hexdecimal Highway 16


O =oxygen atom 16 region of

O = Oconomowoc Wisconsin 


Thus the deliberate destruction 

Of Nature’s huge

multi-billion dollar

major RD site …….


Pabst Farms

..abstract  algebra using 4-legged

molecular bio-computer

Holstein milk dairy cows

With 2 ears …..


Thus the

Chenequa Wisconsin

……..equation of math power

and the math murder COVER-UP

of Harry Quadracci …...


Base 4 legs ….. Exponent 2 = 16



Base 16 common

communications continuum with

Oxygen 16 and the

Galapagos Islands/ Peru data carrier molecule C02 from the

EARTH systems   …

Integrated  circuit PIN …..  

PINocchio nose of Pier Oddone at FermiLAB physics …...

The base 16 hexadecimal  data pipeline

… Sartre existential connection 

Base 2 human legs  ….

exponent 4 (forehead and four-head code) = 16…..


Route the Highway 16 data to

Pipersville and county road E

Watertown and Alice Ehrkey …

Agent MI (MIND) Bank in

Watertown and Milwaukee --

Double ee region 

(earth electrons


MSOE electrical engineering) 



Pabst Farms (Faraday, Michael)

..abstract  algebra 

Okauchee 2020: Best of Okauchee, WI Tourism - Tripadvisor › Tourism-g60159-Okauchee_Wisconsin-Vacat...

Okauchee Tourism: Tripadvisor has 540 reviews of Okauchee Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Okauchee resource.

Best of Okauchee → double ee

Best of Okauchee electron land ..atomic soil

Best of Okauchee

Best of Okauchee

Best of Okauchee

Best Buy electron circuits IMPLANTED

into your human brain








Thus we ponder. WHAT IF?

What if this has to be researched....what if his subliminal mind had some CLUE/ a hunch about the existence of TIME INSECTS...that would eat/damage the fabric of space/time on Earth. I believe he did...and some of the other BLOGS discuss other aspects of TIME, our biological clock, H.G.Wells , book 1984, etc.

Since their seems to be a CODE of SILENCE about this no one wants to help clarify the issue...suggests their thoughts have been eaten by TIME INSECTS.....inside their brain.





Take Cambridge University and other schools that have astrophysics specialists ......


a complete lack of concern about the potentially serious problem of

human penis → is --> information systems

…..TIME Flies ……

molecular cotton DENIM blue jean  pants

with zipper/ fly (slang word for zipper).






The TIME book 

The TIME book 

The TIME book 

The TIME book




1984 + Base 16 hexadecimal computer years = Year 2OOO.

Thus we see how 16 HEX/curse years FLY by....and then the curse of VIRGINIA TECH time technology battle of April 16,2007 with

the Mr. CHO time equation --> C + Ho = Clock Hour.







Thus George Orwell really wrote a TIME computer manual.....about Y2K biological clock brain computer issue......a message ignored by the Pentagon and their computer scientists.







Thus we have the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer...with many cortex computer programs inside your skull.


programs inside your skull.

programs inside your skull.

programs inside your skull.




Thus we have clues:

Time Flies --> Time insects

Time Flies --> Time computer program bugs



The book: Lord of Flies and an island (a university campus is like an island...thus possible symbolic warning of the book)



--> Ebenezer Scrooge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ....At the beginning of the novel, Scrooge is a cold-hearted, tight-fisted and ... Scrooge's catchphrase, "Bah, humbug!" is often used to express disgust with ...

In modern terms of the HUMAN brain symbolic computer with programming a new understanding of Hum.Bug.

The original story was an attempt by Nature to explain a brain design problem ..and consequently crime and war. In year 2011 with the vast amount of knowledge available at a college library.. we could explain Nature's probable message. Thus we have view of the deeper meanings of FORT HOOD with the:

--> modern Ebenezer Scrooge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ....At the beginning of the novel ....the Novel = Nov + el = November elements ...the FORT HOOD shooting novel --> the novel = the biochemistry textbook WAR with the Darwinian military selection of biochemistry MAJOR Hasan and the brain biochemistry battle of "Bah, humbug!" is often used to express disgust with ........with Fort Hood Soldier READ Center failure to carry college textbooks in math, genetics, biochemistry, physics.



Doctor Who

The adventures of a Time Lord—a time travelling, humanoid alien known as the Doctor


Thus welcome to the TIME WAR....and DR.WHO and the math  TIME LORDS   Hawking and Thorne.


As Dr.WHO travels thru TIME in the symbol world of  concepts/ equations/ flowcharts/ ideas/ knowledge .......  and travels thru the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness levels  ..... or the Jame Joyce optical information data streams of consciousness  .... that are part of our minds ... we can outline what is happening.



Notable work(s)

Doctor Who (1970–1974)

Jon Pertwee

Pertwee as the Third Doctor


John Devon Roland Pertwee

7 July 1919

Chelsea, London, England


DR.WHO television/paperback books is a multi-faceted message.

1st is the obvious fiction of PHYSICAL travel with his TARDIS telephone booth etc. That may or may not exist ...yet. In the science of hard physics....concepts take time to evolve rockets were written about years before their physical existence in 1930's...and thereafter.



The  TARDIS  flies  (in the thought world)

used for the BRAIN time flies  ……

bull-shit opinions  that fly around

in your  perfect MIND …  arrogant sub-conscious MIND

that lacks self-education the symbolic world of thoughts in the the optical nerve/brain, subliminal mind messages, body languages, etc.....the proper noun DR.WHO is very active.



3rd..WHO = WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ..thus on Computer Earth system 370 and the parallel processing possibilities ....our DR.WHO ..the TIME LORD involved in the WORLD space/time dimensions...with SPACE/TIME HEALTH problems of Earth Lab....that need to be understood better.



 The math  TIME LORDS and the  earthly TIME Flies (insects) problem.