Entry page

After logging in, the main application page will appear. At the top of the screen, there is the menu bar; below are the active and archived schedule lists. At the bottom is a quick reference sheet for creating your first schedule.

When you log in for the first time, the active and archived lists are both empty, since no schedules have yet been entered. If you are using a free account, “Free user” will be displayed in the top right corner of the page.

From the moment that you save your very first schedule onward, a table titled Active Schedules, will automatically display on the Homepage every time you open the WoShi application. The table will contain all the schedules that you will be actively using at any given moment.

When you decide to create a new schedule entirely from scratch, you will click on the "New Schedule" button. But in the vast majority of cases, you will probably prefer to select one of the previous versions as a template. (This will most often be the currently running month.) You will copy this template version, save it under a new name, and then tweak what is necessary. (For instance, you will adapt the script that you used for March, to the script for the coming month of April.)

Menu bar

The menu bar contains:

    • Home – schedule overview

    • New schedule – create a new schedule and set its constraints and requirements

    • Master data

    • Employees – manage the list of employees

    • Shifts – manage the list of shifts

    • Skills (optional) – manage skills, most commonly by way of posts (see...), but sometimes also by way of worker's skill sets and priorities (see...)

    • Worker's Skills (optional) - Connect the skills to your workers/employees. (Don't forget orders of priority in cases where an employee may assume one of multiple roles, e.g. you have an engineer whom you allow to step in for an absent technician if required.)

    • Criteria

      • Settings – general schedule settings

    • Utilities

      • Exports

      • Monthly data

      • Workers info

      • Send iCalendar

    • Help

    • WoShi – menu for user settings

In this section, the list of active schedules is displayed - That is those that have their status set to active, and can therefore be edited(by you) and calculated(by WoShi) -.

The columns of the active schedules list are as follows:

    1. From - the starting date of the schedule

    2. To - the last day on the schedule

    3. Name - the name of the schedule. Clicking on the pen icon next to the name, enables you to change the name of the schedule.

    4. Last edited - the date on which the schedule was last modified

    5. Last started - The date on which the schedule was last ran

    6. Options

      1. Start - start calculating

      2. Show Gantt - Display the current state of the schedule in the form of a Gantt diagram.

      3. View - Display the current state of the schedule in table form.

      4. Edit - Edit current schedule constraints and requirements.

      5. Drop-down menu with further options.

      6. Box to select the schedule for archive.

6.e. Drop-down menu contains the following additional commands:

  1. Discard all progress so far and calculate schedule from scratch.

  2. Make a copy of schedule.

  3. Lock/unlock

  4. Reset to default

  5. Manually - manual mode

  6. View Form

  7. Criterias for calculation

In this section, you may select the time period for which you wish to view the archived schedules. The columns have the same meaning as the ones in the active schedules list, the difference is in the options column.

    1. Activate script - Set the schedule as active, sending it to the active schedules list.

    2. Gantt diagram - Display the current state of the schedule in the form of a Gantt diagram.

    3. View - Display the current state of the schedule in table form.

    4. Choose:

      1. Copy

      2. View Form

    5. Select - Select schedule for deleting - Permanently delete the schedule (It will no longer be recoverable).

If a schedule is archived, you cannot initiate calculations (In order to perform any calculations, you have to activate the schedule).

Important notice:

We strongly recommend, that you do not reactivate older archived schedules. They are intended to serve as records of previous scheduling solutions, and you might wish to return to them at some point in the future.