Expresión escrita C1


According to latest research “Living with a sensible, balanced amount of free time promotes well-being not only directly, but also by helping to alleviate some of the negative side effects associated with living in our consumer-orientated society. The researchers suggested that having too much time on your hands could decrease happiness, too.” https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/21/spare-time happiness_n_1024308.html

Write an essay stating your opinion and explaining how a balanced choice of one’s free time can contribute to a physically and psychologically healthier life.

Write your essay in 250-300 words.

JUNE 2018

An area in the centre of your town is to be redeveloped. The Town Council has published the following suggestions and asked for proposals from residents. You decide to write a proposal addressed to the Town Council in which you discuss the advantages of each suggestion and justify your choice of one of them.


    • a leisure centre, which will not only update the existing sports facilities, but also include new cinemas and restaurants

    • a hotel and conference centre designed to attract visitors and increase opportunities for employment locally

    • a supermarket with a multi-storey car park and some new homes for local people

Write your proposal in 250-300 words.


A newspaper is looking for readers that want to share their opinion on different topics. You decide to write an opinion essay on the following quotation: “It's really uncommon to see preteens playing outside on bikes, kicking a football around, playing hide-and-seek or just spending a knockout afternoon in a park. Obviously, being techy is paramount these days, but an excessive use of the ICTs is having a negative effect on our preteens' health, fitness and social skills”.

Write your essay in 250-300 words.

JUNE 2017

A famous webpage is looking at TV programmes around the world. You decide to write a review about low-quality television in your country (gossip programmes, reality shows, etc.) In your review, explain what happens in these programmes and discuss whether it provides positive role models for teenagers.

Write your review in 250 – 300 words.


The New York Times. The Opinion Pages. Room for Debate.

Write an opinion article in response to the following debate topic: “Education should be free to everyone, at every level, including university”. Give arguments to support your opinion (250-300 words).


Over the last decades, tourism has become one of the leading economic sectors in the world. Do you consider it is worth the investment and the environmental damage it causes? What are the pros and cons? Write an essay for The Essay Magazine (225‐300 words).

JUNE 2015

Tim Waterstone, founder of UK bookstore chain Waterstones, said, «The eBook is a declining fad, and traditional printed paper books are not only as strong as ever, but are here to stay.» Write an opinion essay for a local magazine about Tim Waterstone’s statement (225-300 words).


Do wealthy people get off easily when they break the law? Does our legal system treat all people equally? Write an opinion essay for a school assignment giving your view on the issue (300 words).